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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Guest ruiagnelo

i am eating a couple of peanuts and one of them, already peeled, fell into the depths of the huge pile with peels of those already eaten. i don't know what to do!


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hmm, this problem is proper balls, actually, but anyway. working until 22:30 tonight, will get back 23:30, then 16 total hour split shift (opposite sides of town), starting at (05:30 bus) 07:00 (wed) and ending 02:00 (thurs), i'll get home around 03:00... then 05:30 bus again to next shift. so i won't be able to sleep. all this after a period of barely any work, so i'm not in the mindset for it. need to actually try to get a normal job.

Edited by tauboo
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Even though my job pays ok, I am looking for a new one because my boss is incompetent. It's like watching a 3 legged stray cat struggle to get into your dumpster for some garbage or something. It is depressing and infuriating all at once.

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Woke up at 6am and couldn't get back to sleep (while living in a reasonably nice neighborhood). This is the second time in the last three days that I've had around 5 hours sleep, which I guess is still pretty good, but i still think it's bullshit. I was always able to fall back to sleep when I needed it back in the day. Then this year rolled around and that ability vanished. I think it signifies the end of my youth or something.

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I bought an air conditioner without realizing there's a difference between window units (which is what I got) and in-wall units (which is what I should have purchased).


I can now either resort to a really awful/shoddy a/c installation, or

1. call best buy, ask if i can exchange opened merchandise, and carry it back from brooklyn to the city, or

2. sell it for a stupidly reduced rate on craigslist.


bought a two-year warranty on it too. -_-

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Guest disparaissant

i got this weird craving for hummus and so i whipped up a batch and ate it all and wow that was too much hummus

(or humous or hummous or houmus)

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that's insane. godspeed, taubs.

cheers. adrenaline took over and it was alright, even took another evening shift after all that. also, not a problem, my employer seems to be adding the £££ that should be tax, rather than deducting it

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Even though my job pays ok, I am looking for a new one because my boss is incompetent. It's like watching a 3 legged stray cat struggle to get into your dumpster for some garbage or something. It is depressing and infuriating all at once.


fort mcmurray man, there must be more jobs that pay ok :)

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Even though my job pays ok, I am looking for a new one because my boss is incompetent. It's like watching a 3 legged stray cat struggle to get into your dumpster for some garbage or something. It is depressing and infuriating all at once.


fort mcmurray man, there must be more jobs that pay ok :)


yeah for sure! applied at a few big evil oil companies. Shell and BP. :emotawesomepm9:

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I generally don't like Wes Anderson movies, but they seem to be ubiquitously liked by friends, acquaintances, and most young adult white people; after far too many socially awkward attempts I've given up trying to explain why I don't care for them. So now I just pretend to like Wes Anderson movies.

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Parents are sending me to Greece this summer to see family when I should be spending more time working to pay off tuition to register for classes next semester.

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Going through another period of depression...seems I go through cyclic periods of depression and alcohol abuse for about 8 months and then I have this crazy change of heart, try and be really healthy, etc, but then it happens again, usually to the timing of another death in the family or something. That being said I don't ever feel depressed about any particular thing? confused



Even though it's been cyclical for the last 5 years and I can see it coming it seems to happen anyway and no matter how hard I try I can't stop it, can't break the cycle.

Feels better to just embrace it, suck back the bottle and let 'drunk' wash over me like some opioid receptor-activating wave of pleasure liquid.



probably not a 1st world problem though =/

Edited by StephenG
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The phone that I ordered on eBay was shown as dispatched on Wednesday. Today I get an email with a load of BS about his kid in the hospital and their storage place being robbed. He refunded me but because it all cam straight from my bank Paypal want to 'review' the situation before I get my own money back. WTF?!?! I've been using Paypal for the last 10 years.


Now I still have no phone, no numbers and no money to buy a new phone.


I don't want to use credit to get one but it looks like I'll have to.

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Since i was a kid I've almost never gotten nervous about performing music in front of an audience, but my cousin's getting me to play two instrumental acoustic songs for her wedding and I'm nervous weeks in advance. Probably something to do with the fact that it's two songs I'd never ordinarily play in a style I'd never ordinarily play. I'm worried it's going to suck.

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I'm about to walk into a new life (new job - new city) and I'm scared, theoretically at least something should turn for the better, but how far down is down, I think to myself, I'm leaving everything but the first thing I would like to leave is me.

Edited by schlucharski
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Guest futuregirlfriend

mse won't let me restore a keygen so i can use it. didn't even ask, just quarantined it. gercha.

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Never heard of 'fig newton' so researched it.


Fuck yeah, those things are too precious to let go. Fuck him up like he stamped on your last Rolo.

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Guest uptown devil

not too mention i froze them, which totally brings them to the next level. i think he's been drinking my chocolate milk as well.. always hawkin' on my goods. fortunately he's getting evicted by our landlord at the end of the month, i can't fuckin wait.

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