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Guest KY

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Need advice: friend threw up blood last night after much imbibing. Isn't feeling too good today. How to proceed?


Look for a healthier friend.

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Need advice: friend threw up blood last night after much imbibing. Isn't feeling too good today. How to proceed?


Collect the blood and use it for witchcraft to summon powerful demons to do your bidding.

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Guest uptown devil

Need advice: friend threw up blood last night after much imbibing. Isn't feeling too good today. How to proceed?


ask xxx.

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Need advice: friend threw up blood last night after much imbibing. Isn't feeling too good today. How to proceed?


ask xxx.


also, hospital

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Need advice: friend threw up blood last night after much imbibing. Isn't feeling too good today. How to proceed?


ask xxx.


also, hospital

is that really necessary though? in a foreign country which kind of sucks and we don't want to bother...

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throwing up blood is usually not good



what kind of blood throw up are we talking? A little bright red in the mix, or dark, thick stuff?


edit: it probably doesn't even matter because he should see a doctor

Edited by baph
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I don't think that hospital is in order. The person drank too much and upset something, maybe split something in the violent way they vomited or caused a passing ulcer. This has happened to everybody once (well except some that may have lived especially sheltered lives). The reason why they are not feeling good, well that is called a hangover !! By the sounds of it, they might be in for two days of recuperation.


Of course, if it continues beyond that, do seek medical attention.

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Guest disparaissant

i wish this bastard would start seeding this leak of ariel pink's new album already jesus christ it's been 15 minutes

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I had an ulcer a couple years back and was throwing up blood either the morning after drink or a while after anything with major acid levels (fruit and fruit juice mostly). IIRC if there isn't a huge amount of blood it's is fairly common when you are constantly puking. Something to do with tearing something inside.


Anyhow, I used to throw up blood a couple of times a week but is was never a huge amount. If this person's getting pains which last half a day, where puking makes it worse, it could be an ulcer or just Oesphagitus (burnt throat valve).

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I'm afraid that if I walk to the hospital, by the time I get there I'll look like Uta Pippig crossing the finish line in the 1996 Boston Marathon.

Edited by baph
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Uta Pippig crossing the finish line in the 1996 Boston Marathon:




so.. how did that go... like after the race? Did she do an interview right away or towel off or what? =/

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I just had some reheated coffee from yesterday, and it wasn't that good.


I was gonna do that, but decided against it. There was a slight oily film on top. Beginnings of something mouldy me thoughts.


(decaf everybody twas decaf)

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I just had some reheated coffee from yesterday, and it wasn't that good.


I was gonna do that, but decided against it. There was a slight oily film on top. Beginnings of something mouldy me thoughts.


(decaf everybody twas decaf)

Reheating day-old decaf sounds like the most pointless thing in the entire universe

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