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I ate too many wine gums.


I LOVE wine gums! The sour ones are even better. :D




oh man, the steak tartar will make it worse.


Beets are the best thing to unclog. Explosive bowel movement from beets.

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got up at 5 today (Sunday), moved everything out of my third storey apartment with a friend down a spiral staircase which included a fridge and two couches and moved everything into my sisters place in a foreign suburb and then went to work. now its midnight and she is asleep and I have a blinding headache and my two cats (well mine and my exs, she will be taking one of them soon) are holed up in her laundry behaving strangely and hissing at each other which is a little upsetting (I love these two critters)

tomorrow I have to get up and visit my old apartment to give back a cat carrier and clean and then go to work and on Tuesday I have to clean again and then catch up with friends

and all I want to do is smoke a joint and sleep but she's funny about that so I'll have to try and sleep on the natch which I am embarrassingly bad at.

ah well

I just want a day to get settled in but it looks like I won't be able to for a while.

also: moving costs a lot of money

anyway things will be good, I think this headache and overtiredness is just throwing me

and missing my (ex) girl

at least I know she misses me too

Edited by od++
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I ate too many wine gums.


I LOVE wine gums! The sour ones are even better. :D




oh man, the steak tartar will make it worse.


Beets are the best thing to unclog. Explosive bowel movement from beets.


i had a bunch of shitty g+ts later and i've shit nothing but liquid since morning

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I ate too many wine gums.


I LOVE wine gums! The sour ones are even better. :D




oh man, the steak tartar will make it worse.


Beets are the best thing to unclog. Explosive bowel movement from beets.


i had a bunch of shitty g+ts later and i've shit nothing but liquid since morning


lol ass piss

Edited by StephenG
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This may get long but I have to vent...


Girlfriend's family is in town and crashing on air matresses in our apartment his weekend, I don't feel I've had much of a weekend because we've been playing host all weekend when I haven't been busy. Friday I was down at school almost all day, by the time I got home her parent's and brother and sister showed up. They're very smalltown-ish (from the middle of nowhere in SD) so they like to get up and start the day early. On Saturday, I had to wake up and drive out an hour out of town and go out to brunch with the gang before coming back and working til 10. By the the time I got home everyone was tired and ready to go to bed, so I kinda sat in bed having a couple beers before saying "fuck this... im going to bed too". Today I had to go with them to Ikea (fuck that store) and the Mall of America (which really isn't as cool when you've grown up around it). Now we're at home and they're playing cards and having drinks at the card table table setup in the middle of our living room area. All I wanna do is put some music on, relax and watch some goddamned football or play my PS3 in my big recliner, but we gotta play host... Her parents aren't so bad but her siblings annoy the hell out of me... especially her teenage sister.

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This may get long but I have to vent...


Girlfriend's family is in town and crashing on air matresses in our apartment his weekend, I don't feel I've had much of a weekend because we've been playing host all weekend when I haven't been busy. Friday I was down at school almost all day, by the time I got home her parent's and brother and sister showed up. They're very smalltown-ish (from the middle of nowhere in SD) so they like to get up and start the day early. On Saturday, I had to wake up and drive out an hour out of town and go out to brunch with the gang before coming back and working til 10. By the the time I got home everyone was tired and ready to go to bed, so I kinda sat in bed having a couple beers before saying "fuck this... im going to bed too". Today I had to go with them to Ikea (fuck that store) and the Mall of America (which really isn't as cool when you've grown up around it). Now we're at home and they're playing cards and having drinks at the card table table setup in the middle of our living room area. All I wanna do is put some music on, relax and watch some goddamned football or play my PS3 in my big recliner, but we gotta play host... Her parents aren't so bad but her siblings annoy the hell out of me... especially her teenage sister.


lol man, i feel you... i hate having people over to stay (apart from my mates when they've crashed out on the sofa etc). so far managed to avoid having my girlfriend's parents to stay but do have her sister every now and again and i hate it...we live in a small 1 bed flat so she has to sleep in the living room meaning i can't stay up late watmming/drinking beer/smoking on my own like i usually do. weekends are so important to me too - really need those couple of days off and if people are staying over if feels like you don't have them and you go back to work on monday thoroughly annoyed. i'm such a miserable bastard.

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Exactly man... That little bit of time on the weekends where I can just fuck off and do nothing is SO important to me... we have a small 1BR as well, so unless I hide away in the bedroom (which there isn't much to do in) I'm stuck around everyone. I'm probably gonna be grumpy as fuck tomorrow. Especially if they wake up to pack and leave before I have to wake up and get ready school (and they will), they're kinda loud in the mornings and I have enough trouble staying asleep as it is. Fuck, I'm gonna be miserable and tired as shit tomorrow and it's already starting.

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Now they opened a bottle of wine... That better be some cheap shit, cause if it's one of the two bottles a friend brought me from Rome, I swear to god...

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My bro has his working place right under my flat, and he is fucking listining to just 1 cd for 2 years already which is some Velvet underground, I immidiatly turn into rage mode when I hear is *ucking laptop sounds thruugh the walls.


I remember back in the days it was all the same 3 cds were enough to listen for about 5 years


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gas mask, smoke bomb,... door chain


and then turn your phone off



I have a key for the flat, maybe I should just steal his CD and replace it with some AFX,

the rephlex bbc radio mix would work for some time... but everything else gets changed after 1 week

* the FUCK!

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