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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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i had a dream about stealing fresh artichokes yesterday


... Seriously? I did too... I needed them for a recipe today that I was making... Last night after some special baked goods I passed out and I had a dream that I was stealing artichokes!


Actually now that I think about it the dream was stealing canned ones. Still weird! :happy:

Edited by StephenG
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i had a dream about stealing fresh artichokes yesterday


... Seriously? I did too... I needed them for a recipe today that I was making... Last night after some special baked goods I passed out and I had a dream that I was stealing artichokes!


Actually now that I think about it the dream was stealing canned ones. Still weird! :happy:

it is pretty fucking weird


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I am stressing out to insane degrees working on this project for work, and will continue having to work through the hurricane on this fucking video. Most stressful job I've had so far in life, fuck :(

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Woke up on Sunday morning after a big night out, blew my nose to see garish teal-coloured snot on the tissue. Took me about 15min to realise that it was because I went to bed without removing my eyeliner (the same shade of teal) and it must have seeped through my sinuses. ZOLE


cross-dressing world problems

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