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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Feeling pretty bummed right now. I worked hard last night studying for this astronomy test, set my alarm to wake up for the test at 9:30. I keep the alarm clock across the room so I have to stand up and turn it off.


When I woke up I looked at the clock and it said 10:38. It took a second to register, and then pure shock.


So now I'm thinking... "this was outside of my control. I didn't 'choose' this, it was purely circumstantial." Because I clearly woke up and turned off the alarm clock without any conscious awareness of what was happening. I've suspected that this was happening for a while. I guess I wake up, without thinking or anything I go turn off the alarm clock, get back in bed, and fall asleep in such a short time frame that I don't remember it in the morning. I didn't remember that I had a test to go to or anything... or maybe it was just straight up sleepwalking.



Anyway, I'm not going to beat myself up about this. It's not exactly my fault. My grade will be a C, if I ace everything from here on out. Massive disappointment but no sense of responsibility for what's happened. In fact, something this obscure must have happened for a "reason." Maybe just to tell me I need a new alarm clock, or to fix my sleep schedule.


why don't you just get on your knees and beg the prof? suck zir's dick?


lol i've got a client that has to run my proposals passed a fucking feng shui guru.




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He's gotta shit somewhere.


Sorry dude.


FWP: My bank decided with no warning to change my routing number!! So a company who's been trying to pay me for a month just wasted $300 on money transfers, and now I'm worried my rent check is going to bounce. Asshats.

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I puked in my cat's litter box.





If he's not going to use it, I am.


that'll teach him. Now you've got him!




He did shit in his box the very next morning.



Feeling pretty bummed right now. I worked hard last night studying for this astronomy test, set my alarm to wake up for the test at 9:30. I keep the alarm clock across the room so I have to stand up and turn it off.


When I woke up I looked at the clock and it said 10:38. It took a second to register, and then pure shock.


This happened to me the morning of my second shift at my first ever job. I suspected my alarm clock just failed to go off, but iI probably just hit it off in my sleep. That was my shortest lived job ever, but I did get to see O Brother Where Art Thou for free before I had even worked a shift (movie theatre).


Little Wing is only 2:27 long


I had this same problem last week.

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I've eaten too much candy. Now I'll have to wait at least 45 minutes until I'll be hungry enough to tantalize my tastebuds once again with a hefty meaty frozen pizza. Just enough time for another episode of x files then. Which I'll probaby have to wait bloody 20secs for while it starts streaming. Gosh. Hrumph.

Edited by AJW
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i don't get how i can meet a polish girl called marte and a brazilian girl called marte and they look the same (good) apart from arse/tit proportions being polar opposite but they have boyfriends and i'm lonely


i need to meet a girl called marte from like iceland or finland


i can't even take a small amount of weed

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i'm feeling too relaxed from drinking alcohol and stuff which has made me concerned that i might not wake up at the time i need to tomorrow, which is 5 am :/

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what you do taubs, is you invite the Marte of your choice out to drinks with her bf, then as her bf is ordering his drink you slap it out of his hand and kick it across the room in such a confident and manly way as to immediately win Marte's harte.


porblem sloved (dubs)

i haven't seen that lithuanian girl or been able to make contact since the kick'n chick'n incident


she was going to san fransisco tho

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RIght. That's it. More times than I care to remember now I've had to endure the unpleasant surprise that is a post-shower-sudden-stink-to-the-face scenario whilst drying myself off.


First thing tomorrow I'm gettin me a Face/Arse shower towel (you know, the white/brown ones)

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RIght. That's it. More times than I care to remember now I've had to endure the unpleasant surprise that is a post-shower-sudden-stink-to-the-face scenario whilst drying myself off.


First thing tomorrow I'm gettin me a Face/Arse shower towel (you know, the white/brown ones)


Maybe you should clean your anus more thoroughly. Insert a soapy digit up to the first joint and rub it around a bit, then maneuver the shower-head/water stream to your asshole and SPRAY that scent AWAY!

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Don't want to go see Skyfall, but friends want me to see skyfall.



Edited by ZiggomaticV17
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