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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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"COOING" IS THE MOST ANNOYING WORD EVER and my fucking friend won't stop posting how her cats are "cooing" wtffffffff is up with that word? so fucking annoying

Cats don't coo... Pigeons coo while shitting on the homeless, doves coo, but cats?

yeah I know right, she's retarded probably

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Bought some new earphones for the gym on Saturday. My last ones went in one ear and my Senheisers won't stay in my ear when running and sweaty. I had some cheap over-ear Philips ones a while ago which lasted a good while so I got some Philips:



They cost me £30 and say all over them they are sweat proof and you clean them with water. Apart from the fact the fuckers wouldn't stay in my ears, after 3 days use at the gym the right ear has gone. I'm used to having Sennheisers but WTF?? 3 days??? And now I can't find my receipt. Fuck bags. And I'm off to the gym in the morning. I can't listen to fat people wheezing :cry:

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my girlfriend doesn't want to listen to exai with me


I think we're dating the same girlfriend. Maybe she bilocates or something.


"Hey, I'm going to listen to Exai now! Want to listen, want to want to?"

"Fuck off, Lost Girl is on. Something is WRONG with Kenzi."



edit: I hope we are not actually dating the same person who bilocates because that would obviously be pretty weird

Edited by baph
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Guest disparaissant


my girlfriend doesn't want to listen to exai with me


I think we're dating the same girlfriend. Maybe she bilocates or something.


"Hey, I'm going to listen to Exai now! Want to listen, want to want to?"

"Fuck off, Lost Girl is on. Something is WRONG with Kenzi."



edit: I hope we are not actually dating the same person who bilocates because that would obviously be pretty weird

maybe we are! she does love lost girl...


I would probably rather watch Lost Girl than listen to an album with someone.

i mean like, she doesn't want it on if we're in the same room. which is tough as i live in a two-room apartment.

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I can definitely empathize with the whole partner-not-wanting-to-listen-to-music-with-you thing. That's like my favorite thing to do, period, but she, like Squee, hates listening to music with other people. I mean, listening alone is great, maybe even preferable, but it's nice to have that option of appreciating it with someone else. The thing is, she likes Autechre, Aphex etc., she doesn't doesn't want to listen to them with other people.


I still have yet to hear Exai. When's the CD due out? I'd check the Exai thread but I'm afraid to open it again.

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Guest Aserinsky

I had a couple drinks last night and had 5 seizures so far today.


goddamn AWS


Hang in there man. AWS is tough shit, my dad was a violent alcoholic who was reluctant to admit he had a problem and change his ways (which eventually killed him) so props are most certainly due for you trying to sober up!

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I had a couple drinks last night and had 5 seizures so far today.


goddamn AWS


Hang in there man. AWS is tough shit, my dad was a violent alcoholic who was reluctant to admit he had a problem and change his ways (which eventually killed him) so props are most certainly due for you trying to sober up!


I'm sorry to hear that man...... I'm not violent or destructive when I drink, and I definitely don't drink habitually anymore. I was alcohol dependent for quite a few years, but it's a choice now and I only drink maybe once a week or every two weeks. But the strange thing is, sometimes I can go out and have a few drinks and have no problems, and other times like today I will have seizures, cold sweats, lose a bunch of weight, etc.




It's messed up.

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Guest Aserinsky



I had a couple drinks last night and had 5 seizures so far today.


goddamn AWS


Hang in there man. AWS is tough shit, my dad was a violent alcoholic who was reluctant to admit he had a problem and change his ways (which eventually killed him) so props are most certainly due for you trying to sober up!


I'm sorry to hear that man...... I'm not violent or destructive when I drink, and I definitely don't drink habitually anymore. I was alcohol dependent for quite a few years, but it's a choice now and I only drink maybe once a week or every two weeks. But the strange thing is, sometimes I can go out and have a few drinks and have no problems, and other times like today I will have seizures, cold sweats, lose a bunch of weight, etc.




It's messed up.

Have you though about getting yourself checked out for an underlying case of epilepsy? My aunt is alcohol dependent (ironically enough alcohol dependency runs in both families, lol) and gets all the negative side effects of AWS, however this doesn't usually happen to her if she tries to sober up and has only after a few drinks. One of my old school friends however is epileptic and gets this if he drinks, yet he's one of the most sensible drinkers I know. Might be worth booking an appointment with your local doctor.

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You're right... I'm scared to see a doctor though because they will take my license if they suspect I have epilepsy.... I don't feel I am a danger to anyone at this point. I have simple partial seizures. IE I still have full motor control when they happen. It's just like a weird combination of confusion, deja vu, and all my senses firing at once (I hear sounds and music, smell smells, etc)


But I probably should... :sad:

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Guest Frankie5fingers

go to the doctor Stephen. it may just be small seizures but it only takes a single jolt to throw yourself into the oncoming lane. and if you do have epilepsy youll never know when you have a full blown seizure. id rather have no license then be found dead because i was afraid to go to the doctor.

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go to the doctor Stephen. it may just be small seizures but it only takes a single jolt to throw yourself into the oncoming lane. and if you do have epilepsy youll never know when you have a full blown seizure. id rather have no license then be found dead because i was afraid to go to the doctor.

or kill someone

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go to the doctor Stephen. it may just be small seizures but it only takes a single jolt to throw yourself into the oncoming lane. and if you do have epilepsy youll never know when you have a full blown seizure. id rather have no license then be found dead because i was afraid to go to the doctor.

or kill someone



Yeah, fuck that. Go get checked out, don't be a selfish jerk. By driving around and having a condition that might make you seizure up you are risking not only yourself but others.
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go to the doctor Stephen. it may just be small seizures but it only takes a single jolt to throw yourself into the oncoming lane. and if you do have epilepsy youll never know when you have a full blown seizure. id rather have no license then be found dead because i was afraid to go to the doctor.

or kill someone


Yeah, fuck that. Go get checked out, don't be a selfish jerk. By driving around and having a condition that might make you seizure up you are risking not only yourself but others.


99% sure it's just AWS, meaning it's semi predictable when I'm going to have issues. I've seen a doctor before (years ago) and they gave me some ativan and valium for when I'm having issues (which I still have and use when necessary), but they never sent me to a specialist to formally diagnose me.


It only happens after I drink heavily for a day or two. So the solution is: I don't drink. At least, I don't drink on days where I might have to drive the next day.

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The Harlem Shake meme, is really starting to get on my nerves.


Gangnam Style all over again.




I really liked that track until it ended up as a meme. Now it's more known as "that meme" than "a fucking cool trap tune".

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go to the doctor Stephen. it may just be small seizures but it only takes a single jolt to throw yourself into the oncoming lane. and if you do have epilepsy youll never know when you have a full blown seizure. id rather have no license then be found dead because i was afraid to go to the doctor.

This, one of my high school friends died in his sleep having a seizure. Get that shit checked out man.



The Harlem Shake meme, is really starting to get on my nerves.


Gangnam Style all over again.



I really liked that track until it ended up as a meme. Now it's more known as "that meme" than "a fucking cool trap tune".



Same. I loved that freestyle Despot did it for that interview. Now it's just the next stupid internet thing. How did that start, anyway?
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@sweepstakes: All you stupid internet people heard about it? :emotawesomepm9:


*googles harlem shake to further the madness*


yeah that was terrible. i'll take moving like bernie any day

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I would probably rather watch Lost Girl than listen to an album with someone.

i mean like, she doesn't want it on if we're in the same room. which is tough as i live in a two-room apartment.

Also, I wouldn't want to listen to Exai

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I can definitely empathize with the whole partner-not-wanting-to-listen-to-music-with-you thing. That's like my favorite thing to do, period, but she, like Squee, hates listening to music with other people. I mean, listening alone is great, maybe even preferable, but it's nice to have that option of appreciating it with someone else. The thing is, she likes Autechre, Aphex etc., she doesn't doesn't want to listen to them with other people.

i must say, i find that pretty fucking weird
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