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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I guess for her music is more of a personal thing. She also can't read with another person in the room.


FWP: my first noise show is tomorrow and my set time will conflict with my now regular nap time. I wonder if I should pick up some caffeine pills...

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I guess for her music is more of a personal thing. She also can't read with another person in the room.


FWP: my first noise show is tomorrow and my set time will conflict with my now regular nap time. I wonder if I should pick up some caffeine pills...


Yes! mix caffeine and ephedrine and baby aspirin. It's like a low grade speed. It will keep you up.




(lol half joking...)

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Guest Frankie5fingers




go to the doctor Stephen. it may just be small seizures but it only takes a single jolt to throw yourself into the oncoming lane. and if you do have epilepsy youll never know when you have a full blown seizure. id rather have no license then be found dead because i was afraid to go to the doctor.

or kill someone


Yeah, fuck that. Go get checked out, don't be a selfish jerk. By driving around and having a condition that might make you seizure up you are risking not only yourself but others.


99% sure it's just AWS, meaning it's semi predictable when I'm going to have issues. I've seen a doctor before (years ago) and they gave me some ativan and valium for when I'm having issues (which I still have and use when necessary), but they never sent me to a specialist to formally diagnose me.


It only happens after I drink heavily for a day or two. So the solution is: I don't drink. At least, I don't drink on days where I might have to drive the next day.

probably, but it never hurts to still get it checked out. and if it is AWS then you probably need to stop drinking all together, these seizures can potentially get worse every time you drink heavily, its called Kindling.

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My father's drinking has snowballed into a problem.

Are you being serious?

If yes, then I know how you feel. That's some fucking tough shit to deal with. Let me know if you need to talk to someone who has gone through the same thing

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My father's drinking has snowballed into a problem.

Are you being serious?

If yes, then I know how you feel. That's some fucking tough shit to deal with. Let me know if you need to talk to someone who has gone through the same thing


Yes when I post dark stuff in here I'm almost always serious. (Only when I say stuff like "FWP: my left arm just turned into a midget" am I joking)


He calls me every other night and tells me the same things over and over again. He'll tell me a factoid 4 times in a row, just reworded different.


Now, normally I'm down with peoples' chemical vices. But he's prone to depression to begin with and then on top of drinking he takes xanax to cope with his stressful life. It's starting to (appear to) be a problem.


Of course, I might be overly-sensitive cause he's my father...



Anyway, thanks for lending an ear Squee. Much appreciated. :wink:





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I don't think you're being overly sensitive, especially since he takes xanax. This is a very dangerous combination. Parental drinking is a hard topic to confront especially with the parent in question.


One of my parents (my step mother) has a drinking problem I've known about for years but I've still never directly confronted her. I don't know how...


I hope everything goes in a good direction for you though...

Edited by StephenG
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I don't think you're being overly sensitive, especially since he takes xanax. This is a very dangerous combination. Parental drinking is a hard topic to confront especially with the parent in question.


One of my parents (my step mother) has a drinking problem I've known about for years but I've still never directly confronted her. I don't know how...


I hope everything goes in a good direction for you though...




Yeah, I don't think in a million years I could do anything to change it since if I brought up my concern he'd laugh it off and (like most everything else with him) nothing would change.

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That makes it particularly tough for you by the sounds of it. When you have a real concern but it seems like it would be shrugged off. I think this is why I've never confronted my similar issue, I don't feel it would go anywhere.


I wish I could say something that helps. But I guess at the very least, I feel ya...

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I wish I could say something that helps. But I guess at the very least, I feel ya...


Thanks mate. I'm fine, it's just one of those things where you wish you could help the people around you but you can't.





actual FWP: I'm having trouble getting a satisfactory bassline for a tune. I've been making music with great ease for weeks and now I'm stuck.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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Tired of being broke all the friggin' time, even though I'm employed.

Gonna try and sell my .22-calibre rifle this weekend. Would like to sell my laptop as well. I bought it in 2009 though, and isn't really designed to run high-end games at optimal performance. Plus a couple of keys are missing because a certain dog unwittingly popped them off.

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