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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Yeah, the Xanax was prescribed mainly for short-term sleep problems more than anything, although I've had about four significant (ie, feels like a fucking heart attack with skyrocketing blood pressure when my bp is usually mostly normal) panic attacks in the last month (I've only had maybe one attack in my life before all this).



I think the doc wants me to get a few nights of 8hr sleep for the first time ever. I don't have a long-term, renewable prescription, although there's 24 pills in the bottle.



I've been doing some yoga, eating better, laying off caffeine and booze, trying to do some jogging, etc., but tbqh I still feel like my life is goddamn fucked beyond repair.



He also knows I hate taking meds and I put up a fight when he told me to take simple fucking naproxen for some severe pain/inflammation a few months back.



I doubt I'll take this shit for more than a few days if I can help it.



Slept pretty well last night though.




There are lots of natural ways to induce sleepiness and relieve anxiety.



Yeah, I've tried stuff like valerian extract, herbal teas, melatonin, omega 3s/krill oil, the aforementioned diet and exercise and yoga. That stuff usually works but it sort of isn't at the moment.


Maybe I'm just doing the wrong thing. Maybe I just need a disgusting burger and huge beer after a few weeks of kefir and salads, lol



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ive ended up with a sack of 50 valium i didnt want, i just keep munching them now and again because they're delicious. i need to bin them really.

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ive ended up with a sack of 50 valium i didnt want, i just keep munching them now and again because they're delicious. i need to bin them really.


please send them to me in the post....



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im already banned from america, i might avoid posting semi-legal pharmecuticals through the postal system tbh. il just pull a 51st state the next time im djing and throw them into the crowd.

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Yeah, the Xanax was prescribed mainly for short-term sleep problems more than anything, although I've had about four significant (ie, feels like a fucking heart attack with skyrocketing blood pressure when my bp is usually mostly normal) panic attacks in the last month (I've only had maybe one attack in my life before all this).



I think the doc wants me to get a few nights of 8hr sleep for the first time ever. I don't have a long-term, renewable prescription, although there's 24 pills in the bottle.



I've been doing some yoga, eating better, laying off caffeine and booze, trying to do some jogging, etc., but tbqh I still feel like my life is goddamn fucked beyond repair.



He also knows I hate taking meds and I put up a fight when he told me to take simple fucking naproxen for some severe pain/inflammation a few months back.



I doubt I'll take this shit for more than a few days if I can help it.



Slept pretty well last night though.



There are lots of natural ways to induce sleepiness and relieve anxiety.




Yeah, I've tried stuff like valerian extract, herbal teas, melatonin, omega 3s/krill oil, the aforementioned diet and exercise and yoga. That stuff usually works but it sort of isn't at the moment.


Maybe I'm just doing the wrong thing. Maybe I just need a disgusting burger and huge beer after a few weeks of kefir and salads, lol




Well, when you want to fall asleep you should eat something high in fat like bacon or some meat loaf. You should try drinking bulletproof coffee with grassfed unsalted butter (kerry gold is best) & MCT oil/coconut oil to give your body the adequate amounts of fat that it needs during the day so that you don't go to bed hungry (don't drink it too late in the day if you are sensitive. 2pm is best). Most people think you are supposed to avoid fat, but that isn't true. It is the source of the fat that is necessary to regulate, but fat is really good for you and your body needs it. Also, don't take the normal dosage of melatonin (usually 3 mgs) as you only need to take about 150 micrograms for it to be effective. Taking melatonin too frequently and in too high of a dosage will inhibit your body's own production of it. To produce melatonin your body need 100% darkness as well so make sure that you don't have any light in your bedroom if possible. (blue lights are the worst at disturbing your body's need for darkness so if you have a blue led clock or something throw it away). Don't use your phone or ipad or whatever in bed either.


You can also take L-ornithine(1 pill), Potassium(400mgs), and Magnesium (500 mgs or so) before bed. That is what I take at least. You can also take L-tryptophan which I highly recommend if you are having stress and sleep issues. I take 5HTP because I bought it before I knew about L-tryptophan. Both work, but LT is stronger. There is a possible link between high levels of L-tryptophan in the blood and heart problems so don't take it every night or take it in small doses if it is necessary for you to sleep/relax. It is for the most part safe though.


Oh, yeah, and you can drink 1-2 tblspoons of sea salt/himalayan salt in the morning. It helps your body wake up without exhausting your adrenal system so you have more energy.

Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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Guest isaki

my bike got stolen a couple of years ago, and now I'm really starting to miss it :sad: as opposed to buying a new phone or laptop, I have no idea where to start... and I'm skint anyway so I'll end up only being able to afford a shiter :sad:

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i'm looking for a couch on craigslist and the like.. lots of back and forth, last time ended up the couch's cushions springs were all fucked up. anyways, lots of work, i just want a nice couch at a reasonable price.

do you live on the island or in van? if you live in van i have a couch from my old place you can have for free. its in good condition.

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i'm looking for a couch on craigslist and the like.. lots of back and forth, last time ended up the couch's cushions springs were all fucked up. anyways, lots of work, i just want a nice couch at a reasonable price.

do you live on the island or in van? if you live in van i have a couch from my old place you can have for free. its in good condition.


the island, thanx though

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Guest disparaissant

also that was your 3000th post.


i'm tired but i'm not tired.

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I had a pimple in my ear that was affecting my hearing so i finally just scraped it out so now my ear is full of blood. :sad:

that sounds awesome...

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ive got 5000 posts you noob mofos.

i thought i had more actually? did a load of postcount get wiped? i think im more like 8000.


8000 snippets of my wisdom. you lucky fucks.

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update on the unwanted valium situtation, me and my flatmate kirsty just blasted another 10 and had the most awesome time imaginable.



ive been invited to play a pop club that wants to make itself cool by booking techno, im gonna turn up and play ''disc-tech''



check this shit out.






im gonna make 15 of them and then blow the tits off the place.

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i'm cooking a boneless roast chicken with stuffing and potatoes/veges. Shame you can't come over and share some. A good would roast cheer/sober you up. ;-]

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  • i can't find a decent job for the last 3 months thus completely relying on my mom financially.

i'm gradually losing motivation for studying, even thinking about coming up with a decent idea for thesis feels like a chore

i've a huge crush on a married co-student that fucks up with my cognition and thinking entirely and probably intervenes with aforementioned problems

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i have to adjust my hours back to nights for the next six months of shifts. It's not really a problem though, but i'll be rather tired for the next couple of weeks. heh, doh.

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