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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Guest disparaissant

I've been sitting here typing up a paper for a few hours, and about half an hour ago, my macbook screen went apeshit for a few seconds. Now it looks like there's a crack in it. What the everloving fuck?

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rat problem update: it ate all the poison (a whole tray of poison), it didnt die, this rat is immortal.

Maybe it's a R.O.U.S. Try lacing the poison with thermite and see what heppens

Edited by ambermonk
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Rob almost answered one of my questions twice, but didn't quite follow through with it both times. The question's invalid now because it was regarding what I should listen to on the way to the studio today. *wang deactivated*

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I've been sitting here typing up a paper for a few hours, and about half an hour ago, my macbook screen went apeshit for a few seconds. Now it looks like there's a crack in it. What the everloving fuck?

You've opened a porthole to another dimension. Best untype the whole thing backwards.

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the WA inititiative to require labels on GMO foods just lost. the supporters were ahead with 66% of the popular vote a few months ago. then the corporate sponsored "No on 522" ads came. they spent more money on their anti-labeling campaign than has ever been spent in the history of WA initiatives - 22 million dollars. they ran ad campaigns all over the internet, the tv news spots, the radio, the billboards, etc. they outspent supporters 3x. coca cola, nestle, monsanto, you know the ones. and guess how many individual (citizen) contributions went to the no-on-522 campaign? five. five people, totalling $550. the rest is corporate money. on the yes side, at least $1.5 million was raised by individual citizens.


and they bought the election. the ads weren't even made here, some beverley hills company put it all together and slapped washington farmers' faces on it all. the ads tried to convince people that their grocery bills would rise by at least $450/year per family. because labels...? slap a fucking sticker on it, kraft.


don't tell me you can't buy elections in this country, fuck sakes. if you want more evidence, guess what the 2nd biggest spending campaign in WA was about? a small tax increase on soda prices, to combat the loss of education funding in our state. the corporations won that one too. soda is cheap, and my tuition has doubled in the last two years. :facepalm:

Edited by luke viia
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the WA inititiative to require labels on GMO foods just lost. the supporters were ahead with 66% of the popular vote a few months ago. then the corporate sponsored "No on 522" ads came. they spent more money on their anti-labeling campaign than has ever been spent in the history of WA initiatives - 22 million dollars. they ran ad campaigns all over the internet, the tv news spots, the radio, the billboards, etc. they outspent supporters 3x. coca cola, nestle, monsanto, you know the ones. and guess how many individual (citizen) contributions went to the no-on-522 campaign? five. five people, totalling $550. the rest is corporate money. on the yes side, at least $1.5 million was raised by individual citizens.


and they bought the election. the ads weren't even made here, some beverley hills company put it all together and slapped washington farmers' faces on it all. the ads tried to convince people that their grocery bills would rise by at least $450/year per family. because labels...? slap a fucking sticker on it, kraft.


don't tell me you can't buy elections in this country, fuck sakes. if you want more evidence, guess what the 2nd biggest spending campaign in WA was about? a small tax increase on soda prices, to combat the loss of education funding in our state. the corporations won that one too. soda is cheap, and my tuition has doubled in the last two years. :facepalm:

What a fine democracy plutocracy we live in today. That's no small FWP.


At the very least we as consumers can choose what we consume, and boycott the big evil corps like McD's and Wally World. This could easily stray toward another political debate tho..

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

I'm starting to get fat, and sitting on my arse the past few days (week off work innit), eating cheese, drinking wine and smoking is not helping.


Ermagherd so much cheese


And wine


And cigarettes


And sitting.


I have this problem too. Need to start running again. Ugh

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@amber: thanks for sympathizing, and yeah, i put that issue ITT because i didn't want to open a political can of worms discussion with a new topic. i know where i stand on the issue (already voted, you see) so am not looking for a debate at this point.

2nd daily fwp: found out the job i was hoping to get is no longer available (the company didn't get all the yearly funding they hoped for and canned the position). this day can bite me.


at least the pizza place down the street is having $3 PBR pitchers all day long. that's a fws if i ever heard one. *prepares to get shitty and probably make bad decisions*

Edited by luke viia
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a watmmer started a pointless thread in general banter and linked to my fb page on the first post and it's already kinda funny in retrospect but it still made me miffed initially

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a watmmer started a pointless thread in general banter and linked to my fb page on the first post and it's already kinda funny in retrospect but it still made me miffed initially

are you sure it was your page ? i think it was a link that leads to user's fb profile. someone pulled this in ae thread as well.

though i don't see the topic you have in mind in gb.

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my mom has been working for a married couple, one a pschi one a psychologist, for YEARS. they both agreed suddenly to divorce. now my mom doesn't know what's going on with the business and is told that her hours will be shortened, this really sucks but it's sad also cause i know them as well, garden for them, they probably will even get rid if that house. fuck. my mom at 61 doesn't want to go looking for a new job but we'll see what happens. life eh?

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the WA inititiative to require labels on GMO foods just lost. the supporters were ahead with 66% of the popular vote a few months ago. then the corporate sponsored "No on 522" ads came. they spent more money on their anti-labeling campaign than has ever been spent in the history of WA initiatives - 22 million dollars. they ran ad campaigns all over the internet, the tv news spots, the radio, the billboards, etc. they outspent supporters 3x. coca cola, nestle, monsanto, you know the ones. and guess how many individual (citizen) contributions went to the no-on-522 campaign? five. five people, totalling $550. the rest is corporate money. on the yes side, at least $1.5 million was raised by individual citizens.


and they bought the election. the ads weren't even made here, some beverley hills company put it all together and slapped washington farmers' faces on it all. the ads tried to convince people that their grocery bills would rise by at least $450/year per family. because labels...? slap a fucking sticker on it, kraft.


don't tell me you can't buy elections in this country, fuck sakes. if you want more evidence, guess what the 2nd biggest spending campaign in WA was about? a small tax increase on soda prices, to combat the loss of education funding in our state. the corporations won that one too. soda is cheap, and my tuition has doubled in the last two years. :facepalm:

Been following this a bit the last few weeks (was made aware by seeing friends from Seattle campaigning online).

Fucking ridiculous.

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a watmmer started a pointless thread in general banter and linked to my fb page on the first post and it's already kinda funny in retrospect but it still made me miffed initially

are you sure it was your page ? i think it was a link that leads to user's fb profile. someone pulled this in ae thread as well.

though i don't see the topic you have in mind in gb.



It was deleted, but that makes sense. It probably wasn't mine then. I was at work so I just pm'd Joyrex about it.

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a watmmer started a pointless thread in general banter and linked to my fb page on the first post and it's already kinda funny in retrospect but it still made me miffed initially

are you sure it was your page ? i think it was a link that leads to user's fb profile. someone pulled this in ae thread as well.

though i don't see the topic you have in mind in gb.



It was deleted, but that makes sense. It probably wasn't mine then. I was at work so I just pm'd Joyrex about it.



This happened a few years ago too, with a title something like 'look at this fucking cunt.' I was livid for about three seconds, so job well done, I guess.

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Guest disparaissant

Took my macbook to the apple store, who decided that since the LCD was cracked, it was obviously something I did, and told me it'd be nearly $700 to fix the screen.


Anyone wanna lend me $700?

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Took my macbook to the apple store, who decided that since the LCD was cracked, it was obviously something I did, and told me it'd be nearly $700 to fix the screen.


Anyone wanna lend me $700?

Are you close to any other apple stores? If you are, I'd maybe try again (if you haven't already dropped it off). They used to be really good at accepting stuff like this with sufficient assurances from you that you did nothing wrong, but apparently it's a bit more of a crap shoot now as to whether you pull a policy hardass or not.


Would lend $700 if I had it :(

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Guest disparaissant

I'm thinking about trying my luck at the other one in town, but I don't know. I'm not proud to say that I actually cried a little, and that didn't phase either the tech or the manager of the store, so I really don't know.

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Played both OPN - R Plus Seven and The Stanley Parable for the first time simultaneously, but the latter crashed right after the intro. Also lel.

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i kept waking up all night because my dreams were apparently so hilarious. of course, they weren't actually hilarious, the only ones i can recall:


various shapes of pizzas appeared in front of me with an alien language voice naming the shapes, when it landed on a rectangle shaped one that was slightly shorter than the other rectangle one, the voice did some kind of beautifully harmonious motif


i was watching a polish brass band perform and there was this sustained high pitched note that was adding a nice sustained emotion thing to the piece,but then i realised it was me farting continuously.. AWKWARD


fuck,would have preferred good sleep..not funny enough

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