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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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yeah, I didn't mean secret as in "why didn't they tell me, luke viia, about this?" -- but do you really think this has been "pretty public since the beginning"? maybe i'm just reading the wrong news sites (public citizen, democracy now, techdirt, eff/access now...) but i think you might be somewhat alone in that claim from what i've read. the level of secrecy around the drafting of the tpp has been called "unprecendented" by more than one outlet.


The only publicly available information on the terms of the deal has come from leaks, some of which have alarmed public health experts, environmentalist groups and consumer advocates. According to a document leaked in the summer of 2012, the deal would allow corporations to directly challenge government laws and regulations in international courts.


Members of Congress have been provided with only limited access to the negotiation documents. Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) told HuffPost on Monday that he viewed an edited version of the negotiation texts last week, but that secrecy policies at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative created scheduling difficulties that delayed his access for nearly six weeks. The Obama administration has barred any Congressional staffers from reviewing the full negotiation text and prohibited members of Congress from discussing the specific terms of the text with trade experts and reporters. Staffers on some committees are granted access to portions of the text under their committee's jurisdiction.


"This, more than anything, shows the abuse of the classified information system," Grayson told HuffPost. "They maintain that the text is classified information. And I get clearance because I'm a member of Congress, but now they tell me that they don't want me to talk to anybody about it because if I did, I'd be releasing classified information."




Unelected corporate officials are given access to negotiation documents by virtue of their positions on U.S. Trade Representative advisory panels. Corporate representatives account for about 500 of the "cleared advisors" on those panels, while representatives of organized labor, environmental and other groups account for about 100 others. These cleared advisers are not permitted to discuss provisions with the press or the public.

sorry if i'm giving off the impression that i just "couldn't be bothered" to read about this; admitttedly the only reason this hit my news feed was because I subscribe to a lot of IP law sites, and that's what leaked 2 days ago.


*wishes he had started a TPP thread*


edit: quote source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/18/alan-grayson-trans-pacific-partnership_n_3456167.html

Edited by luke viia
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Apologies for coming off as condescending - I know you're an intelligent dude. And I don't think the TPP will do much to help the economy - I'm not arguing in favour of it. I'm just saying that a) the TPP is not a secret negotiation, and b) it will have little effect on your actual life.


Now I'm off to my own FWP - grad school

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lol, no offense taken, though i do respectfully disagree with both a and b, and maybe i'll make a thread about it later. though my mccutcheon vs FEC thread attracted so little attention that i'm fearful another viia political thread might go the same way :P


and yeah, back to my actual stupid fwp: trying to look busy at work for four more hours. *aggresively shuffles papers, sighs, furrows brow constanza style*

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Guest disparaissant

i have to work 12 pm to 9 pm on thanksgiving, which sucks so bad because walmart doesn't even DO black friday, they do fucking black thanksgiving. the black friday sales start at 6 pm on fucking thanksgiving. they've moved it up two hours every year now. fuck capitalism.


otoh, as a consolation prize for having to work thanksgiving, they're giving me 25% off one purchase. gonna get either a 3DS or a PS4. yay capitalism!

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thats good they give you that deal i guess


my fwp: my friends have all turned into lazy bozos living in the suburbs with their parents and they have absolutely no idea how to have fun anymore, like their sense of fun and creativity has just been sucked out of their assholes... in other words i need to find new people to hang out


thankfully i'm still in school, the day I have to face the possibility of working on Thanksgiving is the day my "creativity and sense of fun" get sucked out of my asshole

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Lost my god damn Chapstick. It's one of those small things that you don't realize how much you depend on it until it's gone.

Very inexpensive to replace, but still.

Edit: Also consuming too much unhealthy food and beverage as of late and will possibly shorten my life span as a result, on top of lack of physical activity outside of work. There's no one jumping on my ass about it, so self-motivation is the only option. Funny how much healthier most WATMMers seem to be than myself.

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i have to work 12 pm to 9 pm on thanksgiving, which sucks so bad because walmart doesn't even DO black friday, they do fucking black thanksgiving. the black friday sales start at 6 pm on fucking thanksgiving. they've moved it up two hours every year now. fuck capitalism.


otoh, as a consolation prize for having to work thanksgiving, they're giving me 25% off one purchase. gonna get either a 3DS or a PS4. yay capitalism!


I worked at Walmart during the last holiday season (I got stuck guarding and selling the iPads, oh my God the chaos), I feel your pain disp. You'll want to donkey-punch every asshole who says 'screw thanksgiving dinner' and shoves their way through the throngs to get that 'once-in-a-lifetime-deal-on-the-brand-new-foot-massager-that-will-complete-their-miserable-consumerist-life.' But it's survivable. We didn't start until like 9pm or something last year, 6 is just ridiculous.

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that's about it, really. i posted about her a few pages back, basically she just wasn't trying, was calling me only when she was in distress, expected me to be on call, and was getting a tutoring rate of about $3/hr after all was said and done. at this point i haven't heard from her in over two weeks despite trying to get ahold of her numerous times. she will pay, oh yes. she will pay.

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3 bucks an hour sounds very cheap. how come that rate?


fwp: I got a little excited with my shaver yesterday and on a whim/out of frustration at maintaining my hair and never being happy with how to style it, I shaved it all off, head and face. when I was done I looked in the mirror and was all :cisfor: "fuck yeah, you're the man now dog". then I woke up this morning and was all :cerious: "wtf have I done".


I don't have too much regret because it's nice to get re-acquainted with my chin every now and then, but... seriously, I'm not shaving my facial hair off completely again. I just look much better with it. now to wait a couple weeks for it to come back.

Edited by usagi
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usagi, I just agreed to accept a lump sum for the tutoring before it all started, that's how I got into shit wage territory. she's a friend of the family, so I was trying to not stress her out by making her pay hourly. it meant a lot to my relatives for me to try to help her. in a way I'm relieved that she dropped this class, it was seriously stressing her out to do arithmetic, lol. she had to pass it in order to get a raise from her job, but my thinking is, if she legitimately cannot pass this class, then she just doesn't get a raise. not a big enough carrot on the stick i guess. i wish people didn't have to be coaxed into learning, lol


btw im having the exact opposite facial hair problem as you. i'm shaggy as fuck all over my head and face but the end of no shave november is still two weeks away.


fwiw, i've seen the shoops and you're a classy looking hairless ape, don't sweat it. :flower:

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3 bucks an hour sounds very cheap. how come that rate?


fwp: I got a little excited with my shaver yesterday and on a whim/out of frustration at maintaining my hair and never being happy with how to style it, I shaved it all off, head and face. when I was done I looked in the mirror and was all :cisfor: "fuck yeah, you're the man now dog". then I woke up this morning and was all :cerious: "wtf have I done".


I don't have too much regret because it's nice to get re-acquainted with my chin every now and then, but... seriously, I'm not shaving my facial hair off completely again. I just look much better with it. now to wait a couple weeks for it to come back.


eyebrows too? =(

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usagi, I just agreed to accept a lump sum for the tutoring before it all started, that's how I got into shit wage territory. she's a friend of the family, so I was trying to not stress her out by making her pay hourly. it meant a lot to my relatives for me to try to help her. in a way I'm relieved that she dropped this class, it was seriously stressing her out to do arithmetic, lol. she had to pass it in order to get a raise from her job, but my thinking is, if she legitimately cannot pass this class, then she just doesn't get a raise. not a big enough carrot on the stick i guess. i wish people didn't have to be coaxed into learning, lol


btw im having the exact opposite facial hair problem as you. i'm shaggy as fuck all over my head and face but the end of no shave november is still two weeks away.


fwiw, i've seen the shoops and you're a classy looking hairless ape, don't sweat it. :flower:


ah. well, you got your money, and she dropped the class/tutoring herself, so :shrug: just fuhgeddaboudit. it's annoying when you want to help someone get something and they don't put in the effort though, I am well familiar with that problem.




eyebrows too? =(


lol of course not. never go full Barrett.

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