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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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heh nice. My electrician is this good ol dude. He's prolly in his 80's, and he pimps homemade gear his wife makes for him. I must say to me it's pretty stylin gear. I just live pretty far out in the middle of nowhere, so it's pretty odd to have other beings in my domicile. I will probably have the whole house pumping some hearts of space to keep things on a level, but that track you posted is real chill. Will try to remember to play that.

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heh nice. My electrician is this good ol dude. He's prolly in his 80's, and he pimps homemade gear his wife makes for him. I must say to me it's pretty stylin gear. I just live pretty far out in the middle of nowhere, so it's pretty odd to have other beings in my domicile. I will probably have the whole house pumping some hearts of space to keep things on a level, but that track you posted is real chill. Will try to remember to play that.




tip him. you might end up on his will and inherit some of that gear.

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Guest disparaissant

i have a history final in an hour and a half that is two super long essay questions on vietnam war policy and it's my last final and then i'm done for the semester and i just don't give a fuck i have barely studied and it's history and i can wing history i DONT EVEN KNOW

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Guest disparaissant

i think im gonna end up with a 3.9 or so despite having a ridiculous time on the mental health front. school has kept me largely centered and now that it's out i don't know what to do with myself. oh well.


translation: suck it, lopez

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I will have terrible fucking grades this semester gaaahhhh I don't want to even think about it


Probably because you spend your time photoshopping people in a box of nazis.

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i think im gonna end up with a 3.9 or so despite having a ridiculous time on the mental health front. school has kept me largely centered and now that it's out i don't know what to do with myself. oh well.


translation: suck it, lopez

yeah by terrible i meant 3 B's.

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i think im gonna end up with a 3.9 or so despite having a ridiculous time on the mental health front. school has kept me largely centered and now that it's out i don't know what to do with myself. oh well.


translation: suck it, lopez

yeah by terrible i meant 3 B's.



Is that anything like 36 C or 34 D?

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My highlighter ran out while I was reading for my license exam tonight; I used it as a weaksauce excuse to abandon my planned 2 hours of studying about 45 min into it, now I'm stoned listening to early vibert and on watmm.


Also I finished my leffe brown ale. Fuck I want more leffe brown ale

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i think im gonna end up with a 3.9 or so despite having a ridiculous time on the mental health front. school has kept me largely centered and now that it's out i don't know what to do with myself. oh well.


translation: suck it, lopez

yeah by terrible i meant 3 B's.


i disappoint in you son

you bring great shame

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Guest disparaissant

house sitting for my parents and i am all alone and just absolutely blasting turning dragon and the air coming out of the air hole things on my speakers is stinky.


just rattled the lamp off the top of my left speaker and broke it

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the air coming out of the air hole things on my speakers is stinky.

hahah holy shit I just absolutely lost the plot laughing at the thought of this.

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Guest sirch

WW3 and the end of the World are pretty big up there.

that and getting those new new trainers, albums, records, cd's, etc., y'know.

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the air coming out of the air hole things on my speakers is stinky.

hahah holy shit I just absolutely lost the plot laughing at the thought of this.



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Guest disparaissant





they were sitting in a garage for a year and there are probably dead mice in them



god no seriously it REALLY smells i just sprayed some febreze in there

my speakers are fucking farting all over the place

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