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Unobvious things that make you sad.

Fred McGriff

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I hate seeing small businesses fail/go under as well. There's a pho place right outside my local train station that looks like it gets absolutely no business whatsoever, I always feel bad seeing the place empty as I walk by.


One time when I lived in South Pasadena, I was walking past a local sandwich shop that was owned by an old lady. I stopped because I dropped something and when I got up I looked inside and the lady walked fast to the counter thinking I was going to come in. I felt pretty bad, so I went in and ordered a turkey sandwich. It was so damn good. there was no one else there when i went in.


I made it a point to go at least once a week to get a sandwich afterwards. everytime I went, there were always the same people ordering sandwiches from her. I then moved to Florida and 2 years passed. Last time my wife and I went to south pasadena, we walked down that street and the sandwich shop was gone... I was pretty saddened by that.

awww =/


I hate seeing that too. I remember driving by a Chinese restaurant with a huge "grand opening" sign and saw that it was completely empty, save for two of the owners sitting in the front and smoking. That said, I think it actually picked up and they didn't take the sign down for awhile...but at the moment it was pretty sad.

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yeah i dont even like watching intense films with other people, unless they are gonna say nothing entirely the whole way. which makes it kind of pointless even watching it with them

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that realization in the back of my mind that there are currently small kids tripping over and falling everywhere (on streets etc)



obese cats



old men fishing by the city canals not ever catching anything

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-Squirrels that were hit by cars. :[

-When another massive chain retail store pops up out of nowhere, not even a 15 minute drive from another identical store.

-Motorcyclists stopped under a bridge in the rain. (I know that feel bro, been there)

-The person on the interstate that had to call triple a or the highway patrol to change out their flat for them.

-The anxious looking person at some coffee shop, lunch shop or fancy dinner restaurant that is sitting alone. Not eating yet. Waiting for somebody. Then when you are ready to leave you notice they are still by themselves.


+1 on the small timer restaurant closing down story.

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Guest ansgaria

I sit alone in a train carriage just by the door where passengers enter.

Another person walks in.

This person sits down right next to me even though THE ENTIRE carriage is empty.

I get annoyed. More annoyed than I ought to be.

Then I realize how fucking anti-social I am.

That makes me sad.




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Old ladies calling me at work, I sort out their problems within the first minute and they spend the next 9 talking about their lives, I don't have the heart to shut them up, so I let them talk while I do my work. When they hang up I feel sad.

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that realization in the back of my mind that there are currently small kids tripping over and falling everywhere (on streets etc)



obese cats


Both of these delight me.


The ticking of a clock in an otherwise silent room.

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When the one person that you understand the most of anyone you know that knows them won't talk to you anymore while at the same time being the person that's understood you the most throughout life.


Watching people struggle with mathematical concepts (not saying I don't, it just tears me up inside when someone doesn't understand that 2^3 is 8 and not 6, or what Radians are).


Seeing people that you know were sheltered children lose their innocence in a rather damning or harsh fashion. The most naïve, super religious girl, I ever knew got knocked up by her boyfriend (that her parents hate because he's atheist) during her senior year of high school.


Watching your friends from elementary/primary school become alcoholics, even though you haven't talked to them/been their friends for years when they "became too cool" for you.


Adding to the pet one: I once saw a cat get hit by a car after it was scared into the street by a German Shepherd. The car then fucking sped off and the cat started convulsing. The owner happened to be outside and heard the noise. Wrapped the cat up in a blanket and held it as the cat passed on. I was in fucking ruins when that happened as I was about 8, it still makes me tear up.

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Watching people struggle with mathematical concepts (not saying I don't, it just tears me up inside when someone doesn't understand that 2^3 is 8 and not 6, or what Radians are).

i'm sure i wouldn't struggle with it if i knew what that arrow thing is or what radians are :tongue:

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Watching people struggle with mathematical concepts (not saying I don't, it just tears me up inside when someone doesn't understand that 2^3 is 8 and not 6, or what Radians are).

i'm sure i wouldn't struggle with it if i knew what that arrow thing is or what radians are :tongue:


I don't mean in terms of asking people out in public. It's more that I'm in classes and do stuff where this is relevant, yet a large portion of people also in these classes are completely lost, but it's so far back that even if they get it now, they're still behind.


The carrot is used to express something to a power when superscripting isn't available. That would be the cube of two, or 2•2•2 (2x2x2). Radians are used to express how far around a circle something has gone. if it's gone thirty degree in relation to the 0º, it's gone π/6 around the circle, or 1/12 the way around. A fraction of the circumference based upon the radius.

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Every time I have an opportunity to talk to a chick I like but don't, makes me sad. All the what if's kill me. Does this count?

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Watching people struggle with mathematical concepts (not saying I don't, it just tears me up inside when someone doesn't understand that 2^3 is 8 and not 6, or what Radians are).

i'm sure i wouldn't struggle with it if i knew what that arrow thing is or what radians are :tongue:


I don't mean in terms of asking people out in public. It's more that I'm in classes and do stuff where this is relevant, yet a large portion of people also in these classes are completely lost, but it's so far back that even if they get it now, they're still behind.


The carrot is used to express something to a power when superscripting isn't available. That would be the cube of two, or 2•2•2 (2x2x2). Radians are used to express how far around a circle something has gone. if it's gone thirty degree in relation to the 0º, it's gone π/6 around the circle, or 1/12 the way around. A fraction of the circumference based upon the radius.

so 3^4 would be 81? if i didn't get your explanation, i'm officially an idiot

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Radians are used to express how far around a circle something has gone. if it's gone thirty degree in relation to the 0º, it's gone π/6 around the circle, or 1/12 the way around. A fraction of the circumference based upon the radius.

One radian is the measurement of the angle of a cross section of a circle when the radius is the same length as the circumference of the section.

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