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Unobvious Things That Delight You

Guest hahathhat

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walking faster than everyone else when i'm the cripple on crutches.





I nearly killed a couple the other day because they walked so damn slow. They somehow managed to block the entire street.


now that i don't have crutches and i have to walk like a retard so it doesn't hurt my ankle, i'm filing in the ranks of slow walkers. i try to move over though because it is absolutely fucking infuriating to be stuck behind some slow walker who has no idea why they shouldn't take up the whole damn sidewalk/hallway/staircase


edit - walking without needing crutches

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  • 3 weeks later...

the sound of billiards/pool. I don't play it more than once every six year or something, but those balls rolling along the felt, hitting the sides, pocket, rolling underneath the table, the break, the cue hitting the ball. Delicious sounds. I love them all.


edit: the same goes for Croquet. the sounds fill me with delight.

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When eating a hard boiled egg, the sound and feel of the shell cracking when you roll it between your hand and a hard surface to facilitate peeling.


Egg Peeling Machines






egg peeling machine of TF-258 suit food factory,egg wholesale,restaurant etc....

The machine made of stainless steel,convenient rinse,exquisite and cabinet structure and easy move.It has high egg peeling rate,and low damage rate (below 3%).It uses less water,which is not reclaimed,so eggs won " t be polluted.


Technical data:

Peeling output:12,000-20,000/h



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couldn't find this thread, but two coming from listening to some prog metal again


one, when a drummer accents a snare hit with an open hi-hat


two, when I hear an odd time signature and succeed in counting it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

knowing that your buddy knows with an almost certainty that you saw his hidden fetish porn stash, and not talking about it.


HAHA. I've seen my friend's hidden fetish porn stash and he has no idea. I was fucking baffled.


On topic, I like soaking up marinara sauce with garlic bread more than the actual pasta.

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  • 3 weeks later...

18 yr old girls with orange fake tan, in the winter. the combination of silliness, cuteness, and sweeping hues of vibrant colour has a warming effect..


edit: removed rude part

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Taking a hot shower when you have a cold/congested sinuses. You can kind of massage your head, put pressure on your sinus just right and combined with the steam you can kind of decongest yourself. Sort of. Well what happens is you get the tip of all that mucous that's stuck up inside your head. Pull on it and you can kind of pull out the entire string of snot. Feels really really good when it comes out, especially if it was like 2-3 inches long. And then being able to breathe again. ahh.

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Getting things in the mail. Finding out someone thought better of you than you thought. Making cranky people smile. Old men who blush when you smile at them. Boys who wink to convey a joke. Subtle humor.


nice ones

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Guest ex-voto

Speaking french, italian, english and dutch and noting that my thoughts flash from one language to another which sometimes is a bit chaotic, but otherwise is interesting and delightful.

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I very much enjoy it when people hold the door for me. I do it for others and sometimes they do not thank me. I always say thanks, I think it is a modus vivendi that we all should have.


I always hold the door for people. always. I have developed a habit of saying you're welcome to everyone, especially loud for the people who do not say thanks. I like the look on their face after that happens.

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I very much enjoy it when people hold the door for me. I do it for others and sometimes they do not thank me. I always say thanks, I think it is a modus vivendi that we all should have.


I have developed a habit of saying you're welcome to everyone, especially loud for the people who do not say thanks.




"oh YOU'RE welcome"

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Guest moonchild

The feeling of endless and undefined possbility I sometimes get from smoothing blank paper. The warm feeling of finding an old friend coupled with the little trill of anticipation picking up a new book sometimes gives me. waking up slowly to warmth and the familiar smell of your partner with nothing to do and no where to go, only the sound of their deep breathing.

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Guest moonchild

The feeling of endless and undefined possbility I sometimes get from smoothing blank paper. The warm feeling of finding an old friend coupled with the little trill of anticipation picking up a new book sometimes gives me. waking up slowly to warmth and the familiar smell of your partner with nothing to do and no where to go, only the sound of their deep breathing.

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the cold when i'm on my bike. can't stop, went for a stupid long ride in -5 / -10. total emptyness around me after about just 20 minutes of out-of-town cycling, just a couple cars every few minutes. best listening conditions ever--

got cold feet though.

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the cold when i'm on my bike. can't stop, went for a stupid long ride in -5 / -10. total emptyness around me after about just 20 minutes of out-of-town cycling, just a couple cars every few minutes. best listening conditions ever--

got cold feet though.

what did you listen to pray tell ?

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winter in the belly of a snake, kontake (thomas koner/asmus tietchens), lull (mick harris)'s continue, and then winter in the belly of a snake again..


and also some 4:33 stuff that was occuring around me, yes <3

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