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I would like to name a company.

Fred McGriff

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i need it to say "the hard part is over"... what's a word or object or idea that says, hey man, the hard part's over now, it's time to get this shit fixed



The Mcgriff Corp. - The hard part is over, let us help you feel firm again.

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Pretty goofy but Greek gods have some interesting names. Elpis is the spirit of hope, however maybe that sounds a little bit too much like El Piss for you. Also, if the names are a bit too much you may find that we've wrung a root word out of them that you can play with. You have stuff like Nostos which has relevant meaning perhaps but doesn't look so good. Probably where nostalgia comes from. Glad I'm not starting a business. Cashgasm.


word, i was kicking around apollo because of the whole god of sun / guiding light / reference to safe return home on Apollo 14 kind of vibe

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I need a totally bitching name for a company. Let's say hypothetically I'm starting a bank that helps dig people out of the housing crisis, people that have troubled mortgages. I want the customer to feel safe and assured, not intimidated. I want the customer to feel like it's not their fault that they got in this mess. I want the customer to be like, there is hope and trust with this company. Any ideas? I'll paypal 20 bucks to the best suggestion.


Aunt Hilda's Old Fashioned Wholesome Debt Relief

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Immortal Cobra

crime dog financial

Immortal Cobra is the frontrunner. Needs less syllables. This needs to be a game changer of a company, like "Apple" or something.





Picture of Fred like this one.


Open suitcase filled with money on the floor



rushup bank 12

Cashgasms is totally legitimate. It sounds like something people want.

cashgasm new frontrunner


home stretch - that's legit modey



now we are talking


Hah, Home Buoy works on so many levels.



The way it all led to simple genius of home buoy just gave me a hernia.





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