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Steve Jobs Resigns as CEO of Apple


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People are gonna tear him up the first time he has to do a keynote speech


i don't think he is going to do them. also steve is still chairman of the board so it's not like he is out of the picture. i think people that are freaking out have very little idea of how apple is run. it is very far away from being a 1 man show and has been that way for a long time. i have no doubt that this was planned for some time and in a very short time i would expect the announcement of the iphone 5, ipad 3 and icloud service.

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look at all the ignorance and assholishness in this thread. A guy, that none of you know, is dying. And yet you take delight in it. "Fuck you Steve Jobs. You raped my sister. Killed my uncle. Molested my younger brother. fuck you and your cancer."

I'm sorry, but for all the anti-competitive behavior Apple has shown in the past "Fuck you" is the only sentiment I have for the company and thus the CEO. Apple may be great to you if you're on their ship, but they've always been a terrible nuisance to anyone not using their shit. Even in the short period I did put a foot on their ship as an iOS developer I got nothing but abuse.


Have they exceeded other machines in their ability to function as desired by some users? You bet your sweet ass.


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look at all the ignorance and assholishness in this thread. A guy, that none of you know, is dying. And yet you take delight in it.


Uh, is it confirmed that he stepped down because he's dying? Is now the time to get philosophical and remind you that we ALL are dying? Have you ever used a platform OTHER than Apple (and learned that it is pretty easy to get it "to function as desired by the user?")

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look at all the ignorance and assholishness in this thread. A guy, that none of you know, is dying. And yet you take delight in it.


Uh, is it confirmed that he stepped down because he's dying? Is now the time to get philosophical and remind you that we ALL are dying? Have you ever used a platform OTHER than Apple (and learned that it is pretty easy to get it "to function as desired by the user?")


From this press release:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.
With his well publicized health problems, it's too much a of a stretch to guess why he's stepping down.

Yes, I've used Windows 3.1, 95, Me (uggghh), 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7. I've also used Ubuntu, Yellow Dog Linux and DSL. I used that Windows 2000 machine for a long time, and thought it was pretty decent. XP was shit until SP3. For ease in getting things to work, I'll take Apple's OS offerings any day.


Ego - anti-competitive behaviour? I guess the Psystar case was anti-competitive, although I can't really think of many companies that would let another company take their work, slap it on some inferior ass hardware and then sell it. Kicking out some apps from the app store sure. How the fuck are they a nuisance to you if you don't use their shit? And don't say iTunes, cause if you have an iPod/iPhone/iPad well guess what...you're using their shit. In terms of anti-competitive behaviour, I hope you're not holding up Microsoft as some sort of shining beacon that the world should aspire to, cause they make Apple look like saints.


Jules - I'd say you're exactly right in that the timing of this announcement was done before Apple announces a bunch of new products.

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As to iOS taking over OS X, uh no. Apple management is not a bunch of retards and are able to differentiate between product lines.


Something's in your coffee? Have you noticed Lion?


And btw, taking-over was meant in a metaphorical way. It was meant to carry the argument of Forstall being the new heir to the crown. Cook will be a temporary head of the company. Forstall is the only one who could compete with Jobs' visions. Point being, the most visionary developments of the past 5 years have been made on the mobile platform. Just like Jobs was on top of the GUI developments in his days, so is Forstall on the touchscreen/mobile developments. He basically overlooked the build-up of iOS from the start. And without iOS the iPhone/iPad wouldn't be the success it is. It's no coincidence he has done all the keynotes for iOS.


And FYI, he came with Jobs from Nextstep over to Apple. If anyone would account for being the masters apprentice, it's Forstall.

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I’m sorry, it’s true. Having children really changes your view on these things. We’re born, we live for a brief instant, and we die. It’s been happening for a long time. Technology is not changing it much — if at all


It's quite possible that he's just toning down on the workload which he has atm to spend more time with family, friends etc. Doesn't instantly mean he's almost gone. Whatever you think of him as a businessman shouldn't alter the fact that he is relatively young and has family that cares about him.

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As to iOS taking over OS X, uh no. Apple management is not a bunch of retards and are able to differentiate between product lines.


Something's in your coffee? Have you noticed Lion?


And btw, taking-over was meant in a metaphorical way. It was meant to carry the argument of Forstall being the new heir to the crown. Cook will be a temporary head of the company. Forstall is the only one who could compete with Jobs' visions. Point being, the most visionary developments of the past 5 years have been made on the mobile platform. Just like Jobs was on top of the GUI developments in his days, so is Forstall on the touchscreen/mobile developments. He basically overlooked the build-up of iOS from the start. And without iOS the iPhone/iPad wouldn't be the success it is. It's no coincidence he has done all the keynotes for iOS.


And FYI, he came with Jobs from Nextstep over to Apple. If anyone would account for being the masters apprentice, it's Forstall.


you mean the launcher in Lion that is totally optional to use?

Cook has been "interning" with Jobs for the last 10 to 15 years. Cook was the guy who got things done at Apple - by which I mean he took Jobs' decisions and made them happen for Apple. Cook has already been the CEO a couple of times when Jobs took his prior leaves of absence and the company not only survived but thrived. Forstall will remain head of iOS and Mac OS and leave his focus there, which is a much better decision for the company. And finally, as mentioned, Jobs is still chairman of the board, so he will have his say.


p.s. it wasn't coffee, I was legit hammered last night when I wrote that rant. :)

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iOS regulates their apps, allows anti gay apps but not pro gay ones, they take a huge cut, Itunes still imposes copyright protects on their digital deliveries. Will this type of draconian controlling bullshit stop now that Jobbs is gone? I hope so but probably had nothing to do with him.


edit: also why is there an elevating of a corporate CEO like Jobbs to almost the figure of a diety? Apple has done a very good job of lulling the public into thinking a capitalist public company has a 'liberal' agenda, I wonder if Obama learned a few things off Mr Jobbs PR tricks

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Ego - anti-competitive behaviour?



Apple has made it acceptable to forcibly remove companies from their ecosystem if they feel like taking over that market segment. They do everything they can to not offer any interopability with products they are not making money on. And now they seem to try to monopolize on digital distribution. Not just asking a slice of the cake, but even exercising power over what can be distributed and removing competition. Just look at what they did with e-book distribution on iOS. All this shit makes me very angry. And ofcourse they are doing some very appaling patent and trademark trolling as well. These are active stiffling strategies, it's all very deliberate and fucked up.


How the fuck are they a nuisance to you if you don't use their shit?




Apple damages me because they don't give a shit about interopability with other systems. No I don't have an iPod, nor do I have Final Cut Pro or Quicktime. But I (have to) live and work with people who do. So I'll be unable to open their video without a closed-down Quicktime decoder (and all the crap that comes bundled with that.) At the same time Apple refuses to implement open formats and will legally battle anyone trying to create a bit of iTunes interopability.


I hope you're not holding up Microsoft as some sort of shining beacon that the world should aspire to, cause they make Apple look like saints.



I'm not comparing this to Microsoft, they've always been anti-competetive assholes as well. But take a look at Google's success. Google doesn't lock you in, Google is pro-choice, Google is pro-competition. You don't have to be a fucking cunt to create a good product or get some market share.



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Every company regulates their software. What DRM does iTunes impose on music deliveries? What examples of anti-gay apps are there, and have you reported them to Apple? they will take down apps that are deemed hate speech you know.

Who thinks Apple has a political agenda at all? They're a company that make good (subjective obviously) products.


Ego - yes the samsung deal in Europe is not cool. The trademark stuff though, every company is required to defend their trademark or they risk losing it. Why should Apple give a fuck about interoperability with other systems? They offer their tools for you to use.

Google wants "openness" because you are not their customer; advertisers are.


And you are aware of what Apple has put back into the open-source community in terms of code yes?

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You should read your links: the one about keeping the world safe from porn is about Apple reversing its decision to censor a comic.

Jason Chen has been cleared of charges, and in a case involving stolen property, you would expect the police to search and seize what they are ordered to by a judge. If you left say... and MPC at the bar by accident and someone took it, and you saw it for sale on Craigslist the next day, would you not want the police to aide you in returning your stolen property? Additionally, Gizmodo is owned by Gawker, where Jason Chen worked, so they might have a little bias in reporting events.

Foxconn is a company with tens of thousands of workers, they produce goods for many companies besides Apple. If these suicides happened in a village with a similar population they would be a statistic.

Charitable donations app - was explained in the comments - apple takes a cut from sales, but obviously you can't take a cut from a charitable donation, so they would have to redesign their business model.

I'm not sure what Al Gore being on the board of directors has to do with Apple - or are you trying to use that to indicate some form of political agenda?


You still haven't shown me an app that's anti-gay, or actively promotes hate speech.

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Why should Apple give a fuck about interoperability with other systems? They offer their tools for you to use.

No they don't. There is no way to implement codec or PMP support in iTunes and Apple has shown in the past that they will technically and legally battle PMP manufacturers that try and integrate their player with iTunes. Why should they care? Because it helps their users.


And you are aware of what Apple has put back into the open-source community in terms of code yes?

Their contribution to Webkit is the only thing still relevant. Which is surely a good one, but they were required to contribute back because KHTML was GPL licensed. I'm not sure Apple would have contributed back if it was BSD-licensed.

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Someone using their Palm Pre to sync with iTunes is not an Apple user. You can still drag and drop songs purchased on iTunes into your Palm Pre.


woah. CUPS is no longer relevant? Huh, who knew

LLVM and GCC? I'm not even a coder, but I know that those are two of the more well-known compilers and apple contributes quite a bit to them.



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apple protects its brand just like any other company. i'm not sure when you guys think a company is supposed to stop trying to make money and when it should suddenly become the worldwide leader is proper business ethics and moral superiority for free speech, copyrighting or any other hot-button topic you want to create. if you had a company or a product, you would try to push it as far as you could and try to make money no?

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Someone using their Palm Pre to sync with iTunes is not an Apple user. You can still drag and drop songs purchased on iTunes into your Palm Pre.

Exactly, so that's Steve Jobs attitude. Well you bought those tracks in our store, but you're not using a device we cashed in on, so we're going to worsen your experience. That's acting like a cunt.


woah. CUPS is no longer relevant? Huh, who knew

LLVM and GCC? I'm not even a coder, but I know that those are two of the more well-known compilers and apple contributes quite a bit to them.



Touché, CUPS & LLVM are still relevant and not GPL-licensed. And bonjour is a reasonable zeroconf attempt.

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Apple products have been really good to me around 98-2007. But I couldn't keep up with all the OS upgrades and not being able to upload certain programs and surf the web because of that. That was my only qualms with Apple. I have the same problem with Adobe but that's a different subject.


I now have used a PC for the past year and all I have to say is that I do the exact same thing on this PC that I did on my previous macs. So for me, it is more beneficial to use a PC because it is, well, cheaper and performs better than the macs I've had (I'm not speaking for newer versions of mac pros and all since I never operated one).


As far as fanboisms go. I've met people on both sides of the fence that are pretty terrible. Recently, I was at the beach with my wife and kids and some other friends and family. My phone rang and I answered it and one of my wife's friends was like "I can't talk to you... you don't have an iPhone!" Sure she was joking, but there was a truth to what she said! Cuz when I finished my convo she kept bringing up "why don't you have an iPhone?" I didn't answer any of her questions because I thought it was a stupid subject to talk about while you're trying to have a good time at the beach.

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Apple products have been really good to me around 98-2007. But I couldn't keep up with all the OS upgrades and not being able to upload certain programs and surf the web because of that. That was my only qualms with Apple. I have the same problem with Adobe but that's a different subject.


i couldn't agree more.

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i'm probably getting a new mac tomorrow :emotawesomepm9:


but which one? macbook pro or imac? upgrading from a mid 2007 white macbook...don't strictly need a laptop, so thinking the imac offers slightly better specs for the same cash...

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I love Apple vs PC threads.


Love them! So much gets accomplished!



PC User: I hate MACS!

Mac User: Sorry to hear that. Dare I ask why?

PC User: Cuz they are expensive and suck ass!

Mac User: Ok.

PC User: LOL I WIN! I'm so insecure about my PC I have to belittle macs to feel better about them!

Mac User: Thats fine I just like macs


Mac User: Prolly, leave me alone

PC User: No you are gonna sit here and listen to me

Mac User: Ok fine go

PC User: You can't even watch flash on your ipad

Mac User: Yeah its pretty bad, most ads are blocked too

PC User: AND everything is closed

Mac User: What about the dev kits?

PC User: STFU! You have to get your apps approved

Mac User: I appreciate the QA process

PC User: STFU! You have lower specs then me for more money.

Mac User: They are about equal if you configure the same type of computer

PC User: STFU I don't need a webcam or a wireless card!

Mac User: You know you really don't have to buy a mac...

PC User: Listen to me, I'm going to argue with you no matter what you say!

Mac User: No you don't have to..

PC User: You can't play most windows games!

Mac User: DirectX ..

PC User: STFU! Rift man!

Mac User: We can play WoW.


Mac User: You should play some rift....

PC User: We got Cubase!

Mac User: We have Logic.

PC User: STFU! We got Logic 5.5

Mac User: Cool can I hear a song you made?

PC User: My audio drivers are broken atm. I'm waiting for a windows update.

Mac User: Can't you use the built in sound card?

PC User: STFU!!! No one can use the sound card it comes with.

Mac User: I do...

PC User: Thats why all your music sucks!

Mac User: Are you done yet?

PC User: NO!

Mac User: Shrug... can't you just enjoy your PC peacefully?

PC User: Nothing is peaceful when it comes to computers!



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Someone using their Palm Pre to sync with iTunes is not an Apple user. You can still drag and drop songs purchased on iTunes into your Palm Pre.

Exactly, so that's Steve Jobs attitude. Well you bought those tracks in our store, but you're not using a device we cashed in on, so we're going to worsen your experience. That's acting like a cunt.


woah. CUPS is no longer relevant? Huh, who knew

LLVM and GCC? I'm not even a coder, but I know that those are two of the more well-known compilers and apple contributes quite a bit to them.



Touché, CUPS & LLVM are still relevant and not GPL-licensed. And bonjour is a reasonable zeroconf attempt.


from the CUPS website:

CUPSTM is provided under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") and GNU Library General Public License ("LGPL"), Version 2

LLVM is it's own very open-source license

Bonjour is an excellent zeroconf implementation, but I guess you'll never accept that Apple can do anything good. So, have fun with that.


Jules - I know. hippies.


BCM if you don't need the laptop, get the 27" iMac...your pron will never look better :)

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