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CERN discovers FTL particle (possibly)


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I wish there was more information on this

turns out it was just a loose cable.




That begs the question: who (or what) dislodged that fiber optic cable connecting to the GPS receiver?!!



*gets quantum chills*

It's the dang time travelling suicide particle again!

Exactly! That's what I'm worried about.




Boglins cometh.


That's a Bodmin.

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Ok I read some of Barbar's posts and stopped somewhere half way and I'm not sure what he was trying to say/argue about and I don't know how it ended.


Anybody care to fill me in or is it all over?

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or timing error might have underestimated the neutrino's speed.

Researchers think correcting for an error in this device would actually increase the anomaly in neutrino velocity, making the particles even speedier than the earlier measurements seemed to show.
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Funny how everyone the scientific community are devoted to the thoeries of some random guy that was probably mental. These white coat folks need to stop worrying about proving Einstein wrong, if they found FTL particles that should be it, for months they have been trying to disprove their findings just because of fear.

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Funny how everyone the scientific community are devoted to the thoeries of some random guy that was probably mental. These white coat folks need to stop worrying about proving Einstein wrong, if they found FTL particles that should be it, for months they have been trying to disprove their findings just because of fear.


Falsification is a basic tenet of science.And that "random guys" theories have so far stood up to scrutiny for almost a century, so something that seems to violate a basic principle of that theory is of course going to be looked at extra carefully. I am not sure you quite understand how science works.

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I don't know and neither those anybody. I have seen my grandmother levitate, science can't explain that nor they want to explain it because they are afraid.


(I'm just kidding by the way, i understand what you mean, i just think its weird that they try/want to disprove the FTL particles rather than try to explain it)

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I don't know and neither those anybody. I have seen my grandmother levitate, science can't explain that nor they want to explain it because they are afraid.


(I'm just kidding by the way, i understand what you mean, i just think its weird that they try/want to disprove the FTL particles rather than try to explain it)


You see it as them trying to disprove but they are actually trying to prove. By double checking everything and looking at all possible sources of error they will either reassure Einsteins theory or confirm the new results. You don't take any claims or new theories of science lightly. In science things are false until proven, either mathematically or physical true, preferably both I'd imagine.


Even in Einsteins case when he created his theory of relativity he had to provide some evidence for it. So what did he do? He used photographs from an eclipse event to show that the light from stars behind the sun where bending around the sun thus suggesting the space-time fabric stuff being warped by the mass of the sun etc... People then started taking him more seriously.

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I don't know and neither those anybody. I have seen my grandmother levitate, science can't explain that nor they want to explain it because they are afraid.


(I'm just kidding by the way, i understand what you mean, i just think its weird that they try/want to disprove the FTL particles rather than try to explain it)


You see it as them trying to disprove but they are actually trying to prove. By double checking everything and looking at all possible sources of error they will either reassure Einsteins theory or confirm the new results. You don't take any claims or new theories of science lightly. In science things are false until proven, either mathematically or physical true, preferably both I'd imagine.




Yeah, but reading those articles and scientific journals their attitude was disturbing. They seem to be fearful of the faster-than-light particles just because it would fucked up their whole world, like they wanted for the FTL particles to be false so bad that the mundane explanation they gave us makes me doubt.

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The skepticism and reluctance of a FTL particle suddenly appearing is understandable. It would mean that they would basically need to re-think and re-write a lot of the physics that we thought we knew. It would be a truly revolutionary discovery that would throw a lot of physicists lifework into the dustbin. And no one likes to be proven wrong. The flipside would be that there would be a lot of excitement to figure it all out again.

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The skepticism and reluctance of a FTL particle suddenly appearing is understandable. It would mean that they would basically need to re-think and re-write a lot of the physics that we thought we knew. It would be a truly revolutionary discovery that would throw a lot of physicists lifework into the dustbin. And no one likes to be proven wrong. The flipside would be that there would be a lot of excitement to figure it all out again.


I disagree. I don't think it will even invalidate any of our past experiments. It would just show that there is an edge case, or there is something about neutrinos that we don't understand. I mean, we've already DONE these experiments, it isn't like all of a sudden our data is going to change because we know what to look for.


I agree that it would be revolutionary, but our observations have been thurough and all of our theory is backed by hard data.


Still it is hard to even say an argument one way or another because I don't even think a good theory emerged as to WHY this could have happened. What mechanism in physics broke so that, under some circumstance, a few nuetrinos seemed to move faster than light.


Yes the skepticism is totally understandable. I mean fuck, it is even hard for me to write about a what if here.

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Well, finding something that is FTL would be like the discovery of relativity after Newtonian physics have done a pretty good job at explaining what we have been observing. Newtonian physics sort of explained it, but not really. Finding a FTL particle might not invalidate data from previous experiments, but it could change the theories of why something behaves as it does and open up whole new cans of worms.

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Speculation seems to be spreading they made the breakthrough, and will announce the discovery of Higgs-Boson at the upcoming International Conference on High Energy Physics. do u think it's true? Is the Unified Theory proven?



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