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CERN discovers FTL particle (possibly)


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"We have high confidence in our results. We have checked and rechecked for anything that could have distorted our measurements but we found nothing," he said. "We now want colleagues to check them independently."


If confirmed, the discovery would undermine Albert Einstein's 1905 theory of special relativity, which says that the speed of light is a "cosmic constant" and that nothing in the universe can travel faster.


That assertion, which has withstood over a century of testing, is one of the key elements of the so-called Standard Model of physics, which attempts to describe the way the universe and everything in it works.





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how did they know there wasnt just 2 same particles along way apart

yeah man, good point, there was some affair going couple of years ago, uhh with some photons passing a uhh filter you know, and the spin was passed from one to another in 'no time' I can't remember cos I went shopping, but it was quantum mechanics related. But seriously there are those two big theories,relativity and q.m. one for large scale the other for small scale world explanation, and if Einstein's is proved wrong, that world how we understand it, will just disappear, philosophically spoken. God, Dr. hat would contribute to that topic :(

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hate that speed of light prohibition too.


I remember reading a crazy theory about the universe being actually holographic but it was too cool so I discarded it as a sci-fi hoax, I think they explain how it is possible to be in two places at the same time like sup says, it's nice stuff for daydreaming..

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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

I can't believe those crazy theorists that invented tachyons could be right. If they're existence will be confirmed, we are about to witness (or contribute) to another revolution in physics.

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