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when the new album(s) come...


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i like to think i'll wait, but i caved pretty quick last time once i found out it was real.


edit: to this day, i wish i'd waited. i miss the anticipation and excitement that used to go along with an album's release, not knowing anything but what the album art was like, and sometimes not even that.

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I'll wait for the full package, and spend stupid money on the vinyl that i'll never listen to.



I wouldn't worry about spending stupid money as the fucking thing isn't gonna turn up anyway.


This is all a figment of our imaginations lol.

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I reckon to fend off the pirates, the digital version will be available in advance of the physical release - seems to be the MO of most labels these days, and I think it's a great solution to offset piracy by those who just want to hear their favourite artists first - the actual pirates will always be a problem, since they never intended on paying for the release to begin with.

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I think I would wait just for the official digital files to be released... no leaks.


The real question is... HOW will you listen to it??




i will listen to it through my computer at first. then spin the LP on my decks. that's if i buy the LP... if it's good and i like at least half the tracks on the album.


they will/probably/need to drop and EP first though...........


edit: should drop an EP, like, 'asap'. :)




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you think an ep is going to come before the album?


im picturing a double album and the 6-8 months later the bocset






nah, probably not. maybe afterwards, seems to be the way Warp do things...


edit: just anything would be good! a 3 or 4 track EP... after 6 years...! should be easier to put together than a double album, ehhh

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I'd thought you'd had enough of the BoC form Squire Sirch? :wink:


i've recently been revisiting all my olde BoC vinyl. first time i've played it all in years.

i think i've just had enough of..... i don't know exactly what i've had enough of! but i've had enough of something.

certain people/fans, and certain (hundreds of the same) threads, i guess.

and the certain/infinitely uncertain amount of time it's taken/taking for them to put something NEW out!!


edit: ps. i don't mind a good, interesting, sensible discussion. i just can't stand the fan wank, if you know what i mean?

i know what i mean anyway. :emotawesomepm9:

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I know exactly what you mean.


I said a some time ago that the BoC forum should be erased. What's the point of it? None whatsoever imo. It only degenerates into anarchy and bullshit. Almost every thread gets locked. But at the same time it can be a laugh if taken with a pinch of salt.


BoC sub forum is a pointless peculiar place. Sometimes I regret ever getting involved with it in the first place.

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i agree, it should be at least shut down, maybe not erased, but closed down until some thing comes out from/by them.

if they put something new out then there'd be something to talk about again. - fresh and interesting discussion!

BoC are the only group/artists in the featured artists here who are not active at all in any way anymore.

everyone else, with maybe the exception of Cylob, is releasing music, running record labels, doing gigs and touring, writing film soundtracks, remixing, etc. etc. so there's always something to talk about in every other subforum,............ and it doesn't always descend into bullshit, bitching and nonsense in the other subforums!

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i think i will be able to hold out until i have it in my hands. for some reason i can do that with my favorite groups, even though those are releases i look forward to the most.


im seeing some special editions with the new stuff.

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i thought you put me on ignore.


i can now pick 'n choose what i want to see of you, yes... that is correct.


i think i will be able to hold out until i have it in my hands. for some reason i can do that with my favorite groups, even though those are releases i look forward to the most.


im seeing some special editions with the new stuff.


i'll be able to wait. it's been 6 years already so what's a few months!!!!!!

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