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Last.fm is a site that keeps track of the music you listen to. You download a last.fm program and plugins for your media players and it "scrobbles" the tracks you listen to. It gives you charts, suggests similar artists, and connects you with other users that have similar music taste. There's also blogs, groups, and the ability to comment on artists profiles and individual tracks.


I know other people on WATMM use this site and surprisingly I couldn't find a thread for it.


add me. here's my profile:



59.5K plays since jan 2007 :sup:

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Last.fm is a site that keeps track of the music you listen to. You download a last.fm program and plugins for your media players and it "scrobbles" the tracks you listen to. It gives you charts, suggests similar artists, and connects you with other users that have similar music taste. There's also blogs, groups, and the ability to comment on artists profiles and individual tracks.

teach me your ways

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my page me

watmm gorup for this site

música arriba group show ur fanship

Aphex Twin artist pg almost all of gaysexes songs streaming

música arriba label pg classic label all music streaming

music online archive label pg for my newest net label


i dont really use it to tell what songs im playing i dont have it installed in my music thing though

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Guest disparaissant

started using a previously unused account recently http://www.last.fm/user/tracksuit


the new releases bit on the /home/ page looks useful, that's about it.


hah, i was wondering who 'tracksuit' was and why they were listening to blectum from blechdom.



thats me (i dont really live in north korea ITS A JOKE)

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Wow, everyone's first few top artists are something random, and then the featured artists on this forum.





I like that we have WHY? in common :sup:


but yeah, Sufjan Stevens and WHY? are my top two, then AFX, Squarepusher and Casiotone for the painfully Alone followed by my own tunes lol

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started using a previously unused account recently http://www.last.fm/user/tracksuit


the new releases bit on the /home/ page looks useful, that's about it.

i haven't really done it much yet but i reckon listening to the libraries of users with similar tastes (but a decent amount of stuff i'm unfamiliar with) could be 'useful' or good for hearing some new stuff.

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or not, i just clicked disparaissant's library and got a song that seems to be about hanging yourself with rope.. a bit depressing. the next track 'turbine womb' sounds nice though.

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