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Reading list recommendations for Eugene on the corruption of politics


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haven't conservatives learned that making something taboo only increases it's allure? I guess not

this seems to be such an out of touch group of republicans (actually both parties, mostly) right now (foxnews included) that seems to be going obsolete before our eyes. the general population in this country is pissed and the government doesn't seem to get that this anger is not going away any time soon.

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I don't think we should be completely isolationist as a nation, but I do think we should think more inward about rebuilding our economy. Another expensive war would ruin us, and I like that Ron Paul has the same stance.


I'm not sure if I would vote for him, based on his ideas about abortion, and the gold standard, but I do agree with his Libertarian views. We need to elect someone that has no connections to huge corporations.

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Paul is without question going to be the Republican nominee. Let's just stop fucking around and wasting time, nobody wants Gingrich or any of these idiots, get them out of my face.


Second, it doesn't matter who is president, the president isn't the only person with power, as we've seen with Obama. the system is deeply flawed for everybody including the rich and will have negative effects on the entire planet and species, continue occupying shit Ron Paul isn't going to save your ass.


I would settle for Romney as well.

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Guest disparaissant

im positive if he became president he would die of stress within a month. guys he is like what, 76? he's pretty much past his "sell by" date. you look at what the presidency has done to obama's good looks, tell me ron paul would last.


i wonder the GOP isn't backing him wholesale with someone like Romney or Gingrich as his VP. he takes office, drops dead, and then an establishment republican takes over!

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

MSNBC is preaching to the choir.


How many FOX News Repubs you think check that out for a balanced media position?


why would they? it would be pointless since fox news is fair and balanced. also maddow is a lesbian so she's biased towards the gays having rights.


haven't conservatives learned that making something taboo only increases it's allure? I guess not


what are you talking about? take the overwhelming success of abstinence only education for example. kids were taught that abstaining from sex was the only surefire way to prevent babies and stds, and teen pregnancy rates dropped to an all-time low... oh wait.


Does FOX do news anymore? I thought it was widely accepted as the red entertainment channel with the Simpsons.


what channel is the simpsons on, though? fox wants you to think they're a joke so only conservatives are well-informed.

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I was watching republican debates like crazy, and I absolutely loved everything Paul was saying. Sounded more liberal than Obama in many of his statements. Republicans in the audience would boo him and he wouldn't flinch. It was cool.


Then I read his fucking website: http://www.ronpaul2012.com/the-issues/


Some of the most conservative garbage I've read. Some of the things on the website completely contradict what he says in speeches. He's supposed to be the guy who doesn't flip-flop. So fuck him. I'll vote Green Party and throw my vote away.

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Murveman, all good observations, which is why it would be a fascinating event to have someone running on the republican ticket who is extremely more left on foreign policy than the supposed manchurian candidate secret muslim black panther president


the paradigm as we know it would implode, and the media establishment can't be more afraid or excited about itdepening on how you look at it.


im not with him on the economy or women's rights but on pretty much every other subject i am, so i agree about his campaign website.



i think it would be an interesting experiment for all liberals or people who normally vote democrat to just spoil the republican primary. i dont see why this isn't more encouraged. In fact the republican pundits a lot of them claim that the only reason Paul has a chance is because everyone voting for him is secretly a liberal who's going to turn around and vote for Obama in 2012 anyways, so why dont we give them what they want?

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im positive if he became president he would die of stress within a month. guys he is like what, 76? he's pretty much past his "sell by" date. you look at what the presidency has done to obama's good looks, tell me ron paul would last.


i wonder the GOP isn't backing him wholesale with someone like Romney or Gingrich as his VP. he takes office, drops dead, and then an establishment republican takes over!


That last part makes sense, but I think all of the establishment GOP candidates probably hate Ron Paul, on personal levels and ideologically. Who knows what some of the sane ones actually think of him (Huntsman or Romney for example) but I know Perry's camp despises him and vice-versa, and the super conservatives like Santorum and Gingrich loathe Paul for simply explaining to Americans how fucked up and expensive neo-conservative foreign policy is.


As for him lasting in office, I don't think he'd get stressed at all, he's always had an I'm-old-man-honey-badger-that-don't-care vibe. Maybe he'd be overwhelmed at all of the secrets he'd now have at his disposal...and how to reveal them...in fact that only reinforce this sad hypothetical possibility...


I'm absolutely positive that if Ron Paul became president, he'd be assassinated.


I was watching republican debates like crazy, and I absolutely loved everything Paul was saying. Sounded more liberal than Obama in many of his statements. Republicans in the audience would boo him and he wouldn't flinch. It was cool.


Then I read his fucking website: http://www.ronpaul2012.com/the-issues/


Some of the most conservative garbage I've read. Some of the things on the website completely contradict what he says in speeches. He's supposed to be the guy who doesn't flip-flop. So fuck him. I'll vote Green Party and throw my vote away.


Yeah, that's the thing. Ron Paul isn't libertarian, paleo-conservative, nor Republican. He's just Ron Paul. Even as a fan of his, I do know the realities of his conservative views BUT he's never truly legislated his views, he remains a "hands-off" representative. He votes no on just about everything. He's been accused of earmarks, but every single one he's made is true to the purpose of such legislation (his district includes Galveston, TX - it was hit by Hurricane Ike and experienced damage as bad a Katrina - albeit without the social and government meltdown - so he asked for Federal assistance there). He's changed his view on Don't Ask Don't Tell from approving the act in theory to voting against it after listening to the testimony of outed soldiers. I still have problems with his "State's Rights" arguments (which ever GOP candidate has copied sloppily) and some other weak views he has on social policies. Still, he doesn't enroll in Congressional pension and continues to work as a doctor. He voted against the PATRIOT ACT, the Iraq war, and advocates the end of the war on drugs. That still says a lot imo. But I understand being wary of his candidacy, especially from the left.


Lastly, he's just enjoyable to listen to, in such a insane context that is US politics. I watched him pwn Bachmann when she suggested he was out of touch with "how dangerous the world is (i.e. Iran)" to which he reminded her that we lived through the cold war with 30,000 nukes on the verge of being launched and that not overreaching is how we didn't go to war. She just zoned out into her typical wax figure stare. I like cheering that kind of intelligent rhetoric on. I hope he lasts awhile in the primary.

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