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idm whale


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Guest ansgaria

"And what's this thing coming toward me very fast? So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like 'Ow', 'Ownge', 'Round', 'Ground'! That's it! Ground! Ha! I wonder if it'll be friends with me? Hello Ground!"

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Man, whales are fucking cool. Floating around the ocean like some massive fuck off submarine making these huge sounds no one can hear.

i'm enjoying reading this in an irish accent, for some reason

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Floating around the ocean like some massive fuck off submarine making these huge sounds no one can hear.




hadn't even read tauboo's irish interpretation yet.


AND WALLIE THE WHALE! fred, how is he doing? what's the latest word song on him?


A cryptozoologist has suggested that the 52-Hertz whale could even be lonelier than we realize


this thread even got cryptozoology, and loneliness.. off the fookin idm scale innit

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fred please post wallie's


"waking up, sun shining in my eye, pretty girl next to me, i'm smelling coffee"-quote


pls :)


I can't find that one... here are some good Wallie quotes though:


On Music Videos:

"I will make a nother song, soon. Maybe a gold limozeen full of pretty ladies, with gold teeth, and a gold bucket of shrimp will show up after. And everyone is drinking wine, and yelling about dancing. They always yell about how to do there new dance. WHERE DO YOU PUT YOUR LEFT FOOT?!? ON TOP OF THE GOLD BUCKET!! WHERE DO YOU PUT YOUR RIGHT FOOT!! ON TOP OF THE GOLD BUCKET TO!!"


On Clouds:

"The clouds are here. They must have got here, last night. I can turn the summer ones into shrimp, and pretty ladies. But these ones are long, and gray, and fill the sky. They stay clouds no matter how hard I try. I will try turning them into blankets, this might work."


On Civil Rights:

"I dreamed last night, while sleeping. In the dream I had a brother. It was different, with different feelings. I gave him half of my shrimp, instead of eating the whole shrimp. This is the speach I would give if I was black."


On Dance Music:

"It is hot. There is no air conditioning in OMaha, like when we lived in Chicago. Everything is quiet. There are headphones, on the desk. I will listen to the music where you jump around with shiny shirts, and you buy pretty ladies a beer, and there's smoke everywhere, and those guys over there have greasy hair all the time.."


On Meditation:

"It is hot, here, and it is quiet. I think I'm going to be a monk, the ones that wear the robes, and think about trees and rocks all the time. I am good at that. All you do is think, that tree over there, it has bark, and some leaves. And that rock over there, it is round, and it is sitting there. You have to think about that for a long time, until dinner."


On Hangovers:

"The bed smells like a bar, where ten thousand people smoked ten thousand cigarets, and drank ten thousand beers and whiskeys... I should drink beers and smoke cigaretts, in means you get to sleep after teh alarm goes off."


On Christianity:

"I should of posted, on Friday, that it was a good day, because it was Good Friday. There wasn't ever a whale Jesus. I'm not sure I'm going to die, so it is okay. Other whales, that I know, are fine with just dying, and that is it. If Jesus wants whales to go to heaven, then that is fine, to. Shrimp would have to go to heaven, to. But, they'd get eat, so it would probably be shrimp hell. But, I bet they like to get eat, since they do it all the time. We never worry, about stuff like that. Jesus sounds like a nice man."


On Finance:

"It is warm now, so the bed smells like people more. It would be nice, to win a big check that you see the golfers win on Sundays. The ones with all the zeros on them, that three people have to hold."


On Truck Drivers:

"A truck drove backwards, through the apartment street, really fast. People who drive the trucks drink beer, and read dirty magazines while they drive. There is this peppery ham in the fridge, a lot of it. I am going to eat it until the sunset comes. "

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the one i was thinking of was involving a root beer and sunbeams, as well as a pretty lady


so many times over the years i've thought of wallie and his carefree existence, he might perhaps be my favorite watmm character

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fred please post wallie's


"waking up, sun shining in my eye, pretty girl next to me, i'm smelling coffee"-quote


pls :)


I can't find that one... here are some good Wallie quotes though:


On Music Videos:

"I will make a nother song, soon. Maybe a gold limozeen full of pretty ladies, with gold teeth, and a gold bucket of shrimp will show up after. And everyone is drinking wine, and yelling about dancing. They always yell about how to do there new dance. WHERE DO YOU PUT YOUR LEFT FOOT?!? ON TOP OF THE GOLD BUCKET!! WHERE DO YOU PUT YOUR RIGHT FOOT!! ON TOP OF THE GOLD BUCKET TO!!"


On Clouds:

"The clouds are here. They must have got here, last night. I can turn the summer ones into shrimp, and pretty ladies. But these ones are long, and gray, and fill the sky. They stay clouds no matter how hard I try. I will try turning them into blankets, this might work."


On Civil Rights:

"I dreamed last night, while sleeping. In the dream I had a brother. It was different, with different feelings. I gave him half of my shrimp, instead of eating the whole shrimp. This is the speach I would give if I was black."


On Dance Music:

"It is hot. There is no air conditioning in OMaha, like when we lived in Chicago. Everything is quiet. There are headphones, on the desk. I will listen to the music where you jump around with shiny shirts, and you buy pretty ladies a beer, and there's smoke everywhere, and those guys over there have greasy hair all the time.."


On Meditation:

"It is hot, here, and it is quiet. I think I'm going to be a monk, the ones that wear the robes, and think about trees and rocks all the time. I am good at that. All you do is think, that tree over there, it has bark, and some leaves. And that rock over there, it is round, and it is sitting there. You have to think about that for a long time, until dinner."


On Hangovers:

"The bed smells like a bar, where ten thousand people smoked ten thousand cigarets, and drank ten thousand beers and whiskeys... I should drink beers and smoke cigaretts, in means you get to sleep after teh alarm goes off."


On Christianity:

"I should of posted, on Friday, that it was a good day, because it was Good Friday. There wasn't ever a whale Jesus. I'm not sure I'm going to die, so it is okay. Other whales, that I know, are fine with just dying, and that is it. If Jesus wants whales to go to heaven, then that is fine, to. Shrimp would have to go to heaven, to. But, they'd get eat, so it would probably be shrimp hell. But, I bet they like to get eat, since they do it all the time. We never worry, about stuff like that. Jesus sounds like a nice man."


On Finance:

"It is warm now, so the bed smells like people more. It would be nice, to win a big check that you see the golfers win on Sundays. The ones with all the zeros on them, that three people have to hold."


On Truck Drivers:

"A truck drove backwards, through the apartment street, really fast. People who drive the trucks drink beer, and read dirty magazines while they drive. There is this peppery ham in the fridge, a lot of it. I am going to eat it until the sunset comes. "



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