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I'm skinny again, fuck you.


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181cm, 'bout 90kg for me.


180.5cm and 94 kg :chest bumps:


I should definitely drop about 10 kg, but it's mostly from sitting in front of a desk for 15 hours a day while my boss yells at me rather than actual changeable habits. I mean, I could hit the gym more but that would mean having no life outside of work or gym. And that really makes me want to bite a bullet.


stress weight fucking sucks.



edit: being a guy in LA who actually works and who isn't able to fit into women's size zero jeans is pretty uncommon here, and it fucks my shit way up.


Tell me I'm pretty.


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i don't give a fuck what i weigh or eat, but i'm entirely too poor to be fat so i guess it works out.


being extremely skinny is pretty IDM, i'll admit.

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being extremely skinny is pretty IDM, i'll admit.


Thats why I'm having to get into booty bass


Now, that I can get behind.






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I suppose this thread is the most appropriate place to advertise the fact that I'm a chubby chaser haha.


I'm 5'2" (62 inches), and 59 kilograms (about 130 pounds). I think I have a nice body, well proportioned and what not. I don't feel like I need to change it one way or the other, but I AM out of shape (although it doesn't look like it). I was pretty well ripped when I was in the military for a brief period. My metabolism is rather fast, and I eat whatever I want.

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Thing is weight isn't such a great indicator of how fat you are etc.



I'm 5'1 53kg but I've always been muscly or been able to put muscle mass on quickly. Muscle mass is nearly double fat so a rugby player may (according to BMI) be over weight however he/she is in fact healthy.

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Muscle mass is nearly double fat so a rugby player may (according to BMI) be over weight however he/she is in fact healthy.


that's what i tell my fat ass self every day. it's all muscles!

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i bet that most of the people in this thread that are complaining about their body actually look quite normal.

Not me. My torso looks a lot like Grimace from McDonalds' 90s advertising. Just ghastly/pasty white and hairy. Sorry for the mental image, yeah it's pretty gross.

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Guest fiznuthian

You lost weight in the absence of carbohydrate because of ketogenesis. Your body turns fatty acids into ketones which then circulate through your blood stream to be used as fuel rather than glucose. Gluconeogensis handles the anything that requires glucose.

For your information ketogenic diets are notoriously effective at causing weight loss by restoring insulin and leptin hormone function and thereby keeping you in a state of burning off food rather than storing it pretty much 24/7. There also is little evidence to suggest it is unsafe to be in ketosis for long periods of time, though honestly noone knows.

Eating this way takes advantage of what seems to be an evolutionary adaptation to keep us alive when food wasn't always so accessible to us. In our modern obesogenic world where cheap carby processed food is everywhere it makes us fatter.


Some concerns about your method would be:

1. Ensure adequate macronutrient intake. If you're eating nothing but muscle meat and no offal, you're not getting enough nutrients. Either eat offal or up your vegetable/fruits a little.

2. Eating a very low or zero carbohydrate diet means your body is going to start turning fatty acids into fuel. You need fat, ideally saturated fat and lots of it. I would imagine a high protein, low fat, low carb diet is not a good thing whatsoever.


Anyways congrats on discovering keto for weight loss.. Enjoy not feeling hungry much ever, and 2 meals a day is fine as long as you eat plenty of fat and nutes to last through the fasting.

Insulin sensitivity rules :)


Yeah, I eat a lot veggies, fruit and I'm not afraid of fat. I also take supplemental vitamin pills.


Kick ass. :)

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Thing is weight isn't such a great indicator of how fat you are etc.



I'm 5'1 53kg but I've always been muscly or been able to put muscle mass on quickly. Muscle mass is nearly double fat so a rugby player may (according to BMI) be over weight however he/she is in fact healthy.


Yeah, I'm 5'10" [about 181cm] and 185lbs [83.9kg] but most of it is muscle since I exercise so much. When I stop exercising, I lose weight.

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