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Masked gunman kills 14 at Batman premiere in Denver


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

"Every hug from a family member. Every laugh we share with friends. Even the times of solitude are all blessings. Every second of every day is a gift."


I try to not take anything for granted and this is how I usually think but this really hit me. True words to live by.

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This is a better argument for the existence of God (albeit a sick, twisted, malevolent one) than most I've read:




wait, what? that's not an argument for God at all. Even if it was, by the same basis there is 12 times more evidence stating there is no God. Those twelve innocent civilians weren't "saved".

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Guest theSun

didn't read thread.


crazy people find a way to fuck shit up.


besides, i live near bears now so fuck you i'm going to have a gun


also apocalypse, end times 2012 whatever

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i think you got it wrong, the thing is that, GOD truly exists, he failed to take that girl with him the first time, and he came back for her...

i think you got it wrong, the thing is that, GOD truly exists, he failed to take that girl with him the first time, and he came back for her...

i think you got it wrong, the thing is that, GOD truly exists, he failed to take that girl with him the first time, and he came back for her...

This is just a fucked up coincidence. What reason would God have to take this woman off the earth? And, why would a screw up the first time around? Sounds like you've been watching a bit too much Final Destination

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this guy left his house all booby trapped. i don't think he planned on going home. but he had protective gear on. i wonder if he chickened out of suicide?

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Man you guys can be so thick. I don't mean it literally proves the existence of God. I mean it proves that God is so incompetent he sent the killer to the wrong theater to stop Fred Willard from committing sin with his hand.

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This is why the news sucks





Basically he says the media should:

- Don't start the story with showing police

- Don't have photographs of the killer

- Don't make this 24/7 coverage

- Don't make the body count the lead story

- Don't make the killer some kind of anti-hero

- Localize the story to the effective community and don't make it 24/7 coverage for the rest of the country

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This is why the news sucks





Basically he says the media should:

- Don't start the story with showing police

- Don't have photographs of the killer

- Don't make this 24/7 coverage

- Don't make the body count the lead story

- Don't make the killer some kind of anti-hero

- Localize the story to the effective community and don't make it 24/7 coverage for the rest of the country

Damn. This is illuminating and sad - what a waste.

What would it be like if the media acted and treated its audience like adults?


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Unfortunately, I can empathize with this guy. I got into neuroscience/psychiatry/psychology because I wanted understand and "fix" my own burgeoning mental illness. That pathway is so much adolescent hubris and those problems cannot be intellectualized away but I was lucky enough to not have dissociative psychosis like this guy probably had. It's sad to me that this thread is 7 pages of gun rhetoric while a mental health crisis burns like wildfire in America. Read the latest issue of Time magazine who did a great article on the epidemic of soldier suicide http://www.time.com/...1981284,00.html


The problem of course is one of visibility (and I'm just as guilty of it). Guns are an obvious, easy target (and one that should be considered, in my opinion). Mental health - not so much. I mean, the dude was getting a PhD in neuroscience - surely he can't have mental health problems? (rhetorical question for those not following along).

While mental health problems are a very real concern, my thoughts are along these lines (in a very brief way) - some people will have murderous psychotic episodes - by removing the means to easily kill tens of people, the possibility of such tragedies occurring becomes much less. Yes people will always find a way (on slashdot commenters kept mentioning pouring gasoline around the place and lighting it on fire, but that's pretty obvious and much easier to stop than a guy with a shotgun and smoke grenades), but minimizing the opportunity is something that is definitely worth looking at.

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Coming Soon: Metal Detector in Cinemas.

Not gonna happen - there is nothing on screens worth going through that hassle. Flying is different - in many cases it is the only realistic means of getting to a place in a reasonable time, so people will put up with that form of security theater.

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Guest Pennywise

- Don't have photographs of the killer


Everyone deep down wants to know what the killer looks like. Its probably in our survivalist nature to know what people who are capable of such things look like.

When they look normal though, it surprises us and we need to know that there was something rare and horribly wrong with them in order to believe that we are not surrounded by potential killers.


We don't want to think that we are surrounded by killers, that's why the media go on and on about it.

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