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We're all kinda fucked


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from the article:


Scientists said the "unprecedented" melting took place over a larger area than has been detected in three decades of satellite observation.


what does this really mean?


im not an idiot, I believe in global warming, but is this the real deal or just a random anomaly that we might not have a complete grip on yet?


also on the exact same page:


Melting events of this type occur about once every 150 years on average. With the last one happening in 1889, this event is right on time.


-Lora Koenig, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


It means they havent a fucking clue what it means. They're clearly going to have to spend a bit more time looking over it before a reasonable cause can be established.


The "unprecedented" is in reference to the satellite monitoring which is obviously far more accurate then some lad in 1889 saying "shit, all the ice melted". Its a bit hard to properly compare two pieces of evidence with such a wide variance in accuracy.

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the observated timeinterval is too short to draw the conclusion that global warming is our fault. global warming, fine, we're doomed, but its not our fault. yay.

*jumps in his big block suv and drives to mc donalds*

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Guest sirch

Yesterday it fucking lashed rain while also being as humid and hot as fuck as possible.


Fuck the earth.



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In february we (UK) were warned that we would be facing a summer of hosepipe bans until August due to droughts if we did not have 3 months of continual rain. This was down to a particularly dry winter.


We got hosepipe bans starting in April, and pretty much straight away it started fucking raining properly. We had a fuckton of rain, everywhere flooded, and the hosepipe bans were lifted early. The jetstream was blamed (same as in 2007 when we last had masses of floods).


Now we are back to a nice hot sunny spell, just in time for everyone at the Olympics to drink all of the water our reservoirs have saved up.


I predict another hosepipe ban in August if the sun stays?


The climate is fucked.

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Guest sirch

In february we (UK) were warned that we would be facing a summer of hosepipe bans until August due to droughts if we did not have 3 months of continual rain. This was down to a particularly dry winter.


We got hosepipe bans starting in April, and pretty much straight away it started fucking raining properly. We had a fuckton of rain, everywhere flooded, and the hosepipe bans were lifted early. The jetstream was blamed (same as in 2007 when we last had masses of floods).


Now we are back to a nice hot sunny spell, just in time for everyone at the Olympics to drink all of the water our reservoirs have saved up.


I predict another hosepipe ban in August if the sun stays?


The climate is fucked.


nah. it's due to piss down again this weekend, with thunder 'n lightning 'n all, this Friday, just in time for the Olympics! hahahahaha

this last week, and tomorrow, will probably be it for this summer i reckon.

unless we get another mini week-long heatwave again in August.

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I'm starting to think global warming is the new "atom bomb" thing.


4point explanation:


1. I believe the earth is getting warmer


2. I believe humans need to drastically cut down on carbon emissions, and begin treating the earth with utmost care.


3. I'm not sure man is the cause of this heating up (despite my anger)

4. I'm pretty sure droughts such as this have happened in the past, often. This isn't some new thing, maybe by a small amount. I recall "record high temperatures" as a kid, routine 95 degree weather in the summer. If anything, the past 3 summers were cooler than the ones I remember from being a kid.


therefor I'm not convinced, and quite frankly all I ever see are people chanting about how global warming is real, and anyone who disagrees is a Republican. however, i've never really heard anyone explain the science, which leads me to conclude that nobody actually knows what they're talking about.


then again this winter was really wierd. basically skipped from fall to spring. the plants confused

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I'm pretty sure moving away from an unsustainable fossil fuel driven economy is a good thing, regardless of whether or not its responsible for wrecking the planet.


We'll end up killing ourselves before the planet become inhabitable anyway.

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And by WE you mean future generations. By the time the whole shithouse goes up in flames most of us will be dead.


Don't have kids, relax and enjoy the warm weather.

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however, i've never really heard anyone explain the science, which leads me to conclude that nobody actually knows what they're talking about.


There are many scientists who would be happy to explain it to you, as long as you're ok with actually trying to understand science. Because it's climate fucking science. It's not climate plumbing, so don't ask a plumber. It's not climate banking, or climate journalism, it's climate fucking science.


Maybe you would like to start with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? And not even the summary for policymakers, but the actual assessment reports?


Not huffington post, not fox news, not greenpeace, not Joe the Plumber, not Obama, not Romney, not me. SCIENTISTS.


Fucking magnets.


You not understanding does not mean it's not real. Some pundit not understanding doesn't mean it's not real. That guy from Coast to Coast thinking it's going to be just like The Day After Tomorrow but with aliens does not mean it's not real


A damn near scientific consensus among scientists not working for the oil industry is, on the other hand, not a thing at which to sneeze.


But not everything can be easily reduced. Climate science involves some pretty obvious forcing mechanisms (and they are ridiculously obvious), but also some very chaotic systems, and that means it's not something you can explain in a 30 second sound byte.

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Guest Franklin

this is a very interesting bit from that Rolling Stones article posted above, "Not long ago (2009), the United States Chamber of Commerce even filed a brief with the EPA urging the agency not to regulate carbon – should the world's scientists turn out to be right and the planet heats up, the Chamber advised, "populations can acclimatize to warmer climates via a range of behavioral, physiological and technological adaptations." As radical goes, demanding that we change our physiology seems right up there."

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however, i've never really heard anyone explain the science, which leads me to conclude that nobody actually knows what they're talking about.


There are many scientists who would be happy to explain it to you, as long as you're ok with actually trying to understand science. Because it's climate fucking science. It's not climate plumbing, so don't ask a plumber. It's not climate banking, or climate journalism, it's climate fucking science.


Maybe you would like to start with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? And not even the summary for policymakers, but the actual assessment reports?


Not huffington post, not fox news, not greenpeace, not Joe the Plumber, not Obama, not Romney, not me. SCIENTISTS.


Fucking magnets.


You not understanding does not mean it's not real. Some pundit not understanding doesn't mean it's not real. That guy from Coast to Coast thinking it's going to be just like The Day After Tomorrow but with aliens does not mean it's not real


A damn near scientific consensus among scientists not working for the oil industry is, on the other hand, not a thing at which to sneeze.


But not everything can be easily reduced. Climate science involves some pretty obvious forcing mechanisms (and they are ridiculously obvious), but also some very chaotic systems, and that means it's not something you can explain in a 30 second sound byte.


best post in thread. thank fuck you threw down mighty like you just did.

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