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Laziest Countries in the World

syd syside

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The medical journal The Lancet ranked 122 countries based on inactivity.


A massive 63.3 per cent of the UK population was found to be inactive, making it the eighth laziest country out of the 122 ranked.


Britain has been classed as one of the laziest countries in the world (Pic: Thinkstock)

Meanwhile, Greece was seen to be the least lazy country in the study, with just 15 per cent of its people being inactive, the Daily Mail reports.

Across the pond, the US is a lot less lazy than Brits may believe, coming 46th laziest.

People were classed as inactive if they did not get around 2.5 hours of moderate activity per week.

Malta was given the top spot for idleness, with 71.9 per cent of citizens classed as inactive, with Swaziland (69 per cent) and Saudi Arabia (68.8 per cent) rounding out the top three.


The top 20 laziest countries are:


1) Malta


3)Saudi Arabia





8)Great Britain

9)United Arab Emirates



12)Dominican Republic







19)South Africa



The U.S ranked 46th and Greece was last. Who knows how accurate this is, but the potential false correlation that Greece's financial woes = laziest, when they are apparently least lazy, is interesting.



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we are probably less lazy because we have a retarded sense of work ethic, even if its completely destructive to a healthy lifestyle.

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free healthcare might contribute to the stats, about all lazy people do in this country is visit their GP in the hope of getting disability benefit. assuming these stats use medical records, i dunno.

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I'm starting to think this survey is a bunch of crap... but I think it measured physical activity... so places that have shit weather and stuff are gonna have more inactive people cause who's gonna go joggin in 5 feet of snow etc.. also cites women in Saudi Arabia as an example because women don't typically work as much. You'd think America being the most overweight nation would = laziest in that regard, but I think health problems in America deal more with our diet than how much we work out.

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Per wikipedia, 75% of Swaziland's citizens are "engaged in subsistence farming." Sedentary bastards.




I guess that last quarter are just lying around dying of AIDS

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Guest fiznuthian

I'm starting to think this survey is a bunch of crap... but I think it measured physical activity... so places that have shit weather and stuff are gonna have more inactive people cause who's gonna go joggin in 5 feet of snow etc.. also cites women in Saudi Arabia as an example because women don't typically work as much. You'd think America being the most overweight nation would = laziest in that regard, but I think health problems in America deal more with our diet than how much we work out.


Bingo! :)

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the potential false correlation that Greece's financial woes = laziest, when they are apparently least lazy, is interesting.



physical inactivity and financial collapse are not the same thing. what are you saying?

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the potential false correlation that Greece's financial woes = laziest, when they are apparently least lazy, is interesting.



physical inactivity and financial collapse are not the same thing. what are you saying?



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Japan 11th? I thought they worked themselves to death over there.


I guess that's really limited to certain students and your quintessential salaryman. The rest must have time - someone's got to read all those Gundam manga series, trudge through RPGs, buy high-end electronics, mod cars for drift racing, watch all the eclectic porn, etc. Nerdy American high schoolers can only make-up so much of those markets.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Japan 11th? I thought they worked themselves to death over there.


I guess that's really limited to certain students and your quintessential salaryman. The rest must have time - someone's got to read all those Gundam manga series, trudge through RPGs, buy high-end electronics, mod cars for drift racing, watch all the eclectic porn, etc. Nerdy American high schoolers can only make-up so much of those markets.

believe it or not the Japanese are not that much different than the Americans (i don't mean like culture but attitude wise).
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Saudi should be higher, they are beyond lazy. Everything stops 5 times a day for prayer, sometimes people don't even go back to work, and prayer time can stretch for a couple hours w transportation, foot washing, an after prayer cigarette, etc etc.


They import immigrant labor for anything remotely demeaning or manual. Very racist as well.

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