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FBI has 12 MILLION iPhone user's data - Unique Device IDentifiers, Address, Full Name, APNS tokens, phone numbers.. you are being tracked.


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Id be more worried about Apple having that info than the FBI.


FBI want to stop terrorist and the likes.


Apple wants to sell you ipads and useless shit.


The US government, including the CIA, NSA, and FBI were complicit in organizing a propaganda coup in Guatemala so the US owned United Fruit Company could take most of the arable farmland. This is but one example of many. Don't be naive.

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Id be more worried about Apple having that info than the FBI.


FBI want to stop terrorist and the likes.


Apple wants to sell you ipads and useless shit.


The US government, including the CIA, NSA, and FBI were complicit in organizing a propaganda coup in Guatemala so the US owned United Fruit Company could take most of the arable farmland. This is but one example of many. Don't be naive.


So if they didn't have your name, telephone number and favourite websites, this wouldn't happen? Think the US has managed to pull off greater feats without your phone info, you live in the country they run.

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Id be more worried about Apple having that info than the FBI.


FBI want to stop terrorist and the likes.


Apple wants to sell you ipads and useless shit.


The US government, including the CIA, NSA, and FBI were complicit in organizing a propaganda coup in Guatemala so the US owned United Fruit Company could take most of the arable farmland. This is but one example of many. Don't be naive.


So if they didn't have your name, telephone number and favourite websites, this wouldn't happen? Think the US has managed to pull off greater feats without your phone info, you live in the country they run.


The comparison is irrelevant, the fact that this is yet another addition to the surveillance monster is disconcerting at best.

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Id be more worried about Apple having that info than the FBI.


FBI want to stop terrorist and the likes.


Apple wants to sell you ipads and useless shit.


The US government, including the CIA, NSA, and FBI were complicit in organizing a propaganda coup in Guatemala so the US owned United Fruit Company could take most of the arable farmland. This is but one example of many. Don't be naive.


So if they didn't have your name, telephone number and favourite websites, this wouldn't happen? Think the US has managed to pull off greater feats without your phone info, you live in the country they run.


The comparison is irrelevant, the fact that this is yet another addition to the surveillance monster is disconcerting at best.


Disconcerting indeed, but I feel theres a lot more that come in priority before hand.


Odds are, you and I will both be dead before the manage to do anything useful with the information.

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Guest Wall Bird

Odds are, you and I will both be dead before the manage to do anything useful with the information.


Somebody mentioned earlier that this is all a tremendous amount of data for each individual that would be hard to sort through. How would you solve that problem? I'd write algorithms that can make sense of it. It should be no surprise that there are companies doing just that, or that they sell their products to government agencies.


One such company is Palantir.


From their 'What We Do' page:

We build software that allows organizations to make sense of massive amounts of disparate data. We solve the technical problems, so they can solve the human ones. Combating terrorism. Prosecuting crimes. Fighting fraud. Eliminating waste. From Silicon Valley to your doorstep, we deploy our data fusion platforms against the hardest problems we can find, wherever we are needed most.
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dr lopez was at a starbucks on broadway this morning. then went to class where he sat for 3 hours. he then later accessed xnxx.com for around 20 minutes. TAKE. HIM. OUT.


edit: this was me joking but yeah wall bird is probably right, but if you didn't actually consider that people can tell where you are before you bought an iphone or any cell phone... than, well that's kinda dumb i guess

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dr lopez was at a starbucks on broadway this morning. then went to class where he sat for 3 hours. he then later accessed xnxx.com for around 20 minutes. TAKE. HIM. OUT.


edit: this was me joking but yeah wall bird is probably right, but if you didn't actually consider that people can tell where you are before you bought an iphone or any cell phone... than, well that's kinda dumb i guess


does anyone remember when shit like this actually pissed most if not all people off?

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dr lopez was at a starbucks on broadway this morning. then went to class where he sat for 3 hours. he then later accessed xnxx.com for around 20 minutes. TAKE. HIM. OUT.


edit: this was me joking but yeah wall bird is probably right, but if you didn't actually consider that people can tell where you are before you bought an iphone or any cell phone... than, well that's kinda dumb i guess


does anyone remember when shit like this actually pissed most if not all people off?

yeah the bizarre and often irritating libertarian streak in this country has existed since its inception

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I'm not sure what I would ever have to fear from the government knowing where I buy my socks from, and what films I look up on imdb while having an argument...



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can someone give me a good (relatively concise) slam-down of libertarianism? i occasionally find myself sympathizing with their political ideas and always want to keep my head down lol, because people write off libertarians with such a casual tone, like it's this completely obviously asshole philosophy. *missed the memo*

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can someone give me a good (relatively concise) slam-down of libertarianism? i occasionally find myself sympathizing with their political ideas and always want to keep my head down lol, because people write off libertarians with such a casual tone, like it's this completely obviously asshole philosophy. *missed the memo*

fear of government


edit: preparing for awepittance teardown in 3...2...1...

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I guess I meant, could you (or someone) give me a link to an explanation or essay of why libertarians suck so hard, plz? or recommend a book about the subject? I'm genuinely curious



edit, on topic: dgaf, I'm well aware of Apple's tendency to spy on me. my only apple device is also my only law abiding device.

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At the moment, I don't fear my or the US government either. But how can you be sure you can trust the US government in 20 years? All that data will still be there in 20 years...


This short story by Cory Doctorow is a nice fiction piece that illustrates how erosion of privacy could impact you. Considering some of the crazy things the NSA seems to be doing, it doesn't seem all that far fetched.

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For the record, I totally agree about the erosion of privacy, it's terrifying. People are still transitioning out of the age-old truism of "assumed privacy," ie, if no one is in the room with you, you're in private. I think once "privacy" stops meaning "there's no peeping tom around," people will wake up to how much information they're giving up. Most people probably won't care, and rightfully so; it probably won't affect them beyond a casual life lesson about having good passwords for their CC info. For those of us with weird hobbies that border on the questionable (in the eyes of the government agencies), privacy will become increasingly more important to pay attention to...

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can someone give me a good (relatively concise) slam-down of libertarianism? i occasionally find myself sympathizing with their political ideas and always want to keep my head down lol, because people write off libertarians with such a casual tone, like it's this completely obviously asshole philosophy. *missed the memo*

fear of government


edit: preparing for awepittance teardown in 3...2...1...


jesus fucking christ. fear of government is why democracies and republics exist in the first place.


libertarianism can sorta be summed up as such: it means well in theory, but doesn't really work in reality. Now certain policies from a libertarian perspective can make more sense than others (marijuana legalization vs. states over federal govt in all situations, unregulated economy, etc.)



@ Luke viia



and Roasty, Im right there with you.

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and I have nothing to hide so don't really care!


I hear this frequently, and though you may not have anything to hide there are people who are put at a disadvantage when their personal information is made accessible. People such as those who are advocating on our behalf for our rights, or the rights of others which they feel are being eroded by certain policies or actions. Their dissent makes them the target of intimidation from dominant political entities or simply those seeking to maintain the status quo.


Although you and I are not actively campaigning against things like the increasing government secrecy in the US, or the unjust persecution of whistle-blowers, those who choose to are made more vulnerable to manipulation when this information becomes available to others. To affirm the acceptability of government agencies gathering this much personal information by saying that you have nothing to worry about is ignoring the reality that there are others actively working on our behalf who are put at a disadvantage by these actions.


exactly. you don't have anything to hide until the methods of surveillance are under the control of people that consider your open viewpoints on lifestyle/whatever as hostile to their legitimacy.


It's merely the principle that insults me. I have nothing to hide, but I don't want anyone seeing my 'nothing.' My 'nothing' is important to me.


There's also the fact that people can twist your information into sounding like you are hiding something.

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and I have nothing to hide so don't really care!


I hear this frequently, and though you may not have anything to hide there are people who are put at a disadvantage when their personal information is made accessible. People such as those who are advocating on our behalf for our rights, or the rights of others which they feel are being eroded by certain policies or actions. Their dissent makes them the target of intimidation from dominant political entities or simply those seeking to maintain the status quo.


Although you and I are not actively campaigning against things like the increasing government secrecy in the US, or the unjust persecution of whistle-blowers, those who choose to are made more vulnerable to manipulation when this information becomes available to others. To affirm the acceptability of government agencies gathering this much personal information by saying that you have nothing to worry about is ignoring the reality that there are others actively working on our behalf who are put at a disadvantage by these actions.


exactly. you don't have anything to hide until the methods of surveillance are under the control of people that consider your open viewpoints on lifestyle/whatever as hostile to their legitimacy.


It's merely the principle that insults me. I have nothing to hide, but I don't want anyone seeing my 'nothing.' My 'nothing' is important to me.


There's also the fact that people can twist your information into sounding like you are hiding something.


this just sounds like more paranoid libertarian nutjob bullshit. when has anything like that ever happened in history?

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I got big information on all the big conspiracies. They've been after me for years... I am too fast/smart for them. Here's a clue morons. I'm outside an international Airport in North America via Verizon antenna services on a Dell XMDS Laptop. If you were any good or had any basic computing skills you would already know that....... This iPhone hacks thing was clever and if I was stupid you would probably catch me. Off the map for at least a few years. Enjoy the hunt lol.


*destroys laptop*

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dr lopez was at a starbucks on broadway this morning. then went to class where he sat for 3 hours. he then later accessed xnxx.com for around 20 minutes. TAKE. HIM. OUT.


edit: this was me joking but yeah wall bird is probably right, but if you didn't actually consider that people can tell where you are before you bought an iphone or any cell phone... than, well that's kinda dumb i guess


does anyone remember when shit like this actually pissed most if not all people off?


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