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lol @ 1 hour watermelon shit squirt


also delet... m8, i find your post oozing with passive agressiveness. You might wanna CHECK it before you WRECK it.


xx luvyu


lol, i hope that you're joking (your post is so passive aggressive seeming that i can't tell heh, heh.)


A lot of stuff is in the eye of the beholder unless you have proof positive that someone is a cunt. So know this, something i apparently have to say to random newer members every couple of years or so (-sie- maybe i should have it in my siG). i say everything out of love, with no ill will meant, if there is ill will it will be obvious, not some is he or isn't he type of thing.


When people sign up to watmm i think that they must be a good guy straight off the bat, this goes for everyone i meet in real, i continue with this until i'm proven otherwise and even then i tend not to give up on people or hate them. So i have a positive demeanour and this is how my posts need to be read. If i'm pontificating about something, don't let it get you down because whatever i'm riffing about it's not said in a snide or snarky wanting to see the other go down way. Maybe at worst it is in some misguided noble mind changing exercise, but always just to argue a point, points which are divorced from putting the other down, this is debating a concept, and that has nothing to do with aggression but is rather a path to enlightenment, heh. ;-]


Anyway, so now you can read the top line of this post safe in the knowledge that it wasn't meant in an angry tone, more a jokily ribbing. And when i say 'heh', it is a warm sunny smile from having fun discussing something, never a frothing at the mouth presage of someone's demise after they read my 'cutting comment'. Because fuck that shit. [-;


yeh, i was joking ;)


my internet sarcasm reader might be very shitty from time to time.., but i know there's no ill will on your end. no worries. still a good post to read :)


subthread ended. back on topic to some BCM love

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lol it sounds like those pickup artist "negging" techniques, maybe he/she was trying to make you insecure and sex you

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lol @ 1 hour watermelon shit squirt


also delet... m8, i find your post oozing with passive agressiveness. You might wanna CHECK it before you WRECK it.


xx luvyu


lol, i hope that you're joking (your post is so passive aggressive seeming that i can't tell heh, heh.)


A lot of stuff is in the eye of the beholder unless you have proof positive that someone is a cunt. So know this, something i apparently have to say to random newer members every couple of years or so (-sie- maybe i should have it in my siG). i say everything out of love, with no ill will meant, if there is ill will it will be obvious, not some is he or isn't he type of thing.


When people sign up to watmm i think that they must be a good guy straight off the bat, this goes for everyone i meet in real, i continue with this until i'm proven otherwise and even then i tend not to give up on people or hate them. So i have a positive demeanour and this is how my posts need to be read. If i'm pontificating about something, don't let it get you down because whatever i'm riffing about it's not said in a snide or snarky wanting to see the other go down way. Maybe at worst it is in some misguided noble mind changing exercise, but always just to argue a point, points which are divorced from putting the other down, this is debating a concept, and that has nothing to do with aggression but is rather a path to enlightenment, heh. ;-]


Anyway, so now you can read the top line of this post safe in the knowledge that it wasn't meant in an angry tone, more a jokily ribbing. And when i say 'heh', it is a warm sunny smile from having fun discussing something, never a frothing at the mouth presage of someone's demise after they read my 'cutting comment'. Because fuck that shit. [-;


yeh, i was joking ;)




10413221_495724963863000_614093324_n.jpgsomeone told me the other day i looked like a total hipster faggot but a cool one how does someone react to such a comment


no, you haven't got the shaved sides thing, and the poncy quoffed fringe. And you're wearing a t-shirt, no top button done up action there.

lol it sounds like those pickup artist "negging" techniques, maybe he/she was trying to make you insecure and sex you



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10413221_495724963863000_614093324_n.jpgsomeone told me the other day i looked like a total hipster faggot but a cool one how does someone react to such a comment

Madame Chaos's brother?



same expression lol. I look off into distance, things are happening there, ambiguous things.

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phlym, you totally look like Conforce, who makes kickass techno tunes



this guy does have kickass tunes!

you look a lot like our ol' dunharvest.



yeah he's part of AE best glitcher they ever had i heard

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