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World War Z

Soloman Tump

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Since some of you mentioned the overly fake looking CGi freaks from I Am Legend I thought I would post this...




Could have been interesting.


Why the fuck didn't the studio go for this?! Is CGI cost effective enough now to be that much cheaper than a traditional makeup/prosthetic approach?

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Here's an interesting excerpt from Wikipedia regarding 'I Am Legend's effects...


"A week into filming, Francis felt the infected (referred to as "Dark Seekers" or "hemocytes" in the script), who were being portrayed by actors wearing prosthetics, were not convincing. His decision to use computer-generated imagery (CGI) resulted in an increased budget and extended post-production, although the end results were not always well received.[36][37] The concept behind the infected was that their adrenal glands were open all of the time and Lawrence explained, "They needed to have an abandon in their performance that you just can’t get out of people in the middle of the night when they’re barefoot. And their metabolisms are really spiked, so they’re constantly hyperventilating, which you can’t really get actors to do for a long time or they pass out."[19] The actors remained on set to provide motion capture.[24][38] "The film's producers and sound people wanted the creatures in the movie to sound somewhat human, but not the standard," so Mike Patton, lead singer of Faith No More, was engaged to provide the screams and howls of the infected."


Hilarious that Mike Patton was involved in this!

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I want to see a zombie movie where the zombies literally swarm together & grow into each other, forming mountainous walls of rotting flesh that sweep across the post-apocalyptic landscape, flanked by elephantine nightmare beasts with rows of grasping limbs & mouths like bad acne & hundreds of milky hate-filled eyes rearranging themselves into concentric circles


and there'd be one survivor city in the middle of the desert somewhere & they'd just see these things coming on the horizon

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Looks like shit.


That I Am Legend video is great though. Practical effects over CGI any day of the week. I Am Legend was gash also.



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