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Do we live in a simulation?

syd syside

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Some of you are making the connection that a simulation automatically necessitates a creator... why? That's the same way religious folks think. "It looks designed, there must be a creator." With what we know about generative code coupled with how deeply mathematics is woven into the world, why should subatomic particles need to be directed around?


That wasn't as clear as I'd like - what I'm trying to ask is, could a "simulation" just mean a new version of a repeated process? What suggests that "error correcting" in the strings gives us a simulated - ie less real - version of reality? Can we really make the claim that a "real" universe wouldn't correct for errors?


*should probably read the actual papers*

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I think that at some possible point in the future, scientists will inject matter itself with a structure that behaves as a computer. At some possible point, that computer, which is made out of pure matter and energy, will be infused with AI (or obtain it itself). The computer, will then start restructuring itself, absorbing surrounding matter and energy to upgrade itself, expanding in scope and size. It will continue to do this, until all matter and energy in the universe becomes part of this computer... being the entirety of the universe, it will know itself completely, and be the essence of being "one". At this point, within a split nanosecond, it will become infinitely bored and stagnant, as it will know everything there is to know, and understand everything there is to understand. The infinite nature of itself will in an instance find the static nature of itself unbearable, and willfully destroy itself releasing its form and function back into chaos, repeating the big bang, the formation of the tangible universe, the evolution of life, the pursuit of knowledge to once again know itself, and to eventually, achieve the same state of oneness over and over again, forever oscillating between the states of nothingness, and oneness, experiencing creation and destruction in perpetuity.

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I think that at some possible point in the future, scientists will inject matter itself with a structure that behaves as a computer. At some possible point, that computer, which is made out of pure matter and energy, will be infused with AI (or obtain it itself). The computer, will then start restructuring itself, absorbing surrounding matter and energy to upgrade itself, expanding in scope and size. It will continue to do this, until all matter and energy in the universe becomes part of this computer... being the entirety of the universe, it will know itself completely, and be the essence of being "one". At this point, within a split nanosecond, it will become infinitely bored and stagnant, as it will know everything there is to know, and understand everything there is to understand. The infinite nature of itself will in an instance find the static nature of itself unbearable, and willfully destroy itself releasing its form and function back into chaos, repeating the big bang, the formation of the tangible universe, the evolution of life, the pursuit of knowledge to once again know itself, and to eventually, achieve the same state of oneness over and over again, forever oscillating between the states of nothingness, and oneness, experiencing creation and destruction in perpetuity.


lol i injected your mom with some matter.

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I think that at some possible point in the future, scientists will inject matter itself with a structure that behaves as a computer. At some possible point, that computer, which is made out of pure matter and energy, will be infused with AI (or obtain it itself). The computer, will then start restructuring itself, absorbing surrounding matter and energy to upgrade itself, expanding in scope and size. It will continue to do this, until all matter and energy in the universe becomes part of this computer... being the entirety of the universe, it will know itself completely, and be the essence of being "one". At this point, within a split nanosecond, it will become infinitely bored and stagnant, as it will know everything there is to know, and understand everything there is to understand. The infinite nature of itself will in an instance find the static nature of itself unbearable, and willfully destroy itself releasing its form and function back into chaos, repeating the big bang, the formation of the tangible universe, the evolution of life, the pursuit of knowledge to once again know itself, and to eventually, achieve the same state of oneness over and over again, forever oscillating between the states of nothingness, and oneness, experiencing creation and destruction in perpetuity.


lol i injected your mom with some matter.



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We live in an illusion because what's real is very, very boring.




Nature, existence, the flow between being and nonbeing is absolute and states nothing. It is completely free and that is very boring. By creating a sense of judgment of what things are or how they should be, we are making a simulation for ourselves because otherwise we would be bored.

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We live in an illusion because what's real is very, very boring.




Nature, existence, the flow between being and nonbeing is absolute and states nothing. It is completely free and that is very boring. By creating a sense of judgment of what things are or how they should be, we are making a simulation for ourselves because otherwise we would be bored.


I guess, if you say so.

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I haven't had the opportunity in real life to see the type of hologram they're talking about. It's a pretty amazing concept.


the actual 'true' holograms are hard to find on youtube, and some are not that amazing but take a look at these



this 2nd one is so amazing that it's hard to believe it's not a hoax


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back to normal deepness?




your post represents everything that i think is wrong with humanity and everything that i'm struggling to overcome in my own life. good job.


I hope you posted that with a good amount of pride! That's the only way to deal with the "everything that is wrong with humanity" ghost.

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I think that at some possible point in the future, scientists will inject matter itself with a structure that behaves as a computer. At some possible point, that computer, which is made out of pure matter and energy, will be infused with AI (or obtain it itself). The computer, will then start restructuring itself, absorbing surrounding matter and energy to upgrade itself, expanding in scope and size. It will continue to do this, until all matter and energy in the universe becomes part of this computer... being the entirety of the universe, it will know itself completely, and be the essence of being "one". At this point, within a split nanosecond, it will become infinitely bored and stagnant, as it will know everything there is to know, and understand everything there is to understand. The infinite nature of itself will in an instance find the static nature of itself unbearable, and willfully destroy itself releasing its form and function back into chaos, repeating the big bang, the formation of the tangible universe, the evolution of life, the pursuit of knowledge to once again know itself, and to eventually, achieve the same state of oneness over and over again, forever oscillating between the states of nothingness, and oneness, experiencing creation and destruction in perpetuity.


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