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alex jones on piers morgan

Guest dese manz hatin

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the guy's always been an arrogant POS, but I loved the real Smashing Pumpkins (Gish to Machina I-II), after that the guy has been a complete joke, not just in character (which hes been an ass the whole way through), but even musically.



Though he had an incredibly fucked up childhood which makes me wonder if he's overcompensating for massive insecurities, etc. etc.

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I actually managed to watch 95% of that Corgan "interview", he is condescending but it wasn't that bad, until the very end when he started to get "spiritual". I think a lot of folks here would agree with most of his stances. One thing I thought was funny was the way he kept indirectly insulting Alex Jones. He says at least three times "I may not agree with 99% of what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it" (or something along those lines). He says it so often you realize that's probably what he does think, lol.

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do you guys already know about how the charlie sheen manic episode thing started? ABC news came to his house to do that infamous interview based off of an equally crazy radio appearance by Sheen on Alex Jones, which is where he criticized his boss on Two and half men for being a jewish gollum (or something like that) which effectively got him fired.
Also the term 'vatican assassin' comes from the conspiracy theory about Alex jones being a secret Vatican agent who's purpose is to undermine the protestant church. There have always been two prevalent conspiracy theories leveled at jones, one is the vatican agent thing and the other is that he is an israeli agent (stemming from the fact that his wife is jewish and he rarely mentions israel on his show).

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do you guys already know about how the charlie sheen manic episode thing started? ABC news came to his house to do that infamous interview based off of an equally crazy radio appearance by Sheen on Alex Jones, which is where he criticized his boss on Two and half men for being a jewish gollum (or something like that) which effectively got him fired.

Also the term 'vatican assassin' comes from the conspiracy theory about Alex jones being a secret Vatican agent who's purpose is to undermine the protestant church. There have always been two prevalent conspiracy theories leveled at jones, one is the vatican agent thing and the other is that he is an israeli agent (stemming from the fact that his wife is jewish and he rarely mentions israel on his show).


Conspiracy theories about Alex Jones? Whoa meta...




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piers willyface morgan conned his own readers out of money in the viglen share scandal and put knowingly faked photos of iraq war abuse on the front page of his paper. in england we have a satirical newspaper called private eye where they have a long history of exposing willyface's crimes


alex jones works for the same people that want the trillion dollar mineral wealth of the dead sea for themselves, the same people that crashed the planes into the two towers, the scum who believe that the entire world is their property and that those who aren't members of their group are the equivalent of cows and monkeys, the descendants of the group that went to the ottoman empire and said " can you give us the land from the nile to the euphrates please " and then funded the young turks revolution after they were turned down.


alex jones's church is one that supports the notion of foreign wars to conquer the middle east. in the first five books of the old testament it says the story of the people who are led to the promised land and alex jones has strong beliefs about this that he doesnt like to talk about in public. he is a very loving father of his wife and children. his wife is polish and her recent ancestor relatives must have experienced a lot of hardship, even the prospect of extermination. so this fear that his wife and children might be annihilated is playing on his mind.


alex jones is not entitled to israeli citizenship but his wife and children are. hes quite angry about that so there are rumours that say that hes trying to get citizenship. that would explain why he's being funded by israeli companies and advertisers.


people who work with alex jones:

rob jacobson

aaron dykes

jason bermas

henri james tieleman

steve shenl

allen l schultz



so i take it you've listened to his show before? Jason Bermas is an interesting character simply because he seemed like a relatively reasonable fella until he started co-hosting/subbing for the alex jones show.


and in response to limpyloo, yes there are a lot of 'theories' about Alex jones, some of them from a long time ago like the catholic and israel one and then more recently i've been running into more people who believe that he's being funded by somebody very powerful and rich who sees him as a useful idiot. There was also a recent one spread around by a guy named David Chase Taylor following the Statfor Wikileaks dump, who claimed that Alex Jones was a 'stratfor agent', basically the equivalent of a private/for profit under-cover spy. My take on him is that he believes in getting more followers than anything and he's tried to siphon energy towards his agenda from several different social/internet/conspiracy movements over time for his own purposes. He calls himself the 'godfather' of the 9/11 truth movement yet he's come up with no original research on his own, he merely helped promote it. I really cant say if he's being paid by someone who has a different agenda from him, but at this point regardless of his agenda or his pay masters I see him as basically a dangerous cult leader who at any time can flip the switch and cause mass rioting all over the country. He's using televangelism tactics to get people in a semi-permanent state of paralyzing fear, cynicism, nationalism and anger.

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if my wife and kids were jewish i'd definitely want to protect them, knowing that history is full of pogroms and that the holocaust was only a couple of generations ago

basically the whole point of this alex jones is to state every single conspiracy and blame everybody except the people who are doing it


the truth is this. zionist jews asked kaiser wilhelm II and the sultan of the ottomon empire for the land that stretches from the nile to the euphrates. the sultan said NO. and so the zionists started WWI with the goal of destroying the christian monarchies of russia, germany, austria-hungary and to get the land that's been promised to them in the torah. WWI, WWII, 911 and all these conflicts are all about getting the land from the nile to the euphrates. the big kicker is that the wealth of the dead sea was said to be trillions of dollars in mineral wealth. and that was trillions 50 or 60 years ago. imagine the value of it now. thats another reason why these people want to recreate israel. the plan is a greater israel that runs the length and breadth of the whole middle east. also it was planned 100 years ago that radical muslims would be used to help out in that goal. the scariest thing is that the relationship between germany and the zionists was really good, just like america today, but when the kaiser refused to give them greater israel then they stabbed him in the back. of course you could it reverse it and say in other words, the kaiser stabbed the zionists in the back by teasing them with the idea of giving them greater israel then reneging on the promise.


the point of alex jones is to distract attention away from real truth and facts


as for russia and russia tv

if you dont know the history of russia look up the history of the czars and their rivalries with zionist banker type of people. it was a tough rivalry and in 1917 the zionists finally won. russia was a strongly christian country. and then suddenly the people in russia were stuck with communism which had the idea that all religion must be destroyed and removed. so russia was dechristianised in a most bloody fashion. then people know what happened with ww2 and the cold war which leads to today where they have Putin as leader. And the key fact about Putin is that he is an Orthodox Christian and he is rebuilding the Christian infrastructure in Russia. And the Zionist banker people HATE HIM and hate what he's doing. So whenever you hear about Russia being evil today then please think of the context of Russia bloody conflict between zionist bankers and the christian slavic people and please pay attention to the propaganda that comes from zionist banker funded protest groups today


the audio is not great but benjamin freedman was a zionist banker who later converted to christianity and spilled the beans on whats going on

actually i dont agree with every single word that he's saying, he was an opinionated person just like anyone else. i'd say he's about 90% right

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i'll probably hate myself for entering a communication episode with you but anyway:

how do you explain israel's return of sinai to egypt as a part of peace accords with your theory of greater israel from nile to euphrates ?

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Take a quote from this article for example, a random article based on Ottoman Empire history




"The First World War was a disaster for the Ottoman Empire. British and allied forces had conquered Baghdad, Damascus, and Jerusalem during the war and most of the Empire was divided among the European allies"


Iraq, Syria, and Palestine are all inside of the land that exists between the Nile and the Euphrates.


It's a funny coincidence that the Zionists asked the Kaiser and the Sultan for that bit of land. And then they refused. And then they were at war. And then the victors of the war held that exact bit of land that the zionists wanted in the first place!



Take a quote from this article for example, a random article based on Ottoman Empire history




"The First World War was a disaster for the Ottoman Empire. British and allied forces had conquered Baghdad, Damascus, and Jerusalem during the war and most of the Empire was divided among the European allies"


Iraq, Syria, and Palestine are all inside of the land that exists between the Nile and the Euphrates.


It's a funny coincidence that the Zionists asked the Kaiser and the Sultan for that bit of land. And then they refused. And then they were at war. And then the victors of the war held that exact bit of land that the zionists wanted in the first place!



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i'll probably hate myself for entering a communication episode with you but anyway:

how do you explain israel's return of sinai to egypt as a part of peace accords with your theory of greater israel from nile to euphrates ?


because your government and leaders ain't finished yet. what's going on in syria? it's not really a civil war is it? england, france, and the usa are sending in spies and outsiders to commit terrorism and replace the government there with one that is friendlier to israel.

even with lots of money, it isn't easy to build a stable country. rome wasn't built in a day ;-)


these days i think about this stuff, and i realise that it doesnt matter to me so much. why should i care either way who gets the land there? but i do care about western countries like usa and uk being asked to attack iran. why should we be called up to fight in a war that's not really our business?


im from the uk and i dont agree with my government on anything and im tired of their lies. i guess you feel the same about your government for the most part? :sad:

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it looks quite finished from where i'm looking, the most extreme right-wingers in the current elections are for official annexation of the big portion of west bank at most. the idea of israel from nile to euphrates is non-existent in the current discourse.

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Alex Jones proposes no solutions that will have a long term, healthy, sustainable impact on society. He's a conservative and likes to hold things back in the name of tradition. I bet he makes a lot of money from his show/sales of DVDs/advertising etc. He's just trying to maintain + increase sales.


This one shows his true colours:





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