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alex jones on piers morgan

Guest dese manz hatin

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Guest Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald

Holy shit lol. This is an ultimate clusterfuck of two of the world's worst men flapping their arms shouting complete bullshit.


I can't help but think that Alex Jones is playing up to his audience. I mean the point where he ends up doing a faux British accent is just comedy gold, there's no way anyone could think of that and be serious.


I'm not even gonna watch that. But now I know why Tim Heidecker has been bullying Alex Jones all day on Twitter...




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So, I watched 3 minutes of it and here's what I got:
- Revolution against Santa Anna (santa anna - lol)

- Alex Jones wants Piers to come to the US to shoot guns with him

- Something about Indian women who wants guns

- Predator drones harassing people in North Dakota

- Duck hunting

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holy shit america is weird.


maybe, but I think its more telling that Euro-American celebrity and paranoid-celebrity culture is nonsense.




this is hilarious in the most pathetic possible ways.

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i've followed Alex Jones since around late 2003 and I am absolutely convinced that he's being used as a form of controlled opposition. Sometimes i even think to myself that he's intentionally trying to discredit the things he talks about, but that would be giving him too much credit.

basically no one in his 'movement' which has been heavily mixed in with truthers and hardcore militia conservative types is allowed to criticize him, his movement and fans have become like a cult. If you do criticize him he black balls you in said movement. My sister Abby got a huge amount of backlash from his fans for doing this segment on her show, and apparently Alex Jones spent about 10 minutes bashing her on his show last week, although i can't find out which segment or episode it was on. If anybody here listens to jones and knows what i'm talking about I'd love to hear it.

if he used to be anything authentic in the past or really believed in the stuff he preached, this Piers Morgan interview at least for me proves that he has gone completely off the deep end. His fans of course will defend anything he does and rationalize his manic behavior by saying 'you're supposed to be pissed off at the nwo! if you're not man up and stop being a coward'. Well sure being pissed is fine, but having a national TV spot and making yourself seem like a raving lunatic man-child is a whole other ball game, and thats exactly what AJ did here. He made Piers Morgan look like a genius by comparison .
what scares me the most about AJ's recent blowup in popularity is that he is feeding into the exact same irrational right wing fascist fear mongering propaganda that Glenn Beck was for many years. Alex Jones has made the front page of Drudgereport like 7 times in the past 3 weeks and he seems to relish every moment of it while making no mention of the fact that Drudge is making millions off of sensationalism, well probably because Alex is now too. It's fine to be skeptical of the government, but to call out every single disaster including floods, mass shooting as some sort of 'inside job' its worse than the boy who cried wolf, it just poisons the well of skepticism against government narratives across the board.
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God I hate Alex Jones/ hate Piers Morgan even more.



this is, quite literally, the War of the Witless.


I saw a headline saying Glenn Beck spent 10 minutes explaining to his audience that Alex Jones is a nut and not conservative and that both he and Piers are phonies...lol



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not related and possibly jazz, but i find it pretty funny how some consertatives fail to see the sarcasm in this tweet and are shouting/blogging/tweeting about how "PIERS MORGAN GLAD SANDY HOOK HAPPENED!"


anyway, on topic, what a couple of twonks.

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i've followed Alex Jones since around late 2003 and I am absolutely convinced that he's being used as a form of controlled opposition. Sometimes i even think to myself that he's intentionally trying to discredit the things he talks about, but that would be giving him too much credit.


basically no one in his 'movement' which has been heavily mixed in with truthers and hardcore militia conservative types is allowed to criticize him, his movement and fans have become like a cult. If you do criticize him he black balls you in said movement. My sister Abby got a huge amount of backlash from his fans for doing this segment on her show, and apparently Alex Jones spent about 10 minutes bashing her on his show last week, although i can't find out which segment or episode it was on. If anybody here listens to jones and knows what i'm talking about I'd love to hear it.



if he used to be anything authentic in the past or really believed in the stuff he preached, this Piers Morgan interview at least for me proves that he has gone completely off the deep end. His fans of course will defend anything he does and rationalize his manic behavior by saying 'you're supposed to be pissed off at the nwo! if you're not man up and stop being a coward'. Well sure being pissed is fine, but having a national TV spot and making yourself seem like a raving lunatic man-child is a whole other ball game, and thats exactly what AJ did here. He made Piers Morgan look like a genius by comparison .

what scares me the most about AJ's recent blowup in popularity is that he is feeding into the exact same irrational right wing fascist fear mongering propaganda that Glenn Beck was for many years. Alex Jones has made the front page of Drudgereport like 7 times in the past 3 weeks and he seems to relish every moment of it while making no mention of the fact that Drudge is making millions off of sensationalism, well probably because Alex is now too. It's fine to be skeptical of the government, but to call out every single disaster including floods, mass shooting as some sort of 'inside job' its worse than the boy who cried wolf, it just poisons the well of skepticism against government narratives across the board.


Umm...your sister is awesome.

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i've followed Alex Jones since around late 2003 and I am absolutely convinced that he's being used as a form of controlled opposition. Sometimes i even think to myself that he's intentionally trying to discredit the things he talks about, but that would be giving him too much credit.



basically no one in his 'movement' which has been heavily mixed in with truthers and hardcore militia conservative types is allowed to criticize him, his movement and fans have become like a cult. If you do criticize him he black balls you in said movement. My sister Abby got a huge amount of backlash from his fans for doing this segment on her show, and apparently Alex Jones spent about 10 minutes bashing her on his show last week, although i can't find out which segment or episode it was on. If anybody here listens to jones and knows what i'm talking about I'd love to hear it.



if he used to be anything authentic in the past or really believed in the stuff he preached, this Piers Morgan interview at least for me proves that he has gone completely off the deep end. His fans of course will defend anything he does and rationalize his manic behavior by saying 'you're supposed to be pissed off at the nwo! if you're not man up and stop being a coward'. Well sure being pissed is fine, but having a national TV spot and making yourself seem like a raving lunatic man-child is a whole other ball game, and thats exactly what AJ did here. He made Piers Morgan look like a genius by comparison .

what scares me the most about AJ's recent blowup in popularity is that he is feeding into the exact same irrational right wing fascist fear mongering propaganda that Glenn Beck was for many years. Alex Jones has made the front page of Drudgereport like 7 times in the past 3 weeks and he seems to relish every moment of it while making no mention of the fact that Drudge is making millions off of sensationalism, well probably because Alex is now too. It's fine to be skeptical of the government, but to call out every single disaster including floods, mass shooting as some sort of 'inside job' its worse than the boy who cried wolf, it just poisons the well of skepticism against government narratives across the board.




Nice insight awepittance


There's a sense of sincerity I used to get from Alex Jones - he seemed a lot harder to pin down ideologically too. It's strange seeing him got from being a fairly likable, if not at the very least interesting, fringe libertarian/paleoconservative and even indie quasi-celebrity (at least in Austin with his Linklater film cameos). Anyone I know who was a fan or avid listener have more or less moved on or just found him too contradictory or incoherent. It really coincided with the whole Tea Party phenomenon and GOPs select absorption of right-wing fringe ideals and rhetoric.


There was an awkward moment last session (2011) on the Texas Senate Floor when he showed up with a camera crew (clearly and purposely ignoring signs saying cameras were not allowed, as the Senate is broadcast and archived for the public) to support a futile last-minute anti-TSA bill only actively being supported by a very conservative legislator named Dan Patrick. He stormed outside when it was tabled and lead a chant that was audible in the whole capitol. Here I was, both thinking "well it's a shame an anti-groping bill isn't going anywhere" but also wondering how on earth Alex could seriously support and more or less use Dan Patrick for his agenda on Infowars. An anti-imperialism 9/11 truther calling an overtly pro-military Christian Republican like Dan Patrick a "patriotic American" - for that week anyway. Alex Jones is definitely a short-term opportunist imo, and the brilliant thing about his methods is the ability to dismiss and denounce everything with another seemingly logical conspiracy - there is always a contingency plan for him and his supporters.


As for Piers, not to defend Jones, but you know he had a plan to keep it cool and make Jones look like the nutjob - it's all for ratings and publicity. He booked him for that and nothing else.

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