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Attractive News Personalities


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Haha Awepittance is going to cut my nuts off for this. In all seriousness though, I have been watching Breaking the Set on Hulu. It's way better than CNN.

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Yeah, I found it the other day. It only has about a months worth of episodes but I think it is updating daily or whenever the show airs now. The interview with kim.com was cool.

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I won't lie, we always turn on the Today Show in the mornings. I find them all pleasant as a sorta backing ambience to our morning routine.


I loved Ann Curry, was bummed she was fired but it wasn't exactly a bad call by NBC :whistling: :



My mom used to watch it when we lived in Okinawa, it'd come on a day behind and like in the middle of the afternoon actually. Also, since there was no local affiliate to cut into the broadcast (Armed Forces Network didn't run commercials, just PSAs), you'd see and hear all these live bits that no one beyond those at the studio would ever witness - awkward chit-chat, dead silence and muffled microphones. For instance when local weather normally would come on, I'd heard Al Roker do the same cheesy jokes to the outdoor audience - he'd get the crowd to chant "JUMANJI JOE MICHAEL" - some random inside joke or something never intended for tv audiences to hear. It went on from 1995-1998, fuck he could still do that chant for all I know. No fucking clue why I've remembered this either.


To be honest I don't latch on to news anchors much. If there's any news personalities I actually remember from childhood and revered for no reason beyond simply finding them likable as a kid it's these two:




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The lovely Polly Evans. She used to present the local news when I lived down in Devon, then when I went up to uni to the east of the country she ended up moving to present the local news for that region too - clearly it was for me !



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This thread can't exist with at least one mention of Melissa Theuriau.






*tries to add some smileys but realizes watmm sucks on the ipad...posting pics is a bitch as well and falls dead to the floor due to a lack of oxygen after forgetting to take a breath *

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Keep the typical local LA thing to a minimal please. LA is way too unique to be even considered interesting talking material. Sorry to be so blunt and all, but you know how hard THE TRUTH can be sometimes.

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Keep the typical local LA thing to a minimal please. LA is way too unique to be even considered interesting talking material. Sorry to be so blunt and all, but you know how hard THE TRUTH can be sometimes.


What do you mean "unique"? I'm sorry, but I'm confused. I can't tell if you are bagging on LA or defending it.

If you are thinking I might be offended, you couldn't be further from the truth. I kinda hate LA.

It's just a fact that the weather is the same every day, so they get hot girlies in tight clothes to do the weather.






You're favorite news lady is ridiculously hot.





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*sigh*... When I was younger, like elementary school young, before school my mom would always have the NBC Today show on,in the kitchen as I ate breakfast. I watched Katie Couric every morning and eventually developed a small crush on her, I think it was because she seemed nice and always seemed to be smiling. I feel like an idiot for admitting this, not attracted to her at all these days.

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how did you feel when her colonoscopy thing went to air?

I was already long over her at that point... I remember it as something that happened, but I didn't watch it or care much at that point, I was in high school by then and the Today show was no longer a part of my morning routine.

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