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I just got elbow-checked on the sidewalk by some jerk


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Tonight, I was killing time before a movie by going for a little stroll on Fairfax. It's a little happening strip of shops and restaurants, right where the Odd Future guys have their clothing store.

Anyway, I had just walked past Canter's Deli and was approaching the corner, minding my own business, when some well-dressed, 50 year old douchebag rounds the corner and elbows me in the arm, hard.

It's not like we bumped into each other, or brushed arms. He tensed his arm up and elbowed me, and it hurt.


He kept walking and I stopped and turned around and shouted "Excuse me!", to which he smugly replied "What!?".

I then shouted "What the fuck was that?!" and he proudly said, "You were walking too close to me", which I wasn't.

I then shouted "No! I was on my side of the sidewalk!" and gestured to the sidewalk. He said something else and I put my
middle finger up in his face and shouted "Fuck yourself!" And walked away.

I definitely got all "New York" on him. I kinda wanted to fight him, but I'm glad I didn't. Still, I wanted to take this guy down.

When he elbowed me, it was like he had been saving up his anger and I was the first person he got a chance to let it out on, like he'd been waiting for it.

I don't fucking get it.

This guy was such a major asshole, I can't even comprehend it.

Again, it's another nail in the coffin confirming my theory that most people in Los Angeles are a fucking arrogant, aggressive assholes with no perspective on reality. I'm getting closer and closer to leaving this shithole of a town.


Afterward, I wished I'd have just taken a picture of his face and posted it all over the web.

I actually bought a milkshake to cheer myself up, after which, I poked my head into every restaurant on Fairfax, hoping I'd see this ugly cunt's face. No luck. He was probably just picking up pastries at Canters or something.

I hope he gets cancer and rots in hell.

Fuck that guy.


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Guest Frankie5fingers

if it were me i would've curb stomped his ass. im not even joking about this. i seriously wouldve kicked the shit outta him.


but, glad youre ok and it didnt turn into anything crazy.

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i love new york

Me too.

Too bad I'm in LA. It sucks here. People are fucking cunts.

The whole "new yorkers are mean and rude" thing is a total myth.

People here are serious fucking sociopaths.

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that man was sent back in time to destroy the odd future retail store in order to prevent a swagged out apocalypse. he elbowed you because he was carrying an extremely volatile antimatter bomb and you almost bumped into him. he's probably so distraught that he won't go through with it now. thanks bro, you just fucked us.

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He sounds like a prick. I haven't been to that area since May 2001, but in my experience people in NYC seemed more polite. Last I was there was March 2003 though.

I was born in the Sacramento area. Northern Cali I'd probably go back to one day, but not the south.

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that man was sent back in time to destroy the odd future retail store in order to prevent a swagged out apocalypse. he elbowed you because he was carrying an extremely volatile antimatter bomb and you almost bumped into him. he's probably so distraught that he won't go through with it now. thanks bro, you just fucked us.


Anyways, you probably should have killed him.

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Remember that part where you couldn't hear what he said? I'm sure he tried to explain he pushed you to the side because of an imminent higgs boson particle danger. HE TRIED TO SAVE YOUR LIFE! It's inexplainable, because who would actually believe, or even understand it. Poor guy.

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He kinda looked like Leland Palmer with black hair. It's funny because now, when I remember the incident, I picture Leland Palmer elbowing me and I can't remember the guy's face.

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if it were me i would've curb stomped his ass. im not even joking about this. i seriously wouldve kicked the shit outta him.


but, glad youre ok and it didnt turn into anything crazy.


If it were me I would've cried a little and ran away as fast as possible

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Guy thinks he's tough shit, that's all. Somevpeople never grow up past middle school. Anyway you should have shot him in the face multiple times and then cut off his skin and worn it and then elbow some prick who probably deserved it anyway.


There's always next time.

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There's nothing funnier or cosmically more satisfying than punching a bully repeatedly in the face. Apart from anally raping them at the same time. Unfortunately the judge didn't accept my explanation.

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I'm going to be honest here, i don't think he just elbowed you, people don't do that. You two probably brushed elbows and because you seem to have some anger built up inside of you about people from LA you just went ballistic on him.


People who say "excuse me" after a random person accidentally elbow them are looking for a fight, i have seen it happen, the correct thing to do is to wait for the person that elbowed you to say i'm sorry, if he doesn't then he's rude but there is no reason for you to go ballistic on him, just move on.


By his response he probably apologized about it (his response wasn't agressive, he gave you a perfectly reasonable explanation, its obvious he wasnt looking for a fight), you are either leaving out the part when he apologized or at the time were to angry to listen to his apology.

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well if what occurred is how you said it occurred, take solace in the fact that you were the better man for it, you aired your grievances, guy still proved to be a dick, and you didn't fly off the handle with it.


you were the better man. take that with you.

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