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north korea is (probably) conducting nuclear tests

Guest zaphod

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What's the point of having thousands of nukes anyway? Wouldn't 3 or 4 cause global extinction?


Oh yeah, well we have 10,000!!! *dickswing*


funny you mention that, some right wing talk show host earlier today was criticizing obama for cutting down on the nuclear arsenal.


some people are beyond retarded.

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No country that ever possessed nuclear weapons or even developed them should raise a voice in this matter. It sucks that governments still want to show off like this but we all had it coming. Next time a major nation thinks about some stupid ego-tripping shit like developing nukes to frighten the world, they better think again.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

we need to wipe those fuckers from the face of the planet. a war didn't work and they clearly don't want to play by the rules. all they do is create unneeded stress for the rest of the world. they wanna act big? fine. bomb em into submission, we'll see who's big then.

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Most of the PDRK's technology and armaments are outdated anyway. The South excels ahead of them in almost every possible way.

An example - the RoK army's new K11 standard-issue rifle/airburst weapon (based on the US army's abandoned M29 OICW project)

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The sound at 2:17 is un-fucking-believable.


Jeezus. They're brainwashed as fuck. Even after over 2 million of them died of starvation over the past decade because their "Great General" cared more about spending money on his personal cognac collection than feeding his people, they still revered him.


Part of me wants to say "knock out the Kim dynasty for good" and reunite the North and South, but on the other hand I don't want to come off as an imperialist.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Most of the PDRK's technology and armaments are outdated anyway. The South excels ahead of them in almost every possible way.

just about everyone is ahead of NK. theyre dirt poor and the little money they have they waste on out of date military research and to creating a facade of prosperity that no one in their right mind believes in. and its only going to continue until we do something about it.

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Guest Adjective


Most of the PDRK's technology and armaments are outdated anyway. The South excels ahead of them in almost every possible way.

just about everyone is ahead of NK. theyre dirt poor and the little money they have they waste on out of date military research and to creating a facade of prosperity that no one in their right mind believes in. and its only going to continue until we do something about it.


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Guest Frankie5fingers



Most of the PDRK's technology and armaments are outdated anyway. The South excels ahead of them in almost every possible way.

just about everyone is ahead of NK. theyre dirt poor and the little money they have they waste on out of date military research and to creating a facade of prosperity that no one in their right mind believes in. and its only going to continue until we do something about it.


lol. i didnt even notice that. i was writing another thought and deleted it. guess i didnt get all of it.

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we need to wipe those fuckers from the face of the planet. a war didn't work and they clearly don't want to play by the rules. all they do is create unneeded stress for the rest of the world. they wanna act big? fine. bomb em into submission, we'll see who's big then.


wat? Please don't become a US defense contractor. :facepalm:

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What's the point of having thousands of nukes anyway? Wouldn't 3 or 4 cause global extinction?


Oh yeah, well we have 10,000!!! *dickswing*


funny you mention that, some right wing talk show host earlier today was criticizing obama for cutting down on the nuclear arsenal.


some people are beyond retarded.



i think it depends on the bomb. the usa probably has bombs that could wipe out a country, but stuff like dirty bombs would just spread radioactive substances and make a city unlivable for 50 years.

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lol at how the US (or whoever) would be imperialists for taking out an evil dictator and giving some starving people/slaves a chance at actually being able to live their lives for themselves. and lol at the idea that a dude who executes/blows people up with mortars as punishment for having a drink, and who essentially enslaves an entire nation, is a 'kid' on a 'playground'. oh, and not so lol at the people who want to blow up a whole country full of slaves, just because the guy who is enslaving them is a psychopathic dick.

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lol at how the US (or whoever) would be imperialists for taking out an evil dictator and giving some starving people/slaves a chance at actually being able to live their lives for themselves. and lol at the idea that a dude who executes/blows people up with mortars as punishment for having a drink, and who essentially enslaves an entire nation, is a 'kid' on a 'playground'. oh, and not so lol at the people who want to blow up a whole country full of slaves, just because the guy who is enslaving them is a psychopathic dick.



i never thought id say this, but I am in complete agreement with what you just said.


well, almost....there isn't exactly a safe way to "take care" of the North Korean hierarchy.

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i think that saying the people of north korea are 'in thrall' with their leader is highly debatable and largely just un-knowable. the fact that one guy was blown up with a mortar for daring to have a drink during the official 100 day mourning period of Kim Jong-il, and that the citizens were expected to show their mourning or face similar consequences, i think that puts it in the realm of likelihood that those pictures you see of the NK people worshipping their leaders are as fake as can be. sure, some are going to love the guy. lots of people think Che Guevara was a super-awesome dude, just because he had cool hair in that one photo. who cares that he looked up to stalin, a guy who killed millions? hell lots of people love stalin, mao, or even hitler, or look to their selfish, evil philosophies for guidance. some people are just stupid or evil. but then again, there is the fact that Kim has a wall around those people, so they have little idea about what's going on in the outside world, and less perspective on what's going on in their own world.


so we can probably safely assume that some of those people forced to adore Kim with guns in their backs for photo ops, really are not happy with their leader. i think we can also assume that some of the ones who have bought into his BS might realize that that's all it is, if/when they get a glimpse of the real world after their iron curtain falls.


and how do i answer the question of what good there is to freeing a country full of slaves, or at least giving them a chance to free themselves?

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Guest Frankie5fingers

(i had a response ready to explain my "solution" but honestly, if i posted it.....well....it wasnt anything ranty, but it may be a little extreme for some so im not gonna bother)



anyways, weve given them plenty of chances to play ball and they just dont want too. i completely understand that the populace is being controlled. its no different than when Hitler ruled Germany or Stalin, Russia. did we talk to them? yeah, and they just ended up doing horrible things anyways. everything thing weve done to control this regime they just return with threatening others. im starting to get sick of this whole pussy-footing around situations like this. the solution will never be diplomacy, they never listen. so, what is the solution? how do you suggest we get this little dick off the goddamn playground?

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i think the situation is a little different from hitler's germany. for one thing NK doesn't have nearly the military capability. as far as what type of actual support the NK people at large have for Kim, vs the type of support the average german had for Hitler, i would guess there would be an important difference there too. Hitler used scapegoating to get on the people's side. NK dictators seem to more heavily rely on threats of death. all i'm saying is that the idea of blowing up the whole country seems pretty fucked, and entirely unnecessary.

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The problem with that attitude is that it's short-sighted. Sure, it is a great temptation to remove someone evil from power, given the choice. But then, who fills the vacuum? Either it's a perpetual war slash construction project, or a US-friendly government we fund, arm, and maybe defend.


I can't pretend to have a solution, but countries who undergo their own revolutions seem to be more stable on the average. I don't think we're qualified in any other way but strength to play Dad to the world.

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Fuck off NK government. You vile, pos, arrogant, little pigs, who continue the suffering of many people, harvasting their souls for a nice sheen tan and glimmer to your empty fucking existence. Pig fucking blithering douche bags... i hope your mind tortures you one day Kim Jong Un, for your needless and greedy aggression against humanity. Stop your aggression and fuck off for fucks sake. Your charade as is is just a bore, a boy who cried wolf metaphor used to the tenth billion time, a sad and depressed poker player, an old man who can't see... point is it is just so damn dull these days. Even the trigger happy cold war era cocks can't masturbate to your dick waving anymore. Your rockets usually just stop flying and crash into the ocean. It's pathetic. So please, let people be free of having to sit in their tiny apartments with nothing to do all day but read, pray, or talk about you, Mr. Un. Enough is enough. Go to prison, make a movie contract, tell your life story, Ang Lee can direct it, it'll win an oscar maybe (who gives a fuck lol), snort some cocaine, have a bit of fun. We won't be angry, idk you might be executed, I can't promise that won't happen. And most people will hate you, if not everyone. So yeah maybe if I had to be completely honest, doing what you got going is quite a lot better than just giving it all up. But really, you are running a literal meat grinder and there's more important things in the world than your temporary existence. It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh

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