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do you eat KFC?

Guest yikes

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Just because featherless chickens exist, does not mean all of KFC's chicken meat comes from a featherless chicken. And even if it did, what's to say its not as unhealthy as feathered chicken? Besides, it isn't genetics part you should be afraid of, its how they are treated and what preservatives they put in them to keep the "Fresh".


Here in Texas we have a fast food restaurant called Chick-Fil-A. Serves nothing but chicken. Food tastes great but I stopped eating there once I looked at there ingredients. They use THBQ which is shown in tests to cause DNA damage and stomach tumors in high doses. Sure its probably fine to have once in a while, but add that up with once a year for 40 years? Then imagine how many other products/fastfood/restaurants use THBQ. You end up getting a whole lot more of it and then wonder why you have cancer in your 60's-70's.

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if by fascinating you mean delusional, then yes

which part did you find un truthful?

the fact that that claim has not only been debunked as urban legend, but that that article is on a dubious website, poorly written, and contradictory

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Guest Aserinsky

I used to eat it before I became a vegetarian, I live practically next door to one and being the lazy shit I am I popped in on occasion. I couldn't even begin to think about eating there ever again though, even if by some miracle I started eating meat again.


In the context of that article though, it's a complete hoax. No such study from the University of New Hampshire exists, they themselves have confirmed it's a complete fabrication. Now I have no problem in terms of complaining about the welfare of animals in fast food production. The industry has a lot to answer for in order to reach our unsustainable demand for cheap meat. I just wish however any criticisms of firms such as KFC wouldn't lead to fabrications such as this; it weakens the argument and makes it appear those making the argument know theirs aren't strong enough to hold up by themselves, so they make false claims such as this. I would link to better arguments, but the only resources I can find right now are all owned by PETA, who are just as bad at using this tactic. Ironically this leads them to shoot themselves in the foot quite a bit such as their campaign to get people to drink beer instead of milk, despite many craft beers including isinglass (which is sourced from dried swim bladders of fish).


EDIT: You cannot drink food :cerious:

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i hate KFC so much. way too greasy, and the chicken itself has never been that great of quality (at least the ones ive eaten at). i usually get the fried chicken at my local grocery store.

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I use to dig me some KFC like crazy when I was a kid. Can't do it since I lived in NYC and that one KFC/TacoBell was over-run with rats and the video was on the news. I think there may have been more than one, actually.




After seeing the picture of that bald chicken, I think I made the right choice.


I would break my sabbatical for a buiscut tho.

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If you want to avoid the processed and pre-prepared junk but still crave and savor a fried chicken fillet, try this recipe:



The brining process alone will make any chicken/poultry taste really good...

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I don't think I've had KFC at all in the last 8 years... and even before then it was like a once every few years thing. If I want chicken I usually just fry or grill some up myself.

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I got a good old 'bogus colonel heart burn' from eating my fill at the one in Prague over the course of a week in 1998


I remember the "main one" in Berlin being extremely clean, and very good food.


The one in Copenhagen is rank as fuck


If there's a MacDonalds, Burger King and KFC I'll always go KFC.


tasty burgers though, oh so fuckin good. I always used to have the Zinger Tower Meal, do they still have that?

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if by fascinating you mean delusional, then yes

which part did you find un truthful?

the fact that that claim has not only been debunked as urban legend, but that that article is on a dubious website, poorly written, and contradictory

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