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Identities+emails of rich hiding cash offshore, $32trillion's worth

syd syside

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some families have whole lifetimes of money. their great grandfather made it all in the industrial revolution. I know. i work for a lady who never had a job in her life because she inherited her grandfathers fortune. its kind of unfair. to think that maybe ill eek out a nice life by the time im 80

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some families have whole lifetimes of money. their great grandfather made it all in the industrial revolution. I know. i work for a lady who never had a job in her life because she inherited her grandfathers fortune. its kind of unfair. to think that maybe ill eek out a nice life by the time im 80

why is it unfair ? is it unfair for close relatives to help each other ?

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this amount of money sits there gathering interest and people are starving across the planet,humans are an evil plague that needs wiping out,bring it on north korea!


Watch you don't cut yourself on all your edges

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some families have whole lifetimes of money. their great grandfather made it all in the industrial revolution. I know. i work for a lady who never had a job in her life because she inherited her grandfathers fortune. its kind of unfair. to think that maybe ill eek out a nice life by the time im 80

why is it unfair ? is it unfair for close relatives to help each other ?


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im not sure what's there to misunderstand..

is the act of transferring cash to your descendants (thus naturally improving their financial situation) could be somehow though of as unfair ?

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this amount of money sits there gathering interest and people are starving across the planet,humans are an evil plague that needs wiping out,bring it on north korea!


Watch you don't cut yourself on all your edges


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but also thjis is a classic example of discriminatio against rich people, they clearly earned all that money through their hard work and so the govt shouldnt steal it from them


I don't care that they are rich (if you earned it its fine by me be as rich as you can), the problem is when they do sneaky things like this just to save 15-20 percent of their billion dollar fortune while everybody else who isn't rich has to pay taxes,etc.


I don't mind paying taxes but when these fucking rats are getting away with tax evasion etc its fucked up.






some families have whole lifetimes of money. their great grandfather made it all in the industrial revolution. I know. i work for a lady who never had a job in her life because she inherited her grandfathers fortune. its kind of unfair. to think that maybe ill eek out a nice life by the time im 80

why is it unfair ? is it unfair for close relatives to help each other ?



im not sure what's there to misunderstand..

is the act of transferring cash to your descendants (thus naturally improving their financial situation) could be somehow though of as unfair ?



The problem with trusts and fortunes isn't the money or concept of inheritance, it's the social entitlement, especially literal titles among royal families, that comes with it: a lifetime of benefits from nepotism and knowing people in high places and all the benefits of being rich without working for it. Estates should not warrant extra legal rights. That's unfair.


Love him or hate him, I respect someone like Bill Gates who has donated billions in his philanthropy efforts and plans to do so with 95% if his estate upon death. On the other end of the spectrum you have people like Paris fucking Hilton. So it's impossible to generalize.


If I had millions I'd donate a lot of it but nonetheless pass it on to my family and friends who were deserving. There's nothing wrong with that.

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ass them and redistribute the asses


I don't care that they are rich (if you earned it its fine by me be as rich as you can), the problem is when they do sneaky things like this just to save 15-20 percent of their billion dollar fortune while everybody else who isn't rich has to pay taxes,etc.


I don't mind paying taxes but when these fucking rats are getting away with tax evasion etc its fucked up.


Nothing will happen.... it never does...


Indeed to both these, the wealthy get to play by a different set of rules than the rest of us. Its disheartening that so many remain ignorant or indifferent to such gross imbalance of wealth, never mind the ridiculously simple machinations those at the top continue to use to retain and consolidate their positions of power. Rigging political systems to serve their own interests ahead of the common good, orchestrating mass media to legitimize the fucked-up state of affairs as somehow being normal (like in America how unlimited anonymous campaign contributions - a fart chamber of bribery & corruption - is rebranded as constitutional freedom-of-speech); keeping the masses well-fed on the opiates of entertainment, sports, and the cults of celebrity, royalty and materialism; perpetuating the myth that if you're just hard-working/talented/and/or/lucky enough you too could become rich (and wouldn't that be great!), and pitting lower class factions against each other to fight over crumbs from the table or other differences entirely (i.e., race, religion). Even the Colonel puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes you crave it fortnightly!


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if this money was taken out of all these tax havens and redistributed or simply used, would it cause inflation? is this money technically out of circulation since it's just sitting there?

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but also thjis is a classic example of discriminatio against rich people, they clearly earned all that money through their hard work and so the govt shouldnt steal it from them

I don't care that they are rich (if you earned it its fine by me be as rich as you can), the problem is when they do sneaky things like this just to save 15-20 percent of their billion dollar fortune while everybody else who isn't rich has to pay taxes,etc.


I don't mind paying taxes but when these fucking rats are getting away with tax evasion etc its fucked up.








some families have whole lifetimes of money. their great grandfather made it all in the industrial revolution. I know. i work for a lady who never had a job in her life because she inherited her grandfathers fortune. its kind of unfair. to think that maybe ill eek out a nice life by the time im 80

why is it unfair ? is it unfair for close relatives to help each other ?






im not sure what's there to misunderstand..

is the act of transferring cash to your descendants (thus naturally improving their financial situation) could be somehow though of as unfair ?


The problem with trusts and fortunes isn't the money or concept of inheritance, it's the social entitlement, especially literal titles among royal families, that comes with it: a lifetime of benefits from nepotism and knowing people in high places and all the benefits of being rich without working for it. Estates should not warrant extra legal rights. That's unfair.


Love him or hate him, I respect someone like Bill Gates who has donated billions in his philanthropy efforts and plans to do so with 95% if his estate upon death. On the other end of the spectrum you have people like Paris fucking Hilton. So it's impossible to generalize.


If I had millions I'd donate a lot of it but nonetheless pass it on to my family and friends who were deserving. There's nothing wrong with that.



money will get you benefits even without nepotism and titles and all other kinds of distortions of ideal meritocracy. a kid with a million dollars will naturally go to a better college than one with 10k for example, neither have worked for their money, but the millionaire one will have better life chances obviously. the millionaire one will also be able to improve the chances of his descendants and so on and on.

so is this kind of reproduced inequality over generations could be regarded as unfair or immoral ? i think this what marf had in mind.

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this amount of money sits there gathering interest and people are starving across the planet,humans are an evil plague that needs wiping out,bring it on north korea!


Watch you don't cut yourself on all your edges

lol just really pissed off with stuff like this at the mo cuz i lost my job this week, company went bust,lack of work through cutbacks

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*googles "The Gettys"*


Man, I just remembered how much Mike Myers has bombed lately (save for his small role in Inglourious Basterds)

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if this money was taken out of all these tax havens and redistributed or simply used, would it cause inflation? is this money technically out of circulation since it's just sitting there?


ding ding ding


People crying in this thread don't really understand that re-distributing this money would be the same as the US govt printing 32 trillion dollars. Would be a disaster for everyone.

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Guest Iain C


if this money was taken out of all these tax havens and redistributed or simply used, would it cause inflation? is this money technically out of circulation since it's just sitting there?

ding ding ding


People crying in this thread don't really understand that re-distributing this money would be the same as the US govt printing 32 trillion dollars. Would be a disaster for everyone.


if this money was taken out of all these tax havens and redistributed or simply used, would it cause inflation? is this money technically out of circulation since it's just sitting there?

ding ding ding


People crying in this thread don't really understand that re-distributing this money would be the same as the US govt printing 32 trillion dollars. Would be a disaster for everyone.

You moron, the execution and asset-stripping of the rich would naturally be taking place under the wider abolition of capitalism.

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if this money was taken out of all these tax havens and redistributed or simply used, would it cause inflation? is this money technically out of circulation since it's just sitting there?


ding ding ding


People crying in this thread don't really understand that re-distributing this money would be the same as the US govt printing 32 trillion dollars. Would be a disaster for everyone.


32 trillion is the amount of money hidden not the amount of unpaid taxes, the amount distributed would be a percentage of that 32 trillion.

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Semi-serious, semi-stupid (on my part) question, but in what sense does this purported 32 trillion in assets "exist"? Like clearly there aren't vast repositories of gold bullion lining the streets of the Cayman Islands, so in what instruments is the money "in"? And do offshore banks just honor cash withdrawals like your ordinary bank up the street, and if so, how? (if there are any good links that tackle this stuff in a catchall then by all means link away ladies)

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Guest theSun

limit inherited wealth to 1 million per descendent. does your kid need more than that to succeed? rich people are fine but ultra rich families i have a problem with.


extra money should be given to charity or forfeit upon death.

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