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The Rules: Official Discussion & Debate


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yeah, like I said, that's all very logical, and you won't get any argument from me. But I'm not calling the shots.


Btw, I asked JR directly if it'd be possible to add a hidden nsfw forum (that would seem to me to satisfy everyone's requirements), but he wasn't interested. Not saying I was a strong advocate of the idea, since it seems rather lame and cowardly, but I did propose it. I don't think there's any way out of this impasse; it is what it is.

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Well at this point i'm interested in his position on the arguments in this thread. Who knows what the outcome will be. If nothing changes in the policies department, we will be smarter about it. And perhaps have a better idea what we want as members. Stay? Go? Etc.


The point is: at this point, the outcome of this discussion is secondary to the discussion itself. There's just more importance in the discussion itself. There's a basic fact that we cant have it all our way. Jr is not in a position to cherry pick the people present in this forum. He might have some influence. But control? Barely. This place is already more democratic than he or we realise(s).

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I for one find sexual references to be wholly inappropriate to dance music-related internet messageboards.

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I feel the time has come to complain about people who make rash complaints without first making sure that those complaints are justified

However, I would just like to add a complaint about shows that have too many complaints in them as they get very tedious for the average viewer.

I'd like to complain about people who hold things up by complaining about people complaining. It's about time something was done about it
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there's been threads like this before goDel. usually after a questionable banning.


Well at this point i'm interested in his position on the arguments in this thread.



I for one find sexual references to be wholly inappropriate to dance music-related internet messageboards.

I see Paul Ryan is having heavy sexual assgasms.

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J: "Surely you don't think by asking people to operate within a set of guidelines while they participate on a forum is going to dull their creative tendencies? Are you honestly trying to convince me that unless somebody can post tits and talk about sharting they're not going to be as creative? Bollocks."



Expressing oneself truly is a playful thing. Borderline taboos like ultra violence, fetishes, sex, genitalia are all explorations into our inner psyche and even though it mostly looks like being childish (like 99% of my ms-paints), there is a deeper meaning and purpose to it. It expresses how we feel about things deep down, it reminds us of our fears, our passions and most of all it's a creative approach to heavy subject matter.


I want to again point to the god of electronic music this forum owes a lot to, RDJ. His style, his occasional lyrics, it's all edgy stuff. It moves us, because we feel it, and we feel it, because we get it, and we get it, because its thorough in evocating deep emotional responses.

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Expressing oneself truly is a playful thing. Borderline taboos like ultra violence, fetishes, sex, genitalia are all explorations into our inner psyche and even though it mostly looks like being childish (like 99% of my ms-paints), there is a deeper meaning and purpose to it. It expresses how we feel about things deep down, it reminds us of our fears, our passions and most of all it's a creative approach to heavy subject matter.

exactly, and the reason why Japanese society has gotten along fine while business men read hentai tentacle rape porn sitting next to school girls on the train

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JR's just forward-looking. Every genre has to transform or die. Just like the Sex Pistols had to transform into Avril Lavigne, JR is helping guide us in our transformation from RDJ to...Skrillex?


(sorry this would be funnier if I was up to date on shit music)

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Re NSFW content:


I honestly don't want to stir shit, but I gotta say. A lot of you guys need to chill out.


I remember when watmm was off the rails with the nsfw stuff. It was awesome. So much fun.

I also wept like a baby for a while when the Nice Tits thread vanished. It was truly tragic.


Having said that, it's Joyrex's site.


You guys can get upset and protest all you want, but whatever papa says, flys. End of story.

Complaining about it is really only blowing hot air.


There are a lot of smart, funny and creative people in this community. You guys all make the place a great spot to hang out in.

Admittedly, it's a little sad that there is a filter on that creativity, at a certain point, but everyone still posts top-notch stuff, even with that filter.


Bottom line is: some people actually do get offended.

Sure. Those people may be overreacting (if there even are those people), but so what. Life goes on.


Maybe this place is a little more tame because some of us are denied the chance to get in touch with our id, in public. Whatever. There is still plenty of fun shit to post about.


Not that big of a loss, IMO.

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I feel that most of the time people being offended is their own fault. Read some books, think about the world a bit and you mellow down.

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Are people really getting offended by written discussion of certain subjects here though?

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Guest iep

Btw, I asked JR directly if it'd be possible to add a hidden nsfw forum (that would seem to me to satisfy everyone's requirements), but he wasn't interested. Not saying I was a strong advocate of the idea, since it seems rather lame and cowardly, but I did propose it.


and rightly so. please consider the tension a Hidden forum would bring, it would divide the community, perhaps even rip it apart-- and remember that with Frad and other ethical pillars of foundation we will have no "Rosa Parks" to stand up to that sort of wanton segregation.



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Guys, this community isn't tame, it's just boring. I have a feeling that if we were more lax (NOT completely lax) about subject matter in posts that people would also be more interested in the music part of the site. Right now everything feel so dull. And I don't understand why we don't have a few "chat" subforums; almost every other forum does, and it works out great.

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Guest A/D

I wish it was that easy too. For example, a thread tag that would completely hide a thread if deemed nsfw, unless you'd chosen to see such threads. Like an inverted ignore function for threads. I don't know if this is possible and I'm more willing to bet that it wouldn't be an accepted solution. But I'd rather deal with being offended than accept limited freedom of speech in the closest thing I have to a community online. You guys are da best - I want all your brain vomit.


JR, I'm still confused about whom you're cleaning up the forum for. You've said it's not you (though you continue to be condescending about anything that's not sexually vanilla, which is childish, and out of character for you). There are a few members who seem happy with your standards, and it's kind of you to cater to them. Is it them? Is it label people you're trying to attract? Artists who have come to you with grievances? I'm remembering an incident where a major artist stopped contributing, and it had nothing to do with forum content. (Certainly not implicating you either.)


I know Lumpy is right and this is all hot air. I hope to visit and support the forum for years to come. I just want to feel like you are imposing strict guidelines for reasons.

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Re NSFW content:


I honestly don't want to stir shit, but I gotta say. A lot of you guys need to chill out.


I remember when watmm was off the rails with the nsfw stuff. It was awesome. So much fun.

I also wept like a baby for a while when the Nice Tits thread vanished. It was truly tragic.


Having said that, it's Joyrex's site.


You guys can get upset and protest all you want, but whatever papa says, flys. End of story.

Complaining about it is really only blowing hot air.


There are a lot of smart, funny and creative people in this community. You guys all make the place a great spot to hang out in.

Admittedly, it's a little sad that there is a filter on that creativity, at a certain point, but everyone still posts top-notch stuff, even with that filter.


Bottom line is: some people actually do get offended.

Sure. Those people may be overreacting (if there even are those people), but so what. Life goes on.


Maybe this place is a little more tame because some of us are denied the chance to get in touch with our id, in public. Whatever. There is still plenty of fun shit to post about.


Not that big of a loss, IMO.

Pretty much in agreement here. Again, I didn't come here until nearly a year ago, but I still find it humorous that some folks are lamenting not being allowed to post pics of tits and dicks. I mean, we can still get creative and interesting without having to be too crude.


Besides, another month from now, I'm sure much of our attention will be focused on music again, with the release of Tomorrow's Harvest looming ahead.

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I am pretty sure that many employers don't approve of their employees surfing the internet for fun and reading forums etc. anyways. If you do decide to partake in that activity at the workplace you just have to use your own discretion in knowing that you may come across nsfw pictures accidentally. A good example I have is craigslist, where occasionally you might find yourself opening an extremely nsfw picture if you are just looking around maybe at the personals for a laugh (I sometimes do this).


This. Watmm is NSFW even in it's cleanest form, imo.



Well, I don't have access to WATMM at work. It's blocked straight away.

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a reverse 'ignore' feature is a pretty good shout.




You only want a small number of posters in your daily watmm experience?


Such cruelty ;)

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Why are people talking about nsfw still? Plenty of funny, not-nsfw content gets deleted.

Yea this. The deletion of Fred's thread/Fred is what got this thread going, and Fred's thread was sfw. Just not "Vanilla".

The only nsfw beef I have is nsfw mspaints not being allowed. If they were spoilertagged they wouldn't bother anyone.


Besides, another month from now, I'm sure much of our attention will be focused on music again, with the release of Tomorrow's Harvest looming ahead.

Or not, since several members don't even listen to Boards of Canada. It's only one album anyway; how much will there really be to talk about? There's a lot more to this community than IDM love.

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