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The Rules: Official Discussion & Debate


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Side note: this discussion is pretty much the "ideal son-in-law" kind of constructive. I really don't see the unconstructive part. We should be able to disagree about certain watmm policies, right?


I miss centurix, btw. He used to be the mother we went to, when daddy didnt do the things we wanted.


Talking about watmm memes...


He seems to be having a nice time on the beach these days.

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I am simply tired of this forum being looked at by professionals and others as some cesspool where the greasy little IDM prepubescent nerds hang out and share their immature fantasies and giggle at poop jokes.


Who are these people we are trying to impress? BoC didn't come here to drum up any pre-release hype, AFX clearly doesn't give a shit and Autechre don't need our support, who else can possibly count on a forum dedicated to music that reached its peak some years ago?



It's a straw man to engender some respect for adherence to those aspects of the rules. Never the less, he's the boss, and there are some advantages in the net scheme of things to keeping it clean. Legal and otherwise.

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Guest Iain C

I just had to remove 47 posts regarding Fred's banning - the rules clearly state that if you have a question about someone's banning or suspension, to contact me regarding it, and not to create a thread or pollute other threads with off-topic discussion. If it continues, then the epic hilarity of this thread will come to an unfortunate close.


I've said it before, I will say it again - if you cannot operate within the rules of the forum, then you have no business here - I don't think it's too much to ask for anyone to control themselves and actually, you know, talk about music on a music forum, and keep the non-music discussion civil and not delve into weird fetishes or pornography or whatever there's already plenty of on the internet elsewhere.


I'm not a purist, I'm not some religious zealot, and I haven't "found" Jesus or any of that crap - I am simply tired of this forum being looked at by professionals and others as some cesspool where the greasy little IDM prepubescent nerds hang out and share their immature fantasies and giggle at poop jokes.


It was my fault for letting the forum slide down that slippery slope to begin with, and I had hoped by now everyone would have gotten the message. Apparently the only ones who still have difficulty in accepting this are the members who became accustomed to this kind of behaviour in the past, and now see it as the party being over.


If you want to respond to this, please PM me. Thanks.


You'll kill this place. I mean, more than you already have.

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Joyrex, I certainly do talk about sex in public, and I'm not being sarcastic. I think sex and nonstandard sexual preferences are integral to the human experience, and it's important to me that I can be open about those things with the people I'm close with. WATMM does our share of leering over the female anatomy, which I can understand trying to prohibit. But I think disallowing all forms of sexual discourse is too extreme.


Is the idea of someone enjoying licking a foot so abhorrent to you? Or rather, do you think it's abhorrent to enough people that it will cause WATMM to be looked at as a cesspool?


Speaking of which, can I ask what makes you feel like WATMM is "looked at by professionals and others as some cesspool where the greasy little IDM prepubescent nerds hang out and share their immature fantasies"? There's nothing immature about being sexually active or being interested in sex well beyond teenage years. I think ideally sex is really fun or an expression of love or both. I think open discussion about sex is important to a society looking to move forward.


I understand that you have no call to respond to this or explain yourself, but it's an issue dear to my heart, so I thought I'd at least ask. Thanks for any insights.

Yeah, right - I'm sure you stand in line at the grocery store and talk about sex in a normal voice. If you do, next time look around to see who's listening to you and what their reactions are.


There is nothing wrong with sex, sexual discussion, etc. - it just doesn't need to be here. If you're so into talking about sexuality, go find an appropriate forum geared to that topic.


When you are young and edgy and introverted and a bit pissed at the world and you are discovering idm music, the general banter of watmm (that used to be before the censorship) was the perfect place for you on the nets. It's becoming gray now, no contrasts, no edge. That can't be good for young upstart electronic musicians that should gather here.


I'm not kidding btw

Surely you don't think by asking people to operate within a set of guidelines while they participate on a forum is going to dull their creative tendencies? Are you honestly trying to convince me that unless somebody can post tits and talk about sharting they're not going to be as creative? Bollocks.


This is all Cylob's fault.

His opinion was that the general populace here was/is homophobic - and while I don't think we are, I can understand his point of view when 'lol, fag' is bandied about on a regular basis.



I just had to remove 47 posts regarding Fred's banning - the rules clearly state that if you have a question about someone's banning or suspension, to contact me regarding it, and not to create a thread or pollute other threads with off-topic discussion. If it continues, then the epic hilarity of this thread will come to an unfortunate close.


I've said it before, I will say it again - if you cannot operate within the rules of the forum, then you have no business here - I don't think it's too much to ask for anyone to control themselves and actually, you know, talk about music on a music forum, and keep the non-music discussion civil and not delve into weird fetishes or pornography or whatever there's already plenty of on the internet elsewhere.


I'm not a purist, I'm not some religious zealot, and I haven't "found" Jesus or any of that crap - I am simply tired of this forum being looked at by professionals and others as some cesspool where the greasy little IDM prepubescent nerds hang out and share their immature fantasies and giggle at poop jokes.


It was my fault for letting the forum slide down that slippery slope to begin with, and I had hoped by now everyone would have gotten the message. Apparently the only ones who still have difficulty in accepting this are the members who became accustomed to this kind of behaviour in the past, and now see it as the party being over.


If you want to respond to this, please PM me. Thanks.


You'll kill this place. I mean, more than you already have.


Yeah, I'm just killing this place right into the ground. That's why membership is up, donations cover the hosting costs when combined with VigLink, and I get alerts from our ISP about exceeding the CPU and I/O thresholds due to the number of concurrent users.


I think it's more a case of I'm killing what you thought was what this place was about, and what engendered you to the community, and you're unwilling to change with it.

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I don't like it when people say "lol fag" either, but that seems to be rarer here than everywhere else on the Internet. There are plenty of watmmers who aren't of the straight persuasion. Compared to your average CNN comment thread or fanboi forum or something, watmm is like a beacon of civility (mandatory initiatory rules reading and gentle ribbing notwithstanding). There are a couple dipshits on here, but they stick out like a sore batcock.


Watmm's sense of humor and willingness to get disgusting with salsa makes watmm special.

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all I can really say on this whole subject is this:


I used to go to xltronic quite a lot. now I don't. and it's because of the fact that the majority of the threads there and the people posting there are just...bad (don't get me wrong, there are still awesome people from xltronic that I will always regard as proper mates, you all know who you are...if you're reading).


as much as I don't want to see all the lols disappear, I also don't want to see WATMM turn into what xltronic has become.

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When you are young and edgy and introverted and a bit pissed at the world and you are discovering idm music, the general banter of watmm (that used to be before the censorship) was the perfect place for you on the nets. It's becoming gray now, no contrasts, no edge. That can't be good for young upstart electronic musicians that should gather here.


I'm not kidding btw

Surely you don't think by asking people to operate within a set of guidelines while they participate on a forum is going to dull their creative tendencies? Are you honestly trying to convince me that unless somebody can post tits and talk about sharting they're not going to be as creative? Bollocks.

I for one am completely alright with not having nice tits/butts threads (gave the place a boy's club feel), and the fact that I can browse this forum at school without running the risk of NSFW content coming up on my computer is great.


However, the discussions being closed aren't all about "tits and sharting", nor are they NSFW. While Fred's feet licking topic may have apparently gone sour, there was nothing inherently wrong with it. Rather, it was members getting out of line that were the problem. Wouldn't it have been more appropriate to send members who were violating the rules a warning, versus closing down a perfectly decent thread?


Also, this forum not allowing NSFW mspaint drawings anymore is a shame. As long as NSFW content is in a spoiler tag who can complain?


While I support some of the censorship that you are doing, Joyrex, I think you are going overboard. This is a forum that celebrates a music genre whose featured artists sample porn and have a pretty left-of-field sense of humor, not a forum that celebrates Adult Contemporary.

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Guest Mirezzi

I think Fred should have kept beakdotcom open. All the puerile pee-pee poo-poo titty fart chatter could have been funneled there and everybody would have been happy. I'm not as chaste as Joyrex, but I definitely don't care about those sorts of topics anymore.


Nonetheless, there's plenty of real estate on the web for that sort of discourse.

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Guest RadarJammer

Joe Rogans forum has a unique feature where if someone breaks the rules or is being a shit they are restricted to posting in a sub forum for the unruly and through good behavior they can earn full forum rights after awhile. I wish watmm had that "rehabilitation sub forum" or something so we could still have Anonymstol and Sup and Fred.

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Why don't we have on the website somewhere (maybe in the section where there used to be actual content) a list of things we're not allowed to talk about or laugh about? That might be helpful.

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all I can really say on this whole subject is this:


I used to go to xltronic quite a lot. now I don't. and it's because of the fact that the majority of the threads there and the people posting there are just...bad (don't get me wrong, there are still awesome people from xltronic that I will always regard as proper mates, you all know who you are...if you're reading).


as much as I don't want to see all the lols disappear, I also don't want to see WATMM turn into what xltronic has become.



As a former XLT'er myself, I can relate to this 100 percent.

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Why don't we have on the website somewhere (maybe in the section where there used to be actual content) a list of things we're not allowed to talk about or laugh about? That might be helpful.

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Guest Mirezzi

Joe Rogans forum has a unique feature where if someone breaks the rules or is being a shit they are restricted to posting in a sub forum for the unruly and through good behavior they can earn full forum rights after awhile. I wish watmm had that "rehabilitation sub forum" or something so we could still have Anonymstol and Sup and Fred.


I've said this many times, too, but I also understand the counter-argument.


If you're a repeat offender on a site that has unpaid volunteers moderating, you're very likely not worth the overhead to babysit.

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Why don't we have on the website somewhere (maybe in the section where there used to be actual content) a list of things we're not allowed to talk about or laugh about? That might be helpful.


As luck would have it, there already is. Check this out: http://forum.watmm.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules



lol fag


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We could have an alternate forum, managed by someone else, for everything nsfw(atmm). Like WAT(F)MM, which appears to be defunct now

I'm sure there are plenty of trashy forums out there if you're feeling alienated at this one. Joyrex just prefers a clean house, and expects his guests to keep it that way too.

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People having a laugh at silly stuff does not make this a trashy forum. Stop acting like his lapdog.

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People having a laugh at silly stuff does not make this a trashy forum. Stop acting like his lapdog.

Silly and trashy ain't the same thing

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