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The Rules: Official Discussion & Debate


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Have the major artists and labels look to WATMM as a way to interface with their fans, and as a conduit for them to promote their works.


Is that in case of some hypothetical future in which Facebook, Twitter, & Resident Advisor cease to exist?

Really, you're that narrow-minded that you'd think I'm trying to replace those services?


Everyone have a good time coming here, and contribute meaningfully.


How do you define "everyone"? Everyone that registered after 2010? Because I'm pretty sure you've alienated everyone else.

That's your (uninformed and biased) opinion.


Have WATMM be THE electronic music resource online - get back to my nerdy, obsessive collecting of Featured Artists minutiae and have it as a resource for fans to utilize, in the best format and presentation possible, with user contributions and involvement.


If that's what you want then you should make it a blog, not a messageboard. The kind of hijinx that made this place fun were very messageboard-centric community antics. Messageboards are for posting profane, humorous things, and for neckbeards to make wall of text posts about how various pieces of art don't live up to their expectations.

How you can honestly think that message boards are proxies for profanity is beyond me. Tell the makers of IPB and Vbulletin they need to rebrand to cater to their audiences they've been ignoring all these years.



I am simply tired of this forum being looked at by professionals and others as some cesspool where the greasy little IDM prepubescent nerds hang out and share their immature fantasies and giggle at poop jokes.


The fanboy featured-artist minutae obsession & dicksucking probably does way more to turn off professionals to this site than a thread containing boobs. Liking boobs is universal, while multi-page threads about blank black boxes on discography webpages & idol worship of musicians who haven't produced anything meaningful for over a decade makes the place reek of asberger's.

Again, your misguided opinion - if you were an artist, would you want to be associated with something that you felt was immature or you disagreed with on a social, political, or personal level, especially if that association could potentially hurt your chances of being signed or attracted the wrong kind of publicity?

This totally lost me.

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I changed your avatar for that very reason - there's no reason to "protest" the banning of a member as all it does is incite others to act out, frankly creating more headaches for me.



Your headaches are coming from the fact that you banned a member no one wanted to see banned over a rule that no one thinks should be enforced. Banning avatars related to that isn't going to squash anyone's dissent, it's just going to give you more headaches.

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Well, it wouldn't be a strange idea to try to start building a new community. Has been tried in the past for a number of times with varied success rates, but it's not impossible. Most important part is that it should start somewhere from the grassroots, instead of top-down from a single individual. It begins and end with people. ... And a sexy looking forum. And more sexy than watmm is pretty much well within our reach...

Please do this. 2005-2009 WATMM was easily the most fun place on the entire internet. NSFW forum and a production forum where people discuss things other than how to make archaic acid would be heaven.

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I changed your avatar for that very reason - there's no reason to "protest" the banning of a member as all it does is incite others to act out, frankly creating more headaches for me.



Your headaches are coming from the fact that you banned a member no one wanted to see banned over a rule that no one thinks should be enforced. Banning avatars related to that isn't going to squash anyone's dissent, it's just going to give you more headaches.


This puts it pretty well. How many people are on your side, Joyrex? How many people on this forum agree with you? Are we just a vocal minority? I wouldn't be surprised if the number of people who are against the moderation of this forum were bigger than they seem, because they're too afraid of getting banned if they say anything.


And I'm down for a new forum.

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Why does the WATMM front page uses the Chosen Lords cd cover texture to satirize the Boards Of Canada promo vinyl ?


im really sorry about this question, i thought the BoC promo cover was white, my memory has failed me again, good day sir.

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I hang around here like a squirrel caught by the nuts while stealing nuts from a bird feeder.

My feelings too, in a nutshell.

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So, this looks indeed like a pissing against the wind contest.


Sorry jr, but i'm a bit disappointed with your answers. Only things i've learned in the last pages is watmm gives you headaches and people questioning your ambitions are narrow-minded. The irony is, the rules have become narrow-minded. And luke was on the money in the headaches department.


It has become a squirrel hanging by the nut sack situation where the only outs are to keep hanging (giving you headaches, and just as important, gives people painful balls), or to build a new community. With all its uncertainties, this is beginning to look better and better, btw. It's better to create something new than to keep on pissing against the wind (if that nut sack ever got loose anyways).


Back to the drawing board. People interested in drawing boards and untying their nut sacks should PM me.

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I think if you are going to go from an environment of lenient rules, and then after a long period of time, change to a much stricter approach, that you should be much less heavy-handed with the permabans. You are basically alienating the people who contributed to the community's success for the sake of cooperation with the mainstream. I don't fault you for having higher aspirations for this site, and I think that it would be really cool to have it populated with more artists/groups/whatever as members/contributors/whatever, but I've seen too many users fall to the ban hammer. It feels like high school in here or something.


There is also a sort of ridiculous level of inconsistency. Especially, seeing as that guy can have his name be "nene multiple assgasms", but a foot fetish poll thread is censored. Foot fetish's don't even require the use of genitalia.

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Guest Adam




I changed your avatar for that very reason - there's no reason to "protest" the banning of a member as all it does is incite others to act out, frankly creating more headaches for me.



Your headaches are coming from the fact that you banned a member no one wanted to see banned over a rule that no one thinks should be enforced. Banning avatars related to that isn't going to squash anyone's dissent, it's just going to give you more headaches.


This puts it pretty well. How many people are on your side, Joyrex? How many people on this forum agree with you? Are we just a vocal minority? I wouldn't be surprised if the number of people who are against the moderation of this forum were bigger than they seem, because they're too afraid of getting banned if they say anything.


And I'm down for a new forum.


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Also, if we are being frank, my harmless tribute to compson thread getting completely censored is ridiculous. It wasn't inciting anything other then people to show their love for someone they will never interact with again. Also, it was funny.

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How do you know it was funny? Did people say it was funny? Only Joyrex knows what's funny bro.


Yep, multiple people expressed their disappointment at one of the funnier recent threads getting removed unjustly.

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the rules have become narrow-minded.

The rules here are literally worse than the Holocaust.

Exactly how bad was the Holocaust for you?



The Holocaust was literally worse than the Holocaust.

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So, this looks indeed like a pissing against the wind contest.


Sorry jr, but i'm a bit disappointed with your answers. Only things i've learned in the last pages is watmm gives you headaches and people questioning your ambitions are narrow-minded. The irony is, the rules have become narrow-minded. And luke was on the money in the headaches department.


It has become a squirrel hanging by the nut sack situation where the only outs are to keep hanging (giving you headaches, and just as important, gives people painful balls), or to build a new community. With all its uncertainties, this is beginning to look better and better, btw. It's better to create something new than to keep on pissing against the wind (if that nut sack ever got loose anyways).


Back to the drawing board. People interested in drawing boards and untying their nut sacks should PM me.


this says it all...



I am simply tired of this forum being looked at by professionals and others as some cesspool where the greasy little IDM prepubescent nerds hang out and share their immature fantasies and giggle at poop jokes.



did any "professionals" even say this or is it just how joyrex views the community? it's extremely patronising (again) either way.


i'm up for trying something new goDel as long as it's not some kind of porn hub or bed of hatred like that other abomination.


let the squirrel be our mascot.

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Thanks man.


But we need personal email adresses in order to operate outside of watmm. This is Jr's place.


Glad to add you to the list!


This thread shouldn't be used to recruit people.




To keep JR somewhat happy: the new community will suck giant squirrel balls.... to the point they're soft again!


edit: and could you pm me the link to the picture with the squirrel?



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I stay because i dont know where else to chat shit to people, but watmm used to be hilarious and enjoyable, and is now an enormous amount worse. the members change etc, but if you want to try something interesting joyrex, why not just do a simple poll and find out how many of your members (which is the only content this site has) agree with it. cos i think almost everyone that makes this place what it is will disagree with not being able to joke about stupid shit.



im not even saying unban NSFW imagery, its fine that the pictures need to be cleanish, but censoring actual discussion? its just shit as fuck.

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It's a matter of the watmm crowd having fun, sometimes involving nsfw stuff, vs. Joyrex being worried that the Respectable People might not want to associate themselves the watmm crowd; at least that's what it seems to me.

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Guest theSun

i come back to get updates on electronic music and that's about it. the community feel is pretty dead imo, whether due to influx of new members or pillars of the community leaving for various reasons. whether pops thinks the forum is bigger than the sum of its parts or whether it is all based on metrics is moot for everyone besides him. however, it does make me a little sad that new members don't get to experience what i did when i joined.


this is part of a bigger criticism i have of "western" society/culture in general, and that is with the sanitization of expression. a lot of the old watmm was based on the freedom to let loose your inner troll, which is something inside just about every idm fan. nasty mspaints/photoshops are forever etched into my perception of what idm is, which is a new generation of kids fucking around with old tools/new techniques trying to invoke some sort of feeling or reaction. music should be that in general.


idm specifically is "experimental" music, so it pushes the boundaries of popular conception of the art form. so should the forum push boundaries and only remove content rarely. locking content is regular work for forum moderators, but i do not agree with removing content entirely unless it's some spam or extremely graphic.


i do want to thank joyrex for manning the ship though, he's put in a lot more work than i would ever want to moderating a bunch of teenagers coming to terms with their inner trolls

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