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Weird traditions from your local area

Soloman Tump

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This is another tradition in my village, the annual "shirt race".


It's basically a fancy dress drinking relay. Various stops along the route, one person from each team has to down a pint at each stop (then usually gets pushed to the next stop where they have to start running again).


Pretty good fun and some inventive costumes!

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we have an ultra brutal tradition here

people sit infront of their chaffinch for an hour and mark with some chalk on a stick each time it sings a song



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This is not my town but in Belgium almost anywhere can be considered local.


In the town of Aalst they hold an annual Carnival parade that they take very, very seriously. It's the biggest of the county. It's pretty grotesque and loud, and the parade cars often make fun of politicians or whatever topics that were in the news a lot.


But within the carnival theres this tradition called the "Voil Jeanetten" (translated: dirty sissies) where men dress up like women. To be a voil janet you have to: Wear something that belonged to your grandma, Wear a fur coat, Wear fake tits, Wear a corset, Have an old umbrella, Push a pram, Have a birdcage in the pram, Have a herring in the birdcage. You can also put the herring on a string on a stick. I don't know the exact rules really.





^^^starts around 0:28 onwards



It stems from a tradition from the 1800s when the working class couldn't afford fancy costumes for the carnavals, so they just put on whatever they had in the house, usually old raggedy clothes that belonged to their wives.


If you thought that vid was bad, in the past these guys were allowed to do just about anything. They really took the word "dirty" by heart.



they used to wear used tampons as earrings :facepalm:



This carnival is recognised by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. :cisfor:






Ivan wins thread

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We've got the Mari Lwyd and the Pwca.



Mari Lwyd is some far out pagan mid-winter horse goddess fertility/blessing shit maaaaaaaaaaaaan:




Pwca is the Puca of Irish Gaelic, also known as Puck in Shakespeare, a general mischief maker known to accost lost drunk folks on the way home from the pub. Not yet mentioned in any divorce proceedings.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

we have an ultra brutal tradition here

people sit infront of their chaffinch for an hour and mark with some chalk on a stick each time it sings a song





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Not where I live now, but where I grew up:




As far as I know this only happens in two towns in the world. When I was a kid chamions would definitely travel over from Sicily sometimes to compete in the USA and vice versa.


It is a mystery.

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They used to do races with milk carton boats every year on Lake Calhoun as part of the 2 week Minneapolis Aquatennial festivities, they were always pretty amusing to watch down on the beach...


This year though the downtown council is pulling some BS shortening the festival to like 4 days and cutting all of the events, such as this that made it interesting and related to the lakes. Now we get a tennis tourney and 5k run, stupid, we get that shit all the time here... A lot of people are talking of organizing the milk carton races as a third party event now unrelated to the Aquatennial.
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