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So my ex-girlfriend just put a spreadsheet on facebook, detailing all the pros and cons of her past boyfriends


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i'd love to learn chinese (or any other language for that matter).



i just tend to suck horribly at them. i'd love to get a rosetta stone and practice in the summers on something....probably spanish or french as it would be best for my line of work....then if I can ever have a more than rudimentary understanding of one of those, Korean just so I can try to impress my friends still overseas.

also these new spreadsheets are serious LOLs

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i'd score about 25-28 points on her spreadsheet (depending on her interests, friends and family). what's your "level of attractiveness for Root's crazy ex-girlfriend" watmm ?

lol we should all fill in our scores and nominate the highest one for a blind date with her.


sean pls

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

That first category is really vague dude, it doesn't read like you're an abusive partner at all. Maybe you just had a cigarette or a beer one time or something. You're reading too much into that one, plus you're in the same category as most of the other guys on the spreadsheet for that first entry. As for the blocking what content you see on Facebook thing, just unfriend her. If she's not mature enough to engage in a rational conversation with you it's not worth worrying about.

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I am one eighth asian crazy and couldn't possibly be with someone who doesn't sing like a naked angel.


*looks over at naked boyfriend*




Try this.


*passes a box of Trill*

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I've come up with a simple solution - just post this to her page:





lol! Took me a looong time.

Also, the totals don't make sense any more, please check the formulas in excel!

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I've come up with a simple solution - just post this to her page:




lol! Took me a looong time.

Also, the totals don't make sense any more, please check the formulas in excel!

What are you, German?

It's totally cool if you are BTW x

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On the plus side, you figured out she was weird and had no sense of appropriate social boundaries before getting in too deep. Anyone whose self-examination of their love life includes a spreadsheet might want to have their head examined. Might be time to start inventing embarrassing foibles and assigning them to her in your timeline. Or you could deal with it like an adult, but where's the fin in that?

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Wow. While I'm all in favour of knowing what you want out of a relationship, something this in-depth would scare the hell out of me, regardless of gender or ethnic background. Also, surely this takes any sense of enjoyment out of meeting people? And it's incredibly inappropriate and indiscreet to put it on facebook.


Anyway, anyone in their mid-20s using the term 'amazeballs' is probably worth a miss.

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i dont remember if this was made clear, but is it obvious to her friends who #1 (aka You) is?



If so and she refused to remove it, I'd say it's fair game to be an asshole back if that's your style.




And just for reference, I have had some horribly crazy women in my life. One lied about being pregnant and almost made my family disown me only to find out later that the whole thing was fabricated. I'm not fucking kidding. It still fucks me up with female relationships to this day.


So hang in there, and if it's easier for you to play the better man, do it. No one would ever think less of you.

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It's obvious that 1 is me, because of the chronological order (which is obvious if you know her dating history, 2 and 3 are pretty significant on there), and also I play instruments.


To those counting their own scores, keep in mind that many of these things are subjective. I'm a good cook, I cook like every day, and I cook for groups of people all the time. But she and I have different tastes, so I didn't get that. Also, I was willing to learn some Chinese, and practicing some elementary stuff, but apparently I didn't learn fast enough. Also, I put in a good effort with her friends and family. Her friends didn't like me off the bat, I don't know why, but I still stuck with it. I was pretty close to her brother, I played football with him and gave him girl advice. And I was nice to her mom, but obviously couldn't communicate very effectively with her. So y'all's scores might be lower than you think.


That FUCK YOU picture is hilarious. I lolled long and hard. Thank you.

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Oh, and update, she posted a blog entry (which I won't link to here as it has her name on it), which was primarily about her spreadsheet, but also mentioned how I wouldn't accept her for her spreadsheet-making self, and I made her feel bad by emailing her. WATMM, I didn't tell her not to make spreadsheets, or show them to her friends in private. I just asked her to take it off facebook. This is bananas.

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flol. Yeah, take a breather and go for a nice long walk in the countryside.







then drop by her flat and knife her to death. It's the only way to get her out of your head for good.

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Oh, and update, she posted a blog entry (which I won't link to here as it has her name on it), which was primarily about her spreadsheet, but also mentioned how I wouldn't accept her for her spreadsheet-making self, and I made her feel bad by emailing her. WATMM, I didn't tell her not to make spreadsheets, or show them to her friends in private. I just asked her to take it off facebook. This is bananas.

The wonders of communication.


But the part where your ex is bananas only affirms what we already knew. ;P



Fwiw: i have some pretty bad experiences in the communication department within relationships myself. Oddly enough i tend to be more demanding than my gf's. ( i'd expect it to be the other way around, stereotypically) I'm a sucker with a lack of confidence, i guess. Or just very demanding. Or my gf's not particularly bright.... Probably all of the above.

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Oh, and update, she posted a blog entry (which I won't link to here as it has her name on it), which was primarily about her spreadsheet, but also mentioned how I wouldn't accept her for her spreadsheet-making self, and I made her feel bad by emailing her. WATMM, I didn't tell her not to make spreadsheets, or show them to her friends in private. I just asked her to take it off facebook. This is bananas.

The wonders of communication.


But the part where your ex is bananas only affirms what we already knew. ;P



Fwiw: i have some pretty bad experiences in the communication department within relationships myself. Oddly enough i tend to be more demanding than my gf's. ( i'd expect it to be the other way around, stereotypically) I'm a sucker with a lack of confidence, i guess. Or just very demanding. Or my gf's not particularly bright.... Probably all of the above.




Prostitutes don't count as girlfriends.

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