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Fantasy Or Factual Love Interests


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tell us about her / him. are they strong, sensitive, a bit of both? maybe they are famous and you do not even know them really, but u still can't help feeling the way u do. unrequited love can be confusing and it helps to talk about it. love is complex subject so, feel free to share what u feel comfortable with and if u need to just talk about it, let off steam, express your feelings and desires, watmm is here for u.



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well, i have this intense attraction for maria de medeiros in the film henry and june. she is my little buttercup. she is the soft little whisper in my ear. i have many other love interests, but she may well be the love of my life.

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My first childhood crushes were on fictional characters for sure (I was, and still am, a 'reader').


The two that come to mind are Beverly Marsh from It and Fenchurch from Hitchiker's Guide.

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My girlfriend is awesome. I met her on the internets. I've been in several long-term relationships (none via internets) and I didn't know it was possible to be this compatible or happy with someone else. Our relationship is still young (4 mos) but we see a lot of each other and have done some very difficult practical stuff already. I am taking it day-by-day but it's very easy for me to see this going for a long-ass time. I love her. And the sex is . . . :diablo::nyan: :nyan: :nyan::snares::yeah::derp::braindance::spiteful::whistling:


As an aside, I met a pastor who marries people in NYC, and says about a quarter of the people he marries these days met online. Interesting stuff.

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at 40 years things get increasingly difficult to navigate. i still have the lustful craving for younger women, but find myself less and less interested in what they have to say. i'm sure this is the case with women to men as well, although i can't be sure exactly. i really find the beginning of the forties equally exhilarating and bewildering sexually.





She's gone.




cheer up friend, you'll find another fishy

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I've found myself looking at younger males purely from lack of availablity of older ones, I have decided however that this is counterproductive. Males prefer younger women on the whole. Now does anyone have Dave Bowman's email address?

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at 40 years things get increasingly difficult to navigate. i still have the lustful craving for younger women, but find myself less and less interested in what they have to say. i'm sure this is the case with women to men as well, although i can't be sure exactly. i really find the beginning of the forties equally exhilarating and bewildering sexually.





She's gone.




cheer up friend, you'll find another fishy



I think you are better off with someone who can stimulate your mind if you are seeking something that has longevity. A young person can be capable of relating to an older person, but I think they have to be a very special personality. There also has to exist a strong connection. In most cases though the connection is always mental before it is physical, and as such the physicality is augmented. There are many beautiful 30-40+ somethings out there. Isn't it a bit too easy to be picking up the young ones anyway? I find the idea of a beautiful mature woman to be quite appealing really. I imagine they are more relaxed and attentive.

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