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Samo's Day Old Teeth


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seriously, u would think humanity could have solved this by now. r the dentists just raking it in? is the industry sustaining itself by not creating solution like other industries do?

my teeth r fairly sound, but so many others are suffering and mine aren't perfect. what is going on? i also heard that problems in the mouth can lead to other issue in the body, is this true?


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lol your oral hygiene sux


have you never heard that dentists are basically working themselves out of a job? It's true. My teeth have had zero problems as an adult, mainly due to sealant I had put on the molars as a teen.

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lol your oral hygiene sux


have you never heard that dentists are basically working themselves out of a job? It's true. My teeth have had zero problems as an adult, mainly due to sealant I had put on the molars as a teen.

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teeth decay along with your body and mind. what's to discuss?


what about the many cultures around the world who for the most part die peaceful deaths with a full set? minerals are water soluble and the body struggles to hold them and many modern foods r deficient in minerals. if u take a mineral supplement then u only retain 10% of its value and the rest u piss away. surly these, as well as many others facts must have something to do with it.

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teeth decay along with your body and mind. what's to discuss?


what about the many cultures around the world who for the most part die peaceful deaths with a full set? minerals are water soluble and the body struggles to hold them and many modern foods r deficient in minerals. if u take a mineral supplement then u only retain 10% of its value and the rest u piss away. surly these, as well as many others facts must have something to do with it.


which cultures would they be?


those that do not have dentistry, eat sugar by the bucket load, whiten and floss.

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I think dentists are mostly a waste. Just clean your own teeth, and don't eat shitty processed foods too often. Some people I think are genetically predisposed to having stronger and healthier teeth. So maybe these cultures are that way because they happen to have a predisposition to strong teeth. As well as they probably didn't eat processed foods, crazy amounts of sugar, and used natural toothpastes that don't contain poison like the rest of us.

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teeth decay along with your body and mind. what's to discuss?


what about the many cultures around the world who for the most part die peaceful deaths with a full set? minerals are water soluble and the body struggles to hold them and many modern foods r deficient in minerals. if u take a mineral supplement then u only retain 10% of its value and the rest u piss away. surly these, as well as many others facts must have something to do with it.


which cultures would they be?


those that do not have dentistry, eat sugar by the bucket load, whiten and floss.




hunzas for starters, but there are many other cultural examples.


right. sugar, flour products and grains were the downfall of many cultures nutritionally and then of course this effected their teeth. flour products create a 'sludge' between the gum and the tooth below the gum-line and then small little beasties grow and live in there. the simple math of dental hygiene is, if u don't give them the food that they need, then they cannot survive; that goes for all disease actually; all disease is reliant on the proper environment to survive, just like a human being needs oxygen and food, same thing. deprive disease and create an incompatible environment for it to survive and it will not.

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Guest fiznuthian




teeth decay along with your body and mind. what's to discuss?


what about the many cultures around the world who for the most part die peaceful deaths with a full set? minerals are water soluble and the body struggles to hold them and many modern foods r deficient in minerals. if u take a mineral supplement then u only retain 10% of its value and the rest u piss away. surly these, as well as many others facts must have something to do with it.


which cultures would they be?


those that do not have dentistry, eat sugar by the bucket load, whiten and floss.




hunzas for starters, but there are many other cultural examples.


right. sugar, flour products and grains were the downfall of many cultures nutritionally and then of course this effected their teeth. flour products create a 'sludge' between the gum and the tooth below the gum-line and then small little beasties grow and live in there. the simple math of dental hygiene is, if u don't give them the food that they need, then they cannot survive; that goes for all disease actually; all disease is reliant on the proper environment to survive, just like a human being needs oxygen and food, same thing. deprive disease and create an incompatible environment for it to survive and it will not.




I suppose. I still primarily eat a diet of meat, fruit, eggs, and potatoes and my teeth are doing great. I continue to barely eat any grains at all, most days none. I also don't eat any nuts or seeds. My teeth are very strong still and I barely brush them or floss them. Mineral consumption, chelation from phytic acid et al, sugars, oral and intestinal microbiota, and probably more factors are involved I guess. Avoiding foods high in phytic acid and focusing on other foods that are more nutrient dense seems to work great for me though. YMMV ofcourse

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you think humanity would have solved those by now

r the troons just raking it in? is the account sustaining itself by not creating another account like other users do?

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