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Bronies Documentary

Rubin Farr

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I can see it being used as a grooming device. This sickens me.


oh my god, i didn't even think of that.


"it's ok, rainbow flutter pony does it, so you can too!"


fucking sick.

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I can see it being used as a grooming device. This sickens me.


oh my god, i didn't even think of that.


"it's ok, rainbow flutter pony does it, so you can too!"


fucking sick.

Indeed. The same can be said of furries.

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(Imagines self sitting on the front porch 50 years later)


"When I was a boy we would play with GI Joes and shoot Nerf darts at each other in the neighbor's yard...these days you can see somebody walkin' down the street with golden blonde hair and stilettos and you can't even tell what parts they had underneath!"


eventually gender will be irrelevant so why should be take it seriously now?

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Bronies, like many groups/movements, sits precariously on the edge of self analysis and definition. All that is necessary is that you look that part, which is only the average initial reaction and sartorial/aesthetic/musical adaptation to the phenomenon of bronyism. The ticket to entry is free. If you watched the brony convention, you would know that there is a very skeletal unity.

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so i just watched episodes 1 & 2 of My Little Pony to see what all the fuss is about and I don't get it. It's just your run-of-the-mill, mass-produced afternoon cartoon for kids. i mean, yeah I guess some of the characters are engaging (for children) and it's colourful and sparkly, but like - so are loads of other cartoons. why some pople have fixated on this particular example of cheaply made throwaway children's entertainment, over say powerpuff girls or something else, i couldn't tell you. only reason i can think of is it must be for strange, equine-related sexual reasons or nascent paedophillic tendencies.


therefore these bronies are all fucking weirdos and i don't like them.

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The generalizations in this thread run rampant, and you should probably check yourself before you wreck yourself.




I am inclined to agree that identifying yourself as a pony is.. unusual. I wonder what the common factor between bronies is. Maybe it has got to do with some gender dissociation, or perhaps some deeply rooted trauma. Maybe it's just one of those internet things, where you can pretend whoever you want to be on the internet.


It's so easy to get lost, innit?

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I have heard about the bronie thing all over the internet but I still don't really know what it is, and I'm to lazy to find out.


From this thread it all sounds pretty shit.




Well, one thing is for sure: These people are not like me. And if there's one thing I just can't stand, it's people who are not like me. It makes me so MAD!


I still love you, you are the best person in these world, thank you.

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totally saw a bronie on the bus yesterday, reading my little pony comics and lolling and smiling to himself. seemed pretty happy, looked like a normal guy, but then that comic looked fucking terrible, so i dunno how this works.

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the pc pool of my universities physics departement is run by bronies. They decorated the walls with posters and put signs on broken computers on which a pony is informing you that it´s broken. Their bathrooms are also full of drawings with dudes doing all kinds of things to each other, meet-up arrangements, phone numbers, email adresses, you name it. Not sure if those 2 might be connected somehow....

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Let them get on with it. It's definitely quite weird but used to enjoy Spongebob when I was obviously way too old for the target demographic. They're just taking it a bit further.

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totally saw a bronie on the bus yesterday, reading my little pony comics and lolling and smiling to himself. seemed pretty happy, looked like a normal guy, but then that comic looked fucking terrible, so i dunno how this works.

Bronies are to the 2010s, sorta like what emo kids were to the 2000s innit. I probably would've faced constant ridicule if I was into that sort of thing growing up. But maybe we're becoming more collectively accepting of diverse social groups as a species.


But is it justifiable to deprive him of his happiness? I guess as long as he's happy and not harming anyone else that's all that matters. To each their own, right.

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yeah in no way was I suggesting that they should have their MLP comics taken away, lol. let them enjoy what they want. i too enjoy weird things.

Oh I know brah, I'm not accusing you at all. I'm not personally a MLP fan (i.e. brony), but yeah, if they harmlessly enjoy things that might be a turn-off to others, more power to them anyway.

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