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cockroach backpack app!


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"..An electrode connector and electrodes are then glued on to the insect's body and a needle is used to poke a hole in their thorax in order to insert a wire.

Their antennae are then cut and electrodes are inserted. A circuit is attached to their backs, and signals are received through a mobile phone app allowing users to control the cockroaches' movements to the left and to the right."








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It's a bit terrible, but also p good. Some of you were all Nancy Grace about Bronies and Furries being pedos (lol), but augmentation is maybe the greatest perversion we have. It's a kind of domination where the flesh itself submits (lush).

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

It's a bit terrible, but also p good. Some of you were all Nancy Grace about Bronies and Furries being pedos (lol), but augmentation is maybe the greatest perversion we have. It's a kind of domination where the flesh itself submits (lush).





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It's a bit terrible, but also p good. Some of you were all Nancy Grace about Bronies and Furries being pedos (lol), but augmentation is maybe the greatest perversion we have. It's a kind of domination where the flesh itself submits (lush).

cyborgs don't sexualize children

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cyborgs have the right to children?


i guess many experiments we do "for science!" are based on some level of animal cruelty. that said, I winced when he snipped off his antennae


didn't seem like it worked all that well?

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you know how you get kids into neuroscience? thought experiments. it gets them curious--they look for answers and see that there are many possibilities, so they are inspired to read more and more, maybe even get into research as a career.


you don't get kids into neuroscience by mutilating cockroaches. fucking lol @ socially retarded people in academia

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but then again, I'm only a historian. Little experience do I have of societies in which the overall societal disregard for mutilation was overcome by scientific progression in the name of consumerism.

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lol well I know you all feel p good being outraged and I'm very happy for that.


outraged would not be the appropriate word. I'd prefer more something like "apprehensive acquiescence" or something like that.It's hard to be outraged by a standard established long before my birth.

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this doesn't strike me as either interesting or innovative. nothing new, really.



It's a bit terrible, but also p good. Some of you were all Nancy Grace about Bronies and Furries being pedos (lol), but augmentation is maybe the greatest perversion we have. It's a kind of domination where the flesh itself submits (lush).










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parents aren't going to want an RC-cockroach in their homes, most kids aren't going to want to ice or stab them, and this can be of only seriously limited educational value, lol





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