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Fuckup of the Year


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wow. i actually managed to decode dat:


you should kill for your original gangsta (og) not kill her. what type of unfavorable behavior is that? is it because you're down and out (broke)? i'm shaking my head with disgust - signed, 300

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I've been vomiting in my mouth over this for days.

just so horrible...if there is a hell I really hope this guy rots in it.

I hope jail makes swift disposal of this bitch-ass hoe-ass motherfucker.

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2 hours ago

He din do nuffin he be goin 2 church evryday gettin his life in order. It whitemans fault.


2 bad he's goin' to jail, he could of been pitchfork and fader and spin's arbitrarily hyped rapper of 2014




Sorry for the stupid comments, this honestly is too horrendous for me to comprehend. Dark humor is a coping method I guess.


Killing your mother for fucking bullshit material wealth? Fucking hell. Absolute scumbag. I've been burned out on thug and gangster rap for awhile, both from the "street cred" angle and the absurd lyricism, and I have to wonder how much perpetuating in rap of that formed such a delusional and disturbed idea as killing a loved one for money so flippantly. I mean I know it's been a part of hip-hop but considering how mainstream and appropriated hip-hop is, and the often overly academic defense of such lyrical content, I dunno it's more surreal and detached than ever. I suppose I could say the same about BM or narcocorrido though.

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Also, this is gut-wrenching on a few levels...remember when DJ Nate was assaulted recently? How much of this is tainting Chicago's non-criminal rappers and producers? Trying to get my head around this. Anyone with any insight would be nice.


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i don't get it. you guys didn't think this was already a problem when practically every rapper names their record label after money? or calls their crew something to do with money? i mean- this looks like the natural progression of that ideology.

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i don't get it. you guys didn't think this was already a problem when practically every rapper names their record label after money? or calls their crew something to do with money? i mean- this looks like the natural progression of that ideology.

haha yeah right on. i agree totally, except you're actually watering down the facts there by emphasizing the money angle instead of pointing to the most egregious offenders such as 'death row records', 'murder inc records' etc etc etc. but yeah this shouldn't be shocking when guys like eminem, who once rapped about raping drugged up underage girls (whether it was satire or what doesn't matter much imo), were pushed and promoted to the mainstream. mainstream then started the trend of pairing up the female popstars to do duets with the murder laden lyricist rappers in the 2000s. shouldn't be a surprise to anyone when one of the younger generation actually values money over the lives of others or even family.




but considering how mainstream and appropriated hip-hop is, and the often overly academic defense of such lyrical content, I dunno it's more surreal and detached than ever.

i agree with that totally. me being me, i would take the logical train of thought another step and say 'yeah its pretty insane that academia has been excusing some of these lyrics' and ask the question 'but why?' and knowing the fact that 'academia' is educated people, who should know that this kind of rhetoric being pushed and promoted and defended, could lead to this exact type of eventuality, i have to wonder if that was exactly the idea.
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haha yeah right on. i agree totally, except you're actually watering down the facts there by emphasizing the money angle instead of pointing to the most egregious offenders such as 'death row records', 'murder inc records' etc etc etc. but yeah this shouldn't be shocking when guys like eminem, who once rapped about raping drugged up underage girls (whether it was satire or what doesn't matter much imo), were pushed and promoted to the mainstream. mainstream then started the trend of pairing up the female popstars to do duets with the murder laden lyricist rappers in the 2000s. shouldn't be a surprise to anyone when one of the younger generation actually values money over the lives of others or even family.


you know, i honestly wouldn't have a problem if they named their company kill your mother records but weren't actually serious about it. the problem is, these guys ARE serious about it. cash money records (as an example) really and honestly do care only about money. lil wayne said if he couldn't make money making records, he wouldn't. murder inc. was named after a real crime organization. again, i wouldn't have a problem with that if they were doing it for fantastical reasons or even just because they enjoyed the crime stories etc. but they actually wanted to be exactly like the real murder inc organization


a lot of people give most of these guys the benefit of the doubt that they're just being creative or whatever, but for them, the image and the lifestyle is paramount to the music. the music is simply a means to live out that lifestyle- hence, if you dislike the music, you're actually hating them. mainstream rap, is a hustle

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i don't get it. you guys didn't think this was already a problem when practically every rapper names their record label after money? or calls their crew something to do with money? i mean- this looks like the natural progression of that ideology.

haha yeah right on. i agree totally, except you're actually watering down the facts there by emphasizing the money angle instead of pointing to the most egregious offenders such as 'death row records', 'murder inc records' etc etc etc. but yeah this shouldn't be shocking when guys like eminem, who once rapped about raping drugged up underage girls (whether it was satire or what doesn't matter much imo), were pushed and promoted to the mainstream. mainstream then started the trend of pairing up the female popstars to do duets with the murder laden lyricist rappers in the 2000s. shouldn't be a surprise to anyone when one of the younger generation actually values money over the lives of others or even family.






Right, because this has never happened before.

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...but for them, the image and the lifestyle is paramount to the music. the music is simply a means to live out that lifestyle- hence, if you dislike the music, you're actually hating them. mainstream rap, is a hustle

this explains why I feel so disconnected from most current hip hop. all the Tyler stuff, lil wayne, etc...it is all so hack sounding imo

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I think we should place literally all the blame on violence in TV and movies and video games.


no. this whole thing is about image. tv and movies provide entertainment, but they also give ideas. you can model your image behind a personality like al pacino's scarface. if you've seen the documentary welcome to deathrow one guy says "they lived like they were in a godfather film'. they got the idea to model their image from the godfather film. remember, tha deathrow records los angeles office was a small office in a dodgy part of town- not because they couldn't afford to rent a better office else, but because that wasn't the important part. the main objective of tha deathrow was to be better than the east coast (bad boy records) and obviously be untouchable in the west coast (hence, east vs west beef)

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I think we should place literally all the blame on violence in TV and movies and video games.

placing all the blame on those things is taking it to a ridiculous extreme, obviously. which you're well aware of. but everyone is familiar with the word 'propaganda' and the actual thing it describes, and most people accept its ability to work. so it's pretty funny to me how some people will point to fox news and its effects on the populace, or advertising and its sexist depiction of women and how that might affect them, but then turn around and say that gta5/gangsta rap/film violence has absolutely no effect whatsoever, because it's merely entertainment. media = media. it's all influential. it seems some people just like to pick and choose which things to hold responsible for their influence. btw i'm not advocating censorship.
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i was joking lol c'mon guys literally

Don't make me put a politician's opinion in a quote box!









2 hours ago

He din do nuffin he be goin 2 church evryday gettin his life in order. It whitemans fault.




Aye, those fuckin' yanks I tell ya, their dialect is completely unintelligible - an insult to the English language.



Srsly though, YCQ killing his own mother for a little dough is some wack shit. He's lucky he doesn't know me, cuz I'd personally curb stomp his fuckin' teeth out.

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...and he has his mothers name tattooed on his shoulder. What the hell. The cognitive dissonance is tranquilizing my brain into a state of flabbergasted coma.

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