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Lone - Dream Ache


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My first post here of 2014 - Happy new Year to you all.


This may be jazz and I apologise if so (though search never turned anything up), but Lone just posted this new track, Dream Ache, on his soundcloud feed the other day. I think this is probably now one of my favourite tracks of his.





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Not a bad track, it has its moments. But like much of his stuff, it feels like it's lacking something. I just can't love any of his albums I've listened to...it feels to me like he's restraining himself too much.

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Dream Ache sounds like a remix of Galaxy Garden material, similar samples. But I like the chilled vibe much better.


IMO this track and Airglow Fires + Begin to Begin are the best thing he's put out since Emerald Fantasy Tracks. Color me excited for a new album

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