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Guest weed

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Guest weed

Most members ever online in one day was 699, last accomplished on 30 Apr 2013. DAMMMNN this place has came a long way

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Things are good, weed. I mean, not really, but that's what you're supposed to say, right? Because everyone's really always miserable, and nobody wants to hear about it, so you say "good," politely, while your shriveling soul flops inside like a sock.


Edit: look at me blather on, how are you then?

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Guest weed

hahah word, I've moved from California to Oregon and kind of came to terms with life. Nice to see you still around. Is joyrex's kickstarter still going on? I wish I was around to get that email..I'd love to donate!

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Guest weed

lawllllllllll.......how about winston the whale. twat does it say? STREET ART FO LYFE YO..

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Guest weed

Hi love! how've you been? I can't believe we are going on 8 years as official members here!

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I've been good thanks :) got my new volcas this week so am an excited bunny... yeah, it's been a long strange journey over the last 8 years, there's been ups, there's been downs, tears and laughter and exciting photographs...

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