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A Forever Alone Dude kills 7 girls and himself and posted a bunch of creepy videos

producer snafu

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Talking about what they have is your very own red herring that you brought to the table. We were talking about women not desiring men below their level so not allowing themselves to be sexually available to these men. You are the one presuming that this 'level' is only determined by wealth, because it's a distracting red herring that provides ammunition for your cause whatever that is, as it then moves the ground to us appearing to state that all women are greedy or some such easy to knock down and burn straw man.

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/i'm out of this thread, i didn't like it in the first place, and now i've probably hurt a nice person's feelings for the sake of correcting their thinkings, cause i'm just wasting time on what should have been a productive sunday.


Sorry everybody, goes to do something more light hearted, that's still pretty time wastey.



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Frankly, if he were able to get laid, he'd find out that it's not all that great, anyway. There, I said it.



You're doing it wrong




Not according to everyone I have been with...




your mom!








Well if you don't enjoy sex--and you're doing it right--then you're doing it with the wrong person/people.


It's not that I don't enjoy it; it's just that I think our society overrates it, is all. There are so many other things I'd prefer to do with the people I love in my life. But then again, I think eating is kinda overrated, too. So I'm probably not representative of the norm.

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Not shagging down is a perfectly sensible thing to do, not sure why you think I'm suggesting (some/most/all/no) women are thick for acting like this.


I'm confused Madame, are you suggesting women don't make value judgements about (potential)sexual partners? It may not be as louche as a decimal scale, but come on.


The internet has done something strange to human discourse. Unless you have a legion of peer reviewed papers under your arm, you're a troll out to undermine the sincerely held beliefs of everyone else in the universe, and indeed the very fabric of their self.


This isn't the New Scientist, it's ok to talk in generalisations and anecdote.


As an Alpha male with several analogue and modular synths and a large idm record collection, I have no problem with this status quo as I'm at the top of the pyramid with the largest possible selection of mates. I do feel sorry for those males below me though.


Hi, Richard.

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The levels thing makes sense in theory, but I have scored a lot of women way above my league, maybe there was some indeterminate factor playing it's part, but I don't really believe the ladder theory. It may sound even more cynical than the level thing but I think most people can barely make rational decisions to save their lives, let alone hold themselves and others to fully consequent standards.

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Talking about what they have is your very own red herring that you brought to the table. We were talking about women not desiring men below their level so not allowing themselves to be sexually available to these men. You are the one presuming that this 'level' is only determined by wealth, because it's a distracting red herring that provides ammunition for your cause whatever that is, as it then moves the ground to us appearing to state that all women are greedy or some such easy to knock down and burn straw man.




/i'm out of this thread, i didn't like it in the first place, and now i've probably hurt a nice person's feelings for the sake of correcting their thinkings, cause i'm just wasting time on what should have been a productive sunday.


Sorry everybody, goes to do something more light hearted, that's still pretty time wastey.



are you talking about me? no i went to lunch. i think the term "level" is the confusing issue here. it's extremely vague and therefore meaningless.


are you talking about wavelength perhaps? if you are that makes more sense as why would you want to be with someone you can't communicate with?


generally speaking though i think (i could be wrong) that when someone refers to "level" they mean social status. this usually means wealth.


if you want to define this/re-define this then fine we can start talking absolutes. otherwise though this is all very blah and moot.


at the end of the day the person did not receive the care they needed in order to become a functional adult.


as a result they became severely maladjusted and went on a killing spree. the fact it was a guy who killed some girls is irrelevant.


in a previous instance a female disgruntled postal employee killed just as many other people (men and women).

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One time I saw a girls profile on okcupid that said she didn't want to date a guy who wore sneakers in public. So I'm like jeezus all her past bf's wore dress shoes and loafers and boots when they went jogging or played basketball this whole dating thing is cruel and take my wife please. I'm here all week and don't forget to tip your waiter white people be all like

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I wonder if unrealistic expectations of love promoted by movies played a part in this.


Pretty sure he didn't get his warped sense of self entitlement and pervasive narcissism from watching too many rom coms





Meh... I sympathize with the shooter. Completely, and unabashedly.


A nut, but come on. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that. Or to get up on your moral fucking high horse about it.


Anyone who can't admit that a response of anger/frustration/hate isn't a reasonable/rational one in this world, is a liar, a fraud, and a part of the problem.



I'll never understand why people don't see this. The problem is mental illness. Mental illness is often a response to a horrible society, a horrible culture. It's really not that complicated.


But instead we decide to sit around blaming the shooters, blaming gun control, etc. Every fucking time. And then there's the candlelight vigil and everyone sings their stupid fucking prayers.


It's really quite hilarious.



Why don't we change it up, and start recognizing that the shooters aren't the problem. It's the bullying, cultural values, social styles, gender roles, lack of a voice, and sexual dysfunction. It's shitty movies, shitty TV, shitty food.


I'm going to go out on a limb here. I'm sorry, you can't say I'm advocating murder. I'm not. So don't even try.


What I*am* advocating is that you fucking cowards stop trying to avoid the real reason these things happen. Because it's a fucking worthless thing to do.

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So you assess someone on compatibility. That process must contain an appraisal of their qualities, which doesn't occur in a vacuum.

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Ok, so we agree that you judge people. I'm not sure there is any moral difference between judging people by your own standards or by cultural or 'universal' criteria, which is what you seem to be implying. And I would argue that the values we use to judge other people are more culturally and universally informed than by anything else, no matter how hard we try to shed our own skin.

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One time I saw a girls profile on okcupid that said she didn't want to date a guy who wore sneakers in public. So I'm like jeezus all her past bf's wore dress shoes and loafers and boots when they went jogging or played basketball this whole dating thing is cruel and take my wife please. I'm here all week and don't forget to tip your waiter white people be all like


I've seen this before as well on OKC. I think it's more meant to deter unfashionable people. There are some dope sneakers out there. I used to be a boots & casual shoes type of fellow, but I"ve been converted to sneakers for a while because they are just loads more comfortable and don't damage your feet.

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Face the fucking facts. Women can, and often are, just as fucking deplorably disgusting and worthless as men.


There's no reason to defend them. It's as if criticizing female behavior in the slightest makes you a misogynist.


YAWN! No, seriously, post more of your social justice worthless moron bullshit on Facebook. It's really, really impressive. Just like that organic food you bought. Totally worthwhile.




In reality, women give men shit day in and day out. Let me clarify my credentials: I've fucked two different great women, who were also my girlfriends for several years each. We cared about one another. I've semi "hooked up" once or twice, and I didn't like it.


But let's be honest here, not DIS-honest. Women can be a *huge* pain in the fucking ass. It goes both ways, sure. But it's different with women. Now, this can't be BLAMED on women. But the fact is that they often do not think the same way as men. The most attractive women exist in a BUBBLE where they can get away with any kind of behavior. Women are babied by everyone around them, and raised to believe they can treat others like complete shit. Let me assure you, an ugly/weird guy goes up to a pretty girl to talk... this pretty girl 9/10 times will make a weird/disgusted face, say "fuck off," and turn away. And imagine you're this guy, and you do this 20 times. Well, I guess in OUR world, we choose to blame the guy for developing negative feelings. Instead of trying to understand him, figure out how to improve the world.


Sorry, fuckers, I'm not with that.


When you're in college, or at a bar, you go to the bar, and you do NOT act nicely, because most people are assholes with their guards up, expecting a certain way of acting. And when you approach women wanting to talk, make out, make friends, you find out very quickly that you can't just "be yourself." You can't give freely, give kindly. You can't relax and smile and expect other people to do the same. Soon after that, you see the biggest fucking douchebag motherfucking pieces of fucking shit walking around with the hottest girls. And then, you're expected to keep watching feminist horseshit telling men to feel terrible about themselves, blaming men for women getting drunk and not showing any level of responsibility and shouting "rape" when they don't like the decisions they made the night before, posting constant streams of horseshit on Facebook (don't ever write any of the things I'm writing on there if you expect to keep your hipster friends).


I guess it's still just a "simple" problem though.


Now, feminists, tell me, why is that? Can you explain that? Or are we just going to pass over this again, cogdis, etc. No, don't tell me. I know that we are. Well, fuck you. Nobody cares what you say anymore. And they shouldn't. You're outmoded. Outdated. It ain't working. These are the facts.

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Ok, so we agree that you judge people. I'm not sure there is any moral difference between judging people by your own standards or by cultural or 'universal' criteria, which is what you seem to be implying. And I would argue that the values we use to judge other people are more culturally and universally informed than by anything else, no matter how hard we try to shed our own skin.


this is a million miles away from what you originally said. i'm just going to agree to disagree.

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Face the fucking facts. Women can, and often are, just as fucking deplorably disgusting and worthless as men.


There's no reason to defend them. It's as if criticizing female behavior in the slightest makes you a misogynist.


YAWN! No, seriously, post more of your social justice worthless moron bullshit on Facebook. It's really, really impressive. Just like that organic food you bought. Totally worthwhile.




In reality, women give men shit day in and day out. Let me clarify my credentials: I've fucked two different great women, who were also my girlfriends for several years each. We cared about one another. I've semi "hooked up" once or twice, and I didn't like it.


But let's be honest here, not DIS-honest. Women can be a *huge* pain in the fucking ass. It goes both ways, sure. But it's different with women. Now, this can't be BLAMED on women. But the fact is that they often do not think the same way as men. The most attractive women exist in a BUBBLE where they can get away with any kind of behavior. Women are babied by everyone around them, and raised to believe they can treat others like complete shit. Let me assure you, an ugly/weird guy goes up to a pretty girl to talk... this pretty girl 9/10 times will make a weird/disgusted face, say "fuck off," and turn away. And imagine you're this guy, and you do this 20 times. Well, I guess in OUR world, we choose to blame the guy for developing negative feelings. Instead of trying to understand him, figure out how to improve the world.


Sorry, fuckers, I'm not with that.


When you're in college, or at a bar, you go to the bar, and you do NOT act nicely, because most people are assholes with their guards up, expecting a certain way of acting. And when you approach women wanting to talk, make out, make friends, you find out very quickly that you can't just "be yourself." You can't give freely, give kindly. You can't relax and smile and expect other people to do the same. Soon after that, you see the biggest fucking douchebag motherfucking pieces of fucking shit walking around with the hottest girls. And then, you're expected to keep watching feminist horseshit telling men to feel terrible about themselves, blaming men for women getting drunk and not showing any level of responsibility and shouting "rape" when they don't like the decisions they made the night before, posting constant streams of horseshit on Facebook (don't ever write any of the things I'm writing on there if you expect to keep your hipster friends).


I guess it's still just a "simple" problem though.


Now, feminists, tell me, why is that? Can you explain that? Or are we just going to pass over this again, cogdis, etc. No, don't tell me. I know that we are. Well, fuck you. Nobody cares what you say anymore. And they shouldn't. You're outmoded. Outdated. It ain't working. These are the facts.



Your thing about beautiful people was exactly to my point. People judge all the time to their 'level', and it's not just about materialistic things. It's a deeper subconscious thing which comes from biology as well as society and as you said being given a false sense reality by their mollycoddled upbringing if they're particularly 'special', so an athlete for a male or pretty for a girl, or just being rich for both. And this is a real thing. Like where they have those video examples of an unattractive woman dropping all the stuff from her handbag onto a busy pavement and no one comes to her aid, when a beauty does it and everyone men and women alike are all over it. I've seen the same with overweight men being ignored, sneered at, or streetbums collapsing versus someone in a business suit. We are this big mass of animals defending our perch on the tree, happy for the privilege of the warm poo dropped from those perched above us running down our faces, whilst ignoring those below, or worse should they dare come up into our space there will be swift retaliation for this most trying of slights.


The above paragraph doesn't try to invalidate the kakapo comment about fucking above or below your station depending on your sex. It is addressing a different thing.

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Levels are some lol shit


Some people are compatible with each other, some aren't


Attraction isn't a linear or objective thing


80% of my sexual partners have been people I thought were way the fuck 'out of my league'


Turns out it was all in my fucking head


So yeah Either I'm a fucking 10 or levels are bullshit

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