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Have you ever walked out on a movie and asked for a refund?

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The year: 2008


The Film: The Dark Knight


if you are a boy, there is no escaping the inevitable love that one obtains for batman at a young age.


like many of you, i grew up watching Adam West's syndicated Batman show of (1966-1968) during the 80's


i loved batman, batman just looked cool in his costume and i wanted anything batman i could get my hands on,.


in the summer of 1989, you couldn't go anywhere that time without seeing some kid wearing a batman t-shirt.

i was super stoked to see batman come out in theaters.


that year i was asked if i wanted to go to the movie theater with my friend daniel to see a movie, the mother asked us which movie we wanted to see, we botth said batman, and she didn't let us see it because she said it was too violent, so instead . . . . we watched the little mermaid.


i didn't follow the batman movies after batman retuns. back when i was a an early teen, i didn't hardly perused any movies in the theater or rent much till my late teens.


the two movies that followed after batman forever didn't really seem that appealing, batman forever had jim carrey and i was kind of turned off buy that because at the time everyone was doing their annoying impression of either fire martial bill or ace ventura, and i was burned out on carrey.


batman and robin i avoided simply because they had nipples on their costume, i should have gone and seen it because for a very long time, i had the biggest crush on drew berrymore, but nope, nipples.



by the time i was twenty four, batamn rises came out, i dunno how this one flew over my head, i guess at the time i just didn't watch any tv or see any promotional advertisements for it. i don't remember it coming out, but still i would have not gone and seen it anyways becaus ei basically grew out of batman.


i didn't plan on seeing The Darlk Knight, but i saw a recorded video clip of Kevin Smith raving about how much he loved the new batman movie and that if you were a batman fan this was the batman film you have been waiting to see all your life.

i dunno why, but that fucker sold it to me, and i had enough ,money in my pocket to see the next showing of The Dark Knight and to get a 40'z.


i got my 40 downed it and was ready to watch.


i was told about the glorious opening seen and i was looking forward to seeing Heath Ledger's performance as the joker.


so after that happened finally a scene comes along with batman in it.


i heard his voice and thought to myself, that's odd, i don't recall batman sounding like cookie monster, i didn't think too much of it because i thought in that scene that he was in, he was just trying to sound intimidating.


then i heard him have a casual conversation in his next scene as batman, and that's where i walked out.


i refused to watch a batman movie where he sounded like he had a sore throat for 2 hours.


Fuck That Shit!


i have walked out on a movie before, but i can't recall which one.


but i walked out, asked for my money back, and when they asked me why i wanted my money back, i told them that i wasn't happy with the way batman sounded. got my money back and went and got another 40'oz and went home.



so have you ever walked out on a film and if so, why?




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i usually watch 2-3 movies when i go to the cinema so no, if i dont like a movie ill just go see another one, i walked out of UP! because i couldnt be bother with it, i watched so other movie instead.

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I have frequently done this on dates after bad sex. I finish -and if not satisfied with the experience- I holler and bitch about being refunded dinner and compensated for hours of tedious manipulative labor plus physical exertion interest (I go hard, so that's like 35% at least). After they've gotten all frantic and gone fumbling for their wallet to give me whatever I want, I leave and go buy a 40oz.


But, no, never asked like that in a movie theater, I expect most things to be bad from movies, so, in short, no I have not walked out and asked for my money back from a theater, I'm also not a dick who would do that. OP is rude IMO.


Right Keith?

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Lol. Yeah, I sat through The Dark Knight and thought it was shite. I think it was the last time I went to a cinema other than the film archive. To be honest I'm not into superheroes so I don't know what I was expecting, but man, what a pretentious piece of shit. The supposedly deep content is so in your face that you can't even use it for cultural criticism other than criticism of in-your-face pretentious pseudo-depth. I'd rather watch an actual action film, I dunno, Van Damme or Jackie Chan.


Anyway, I once went to watch Berlin: Symphony of a City, but unbeknownst to me the screening included a musical performance - not just your typical piano, but some really grating jazz singer. It's a particularly rhythmic film and the rhythms of the soundtrack had no relation whatsoever to the film, so not only was the effect of the montage impossible to follow, you actually couldn't focus on the film at all because you had a girl singing and telling you stories all the fucking time. The moment they started playing a jazz version of "Another brick in the wall" as factories came on the screen the embarrassment started getting too heavy, but I sat through it all. They even had the chutzpah to make the music last longer than the bloody film. I walked away as people started clapping. I felt as if I was a fake friend who had been hired for the birthday party of the two musicians (one of whom was from the nobility, if I'm not mistaken about his name!)


oh yeah! i walked out of bambi when i was a kid! the moment the forest fire started i thought "what load of sappy bollocks, fuck this shit". to this day i still haven't watched bambi.

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I almost walked out of the new X Men. I have walked on several films but never gotten my money back. Ones that I can recall, A Beautiful Mind, Imposter (the Gary Sinese one), Mission to Mars, Alien vs Predator.


I also wanted to walk out on the Tree of Life, boring self-indulgent bs.

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Guest HokusPoker

I would have walked out of Hugo (not asked for a refund though, probably) if I'd gone to that sneak preview without company. That was the worst shit I've had to see so far.

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It kind of baffles me that you'd want a refund. I mean come on, don't be a dick. It's just a fucking movie. If you didn't like it, walk out, get over it, and let other people like it. The movie theater didn't direct the damn movie.

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The year: 2008


The Film: The Dark Knight


if you are a boy, there is no escaping the inevitable love that one obtains for batman at a young age.


like many of you, i grew up watching Adam West's syndicated Batman show of (1966-1968) during the 80's


i loved batman, batman just looked cool in his costume and i wanted anything batman i could get my hands on,.


in the summer of 1989, you couldn't go anywhere that time without seeing some kid wearing a batman t-shirt.

i was super stoked to see batman come out in theaters.


that year i was asked if i wanted to go to the movie theater with my friend daniel to see a movie, the mother asked us which movie we wanted to see, we botth said batman, and she didn't let us see it because she said it was too violent, so instead . . . . we watched the little mermaid.


i didn't follow the batman movies after batman retuns. back when i was a an early teen, i didn't hardly perused any movies in the theater or rent much till my late teens.


the two movies that followed after batman forever didn't really seem that appealing, batman forever had jim carrey and i was kind of turned off buy that because at the time everyone was doing their annoying impression of either fire martial bill or ace ventura, and i was burned out on carrey.


batman and robin i avoided simply because they had nipples on their costume, i should have gone and seen it because for a very long time, i had the biggest crush on drew berrymore, but nope, nipples.



by the time i was twenty four, batamn rises came out, i dunno how this one flew over my head, i guess at the time i just didn't watch any tv or see any promotional advertisements for it. i don't remember it coming out, but still i would have not gone and seen it anyways becaus ei basically grew out of batman.


i didn't plan on seeing The Darlk Knight, but i saw a recorded video clip of Kevin Smith raving about how much he loved the new batman movie and that if you were a batman fan this was the batman film you have been waiting to see all your life.

i dunno why, but that fucker sold it to me, and i had enough ,money in my pocket to see the next showing of The Dark Knight and to get a 40'z.


i got my 40 downed it and was ready to watch.


i was told about the glorious opening seen and i was looking forward to seeing Heath Ledger's performance as the joker.


so after that happened finally a scene comes along with batman in it.


i heard his voice and thought to myself, that's odd, i don't recall batman sounding like cookie monster, i didn't think too much of it because i thought in that scene that he was in, he was just trying to sound intimidating.


then i heard him have a casual conversation in his next scene as batman, and that's where i walked out.


i refused to watch a batman movie where he sounded like he had a sore throat for 2 hours.


Fuck That Shit!


i have walked out on a movie before, but i can't recall which one.


but i walked out, asked for my money back, and when they asked me why i wanted my money back, i told them that i wasn't happy with the way batman sounded. got my money back and went and got another 40'oz and went home.



so have you ever walked out on a film and if so, why?






I've walked out on a film, can't remember what it was. Not being able to skim films and having to sit with strangers and drive there and pathetic seating options that aren't really clean if you think about it and exit signs in your field of vision to the left and right of the screen in the dark bits and people loudly eating during the quiet bits and not being able to pause the films to pee or get a drink that's actually fizzy, fuck going to the movies, it's not for me. Have not enjoyed it more than i have and when i'm paying to not enjoy something that upsets me in a way that little else can, so haven't gone for years.

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how is asking for a refund being a dick? if you are not content with a product, do you not take it back and ask for your money, it was during the first 15 minutes of the film, it's not like i sat and watched through 45 percent of the movie.


besides, i'd rather spend the little money i did have back then on beer rather than hear batman sound ridiculous.

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how is asking for a refund being a dick? if you are not content with a product, do you not take it back and ask for your money, it was during the first 15 minutes of the film, it's not like i sat and watched through 45 percent of the movie.


besides, i'd rather spend the little money i did have back then on beer rather than hear batman sound ridiculous.


Next time you open a pack of smokes and smoke one, don't like the taste.... it's not suited to your subjective tastes.... bring it back.


Same with a bowl of cereal.


Same with alcohol.




Long story short, the theatre isn't responsible for selling a product/service to your specific tastes. The ownness is on the consumer to sufficiently research their tastes before seeing a movie.


Imagine going to a golf course and golfing a few holes, saying fuck it, turns out I don't like golf.. I want my $100 back.

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It's not being a dick to ask for a refund, and in fact it is common practise in the industry that if you walk out of a film within a reasonable period that you are entitled to a refund, which of course you are like you are allowed to return all manner of consumer goods.

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Maybe in Australia that is common practice delet.


But in other countries we don't sample everything and expect it to be to our taste before returning it because it's not.


Consumer responsibility, is what it's called.

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i didn't ask for a refund when i walked out but that was more an oversight because i just wanted to get out of there and probably was too pussy back then.


lol =P

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Maybe in Australia that is common practice delet.


But in other countries we don't sample everything and expect it to be to our taste before returning it because it's not.


Consumer responsibility, is what it's called.


i don't watch trailers because they contain spoilers, i am perfectly entitled to a refund if i haven't watched much of the movie, it's a simple formula you are wrong. If we were to use your logic well then if i demo a cd at the record store, i have now bought the product and must pay up. Ridiculous, go sit in the corporate overreach fantasist naughty corner. If the goods are not what was advertised you get a refund. In with movies that's under half of the film or something.

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Go sit in the ignorant irresponsible uneducated consumer chair.


Why see a fucking Quentin Tarantino film if you're expecting a romantic easygoing chick flick?


Your own fault.

Oh no I bought a prius. This is bullshit, it doesn't have any "git up and go".


I'll just return it.

Oh I bought twizzlers, I don't even like candy. Wtf... return.

It's not the theatre's fault you didn't like the movie, and you've now lost them some revenue by taking one of their seats.

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Go sit in the ignorant irresponsible uneducated consumer chair.


Why see a fucking Quentin Tarantino film if you're expecting a romantic easygoing chick flick?


Your own fault.

Oh no I bought a prius. This is bullshit, it doesn't have any "git up and go".


I'll just return it.

Oh I bought twizzlers, I don't even like candy. Wtf... return.


I have the law and industry practise on my side so you can say whatever you want, people have thought about this problem already and come to the most logical and fair solution.



ho ho, suck mah ballz.

or if you're not up for that.


watch the sony conference.

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i walked out of the fil,m "alcoholia"

i'm a shit poster and a shit human




man i'm pretty shitt


some poor choices put me on a tight spopt


shouldnt' be dhtat bad


you're idiots demolishing uour brutalist heritage

likewise a clockwork orange is a shit film wiht a reactionaru subtext



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Point towards the law. I'm quite acquainted with consumer law, maybe you are too. Note that these laws are different from country to country.


Industry "practice", with a "c"; yes you are correct industry practice is "the customer is always right", which is bullshit.


Sometimes the customer is just wrong.

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